Uncle Bruce

Rumors of my Demise have been Greatly Exaggerated...

By:  Uncle Bruce  •  NT  •  7 years ago  •  26 comments

Rumors of my Demise have been Greatly Exaggerated...

...to borrow from the group Rise Against.

No, I have not been kicked out of NT.  No, Perrie and I have not had a lover's quarrel.  And no, I have not died.

Frankly, I've been taking a mental health break from NT.  Because...well...this place is chock full of lunatics and Kool-aid drinking liberals.  And sometimes, it gets tiring saying the same thing to the same people and getting the same response.  It reminds me of the definition of stupid.  Yes, I'm stupid for ever thinking I could change any of your minds with facts when you've been consensually brain washed by the America hating media.

As I pointed out in an article a few weeks ago, my last few months have been busy preparing for a Submariner's Shindig at my ranch.  I had about 10 or 12 Submariners, whom I met on Facebook, descend on my spread for a weekend of near epic shenanigans.  This is the second year we have done this, and we are already planning Shindig Threepeat.  

Let me tell you a little about these shindigs.  All of these guys are Brothers of the Phin.  I have never served with any of them on any sub in my career.  I have only met them on Facebook.  And yet, they are my brothers.  I trust them with my life.  I trust them at my home, my ranch, with guns, and ordinance.  Because they are my brothers.

While checking out at Walmart the other day, the young naïve behind the counter, noticing my Submarine Veteran hat, thanked me for my service. He opined that he didn’t think he could be on a Submarine.
I replied “Submarines are not for everyone”. To which the lady behind me said “That’s the best response I’ve ever heard. I guess it takes a special kind to serve on Submarines”.

And I replied, “Y es. It takes a healthy balance of intelligence coupled with insanity. Integrity, with a dose of ‘I don’t give a shit’. “ Then borrowing from Dr. Joyce Brothers I said “It’s not bravery, but an intense insight into our own capabilities, and the knowledge that every man on the boat can and will do his job.”

No, Submarines are not for everyone. And in the old Navy of just 20 or 30 years ago, we made sure that the man standing watch next to us knew his job and did it well. After testing and trying him, forcing feelings like self-pity and sorrow out of him, he was left with confidence and pride. Pride in his job, his boat, his service, his nation. Confidence in his abilities, and the abilities of every crewman who wore the Dolphins. When the hatch shut, and the boat slipped beneath the surface, Death would smile. But the Submariner, full of pride and confidence, would smile back.  

No, young naïve, Submarines are not for everyone. Submariners are not a cut above the rest, they are cut from an entirely different cloth. There are average sailors, but no average Submariners. You are either qualified, or you’re not.

And this is why I invited my brothers to my ranch.  The sea stories flowed.  The jokes, the cuts, the shenanigans, it was all good fun.  A healthy break from here.  Each and every one of them are welcome at my house.  I love every one of them.  There are more than 1000 members here on NT.  I like maybe 6 of you.

I have also been working on my models.  I posted an updated blog here about that, which no one seems to have read.  But that's okay.  I also have a Wordpress blog where I post on my models.  Model building is another way of taking a mental break.  It helps to concentrate on the art.  

To the 6 of you, sorry for any confusion.  



jrBlog - desc
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
2  Raven Wing     7 years ago
this place is chock full of lunatics and Kool-aid drinking liberals.

As well as being chock full of Kool-aid drinking conservatives. No one group is less guilty than the other, no matter which side of the barbed sire fence on sits on.

Masters Quiet
3  Enoch    7 years ago

Dear Friend Uncle Bruce: All best wishes on your next annual submarine shindig.

Most pleased all worked so well for each involved this year.

Peace and Abundant Blessings to You and Yours.


Masters Quiet
4  PJ    7 years ago

I read your blogs.  I just didn't have anything intelligent to offer.

I normally try and read all the blogs but generally don't comment unless I have something to add.

Professor Quiet
5  sixpick    7 years ago

Well, I've always liked you whether you liked me or not.  I don't think you have an ounce of BS in your personality. You think for yourself.  If you have something to say, you say it and let the chips fall where they may.  Being a straight shooter, you're a fine gentleman who would bend over backward to help someone in need, but has little pity for those who will not help themselves.  And last but not least you're not into bickering or bitching, especially when it never ends.

Masters Quiet
5.1  PJ  replied to  sixpick @5    7 years ago

OMG - your whole comment made me chuckle.  Especially when you used the term "gentlemen" and "no BS".

I think it's safe to say you're probably one of the six since you go along with everything he says.  I'm pretty sure I didn't make that cut though.  hehehehehe


Professor Quiet
5.1.1  sixpick  replied to  PJ @5.1    7 years ago

Ha!!!  Now he is a gentleman until he gets on here and then the fighting spirit takes over and there's nothing he can do about it.  I get your point though.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
6  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    7 years ago

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Well then whose freaking funeral did I attend?  I also spent $200 on a boob-themed flower arrangement.  Perhaps next time you could let us know you are not dead just a tad earlier. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
7  Raven Wing     7 years ago

Very glad to find out that the rumors were just that....rumors. Glad to know you are safe, well, and still a part of NT.

Big hugs   (smile)

Sophomore Silent
8  GaJenn78    7 years ago

Happy to see you back! Hope your shindig is/was a blast :-). I always enjoy reading your blogs and comments

Junior Quiet
9  Spikegary    7 years ago

I usually comment on your FB Posts-we are friends there......not sure if I'm on the good list here or not.  LOL

charger 383
Professor Silent
11  charger 383    7 years ago

glad you are back, that all is well and that you had a party for the ages

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
12  Perrie Halpern R.A.    7 years ago


You know that I love you.. that is why I baked you a cake!

I think you could use a trim on the beard. 


user image
Freshman Silent
13      7 years ago

Good to hear from you Bruce, I a sure you love this::


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Freshman Silent
14      7 years ago

This I also think is a must see so as to comprehend what makes Submariners! Enjoy!


Professor Participates
15  1stwarrior    7 years ago

Bruce - sent you a PM on a submariner I play golf with - have you gotten it yet?

Freshman Silent
16  volfan    7 years ago

Good to see you, Bruce. I am only on here occasionally...for the very same reasons as you. Godspeed.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
17  The Magic 8 Ball    7 years ago
brain washed by the America hating media.

the good news my friend is there has been a shift in the paradigm,

the liberal world order is dying and  the progressive/anarchist left losses from here on out.

cheers :)


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Freshman Silent
18      7 years ago

Here is another what I think a Good Movie about what it means to be a Squid!!

 Warning::: Avoid All My Blogs they are Deadly and hence " LOCKED " :-)


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Freshman Silent
18.1    replied to  @18    7 years ago
The Enemy Below

 This is " Sound Included " :-)


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Freshman Silent
19      7 years ago

The Prise of Progress, and Submariners!
