Uncle Bruce's Weekly take on things.

I think I'm gonna try and post a blog entry each week at give my take on things. I'm doing this for several reasons. First, as a blog on NT, it's sacred. Which means I can post what I want, and I can delete comments. Blogs are sacred. Moderation is not needed, nor desired.
I will warn you, as a Submarine Sailor, my language is rather salty. Be warned.
Well, lets start with a few memes that struck my fancy this week.
Yes, the Kavanaugh confirmation made for some very funny memes. It was evident from the start that the Democrats would attempt to delay his nomination by any means necessary. Including trotting out unverifiable accusations of sexual misconduct. For you snowflake women out there who want to jump all over the Ford accusations, save it. I believe something may have happened to her. I do not believe it was Brett Kavanaugh. Frankly, the Dems didn't believe it either. They knew that there was contradictory testimony that shot her story full of holes. But they were counting on the #metoo movement to provide a buffer to them so they could demand another FBI investigation. And their hope was tht it would push the nomination off until after the November elections, so they could possibly gain control of the Senate (a pipe dream now) and block any future Trump nominations to any position. Didn't work. And it will bite them in the ass in November.
But ultimately we gained a new Justice to the Supreme Court.
This picture is not a meme, but it makes me smile every time I see it:
Speaking of the #METOO movement, when I was in Nuclear Power School in the Navy, we were taught that the # sign represented "pound". As in 150# is 150 pounds of pressure. So:
There was something else that happened this week that triggered the snowflake population. Everyone's cell phone went off with an Emergency Alert test. Yeah, it's a Homeland Security function, but it has the byline as being from the President. Man, those silly bitches on the View went into epileptic seizures about it. Of course, it had it's own share of memes that made me laugh.
I found this meme particularly funny
Too funny.
Christmas is getting close. So I decided to download to Christmas cartoons.
Okay, enough with the memes. I need to get serious for a moment and say goodbye to a dear friend.
We said good bye to another fur baby this week. Our Shih Tzu puppy of 15 years Logan was finally laid to rest. I held him for a while that morning before I took him to the vet for his journey across the Rainbow Bridge. No more pain i kept telling him. And I assured him that I would see him again in Glory.
Will Rogers is often misquoted as saying "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then I don't want to go." What he actual ly said was: “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
I have always believed that my pets will be waiting for me when I pass. I've read all the theological arguments for and against our furry friends having a place in Heaven. There are scriptures that seem to suggest a Heaven of perfect peace (the wolf and the lamb together, Lions and Ox eating grass, etc.). As well as scripture about all of God's creature.
But the best reason I've ever read about the argument has root in what Will Rogers says. Heaven will be perfect for us. And if being perfect means seeing our loving animals again, they will be there. God is a loving God. Our furry friends were gifts from him here on earth. I find it hard to accept that those gifts wont be waiting for us in Heaven.
So I will see you again Logan. In Glory. Find Belle, and Mandy. And Samantha, Holly, and Smokey. Tell them I love them.
You were a good boy.
Well, that's it. That's enough for this week. Maybe I'll do another next weekend.
If you liked the blog, great. If you didn't, chances are I probably don't give a shit. Write your own blog.
Bruce, let's see if the moderators are ready to be put to the test.
You have content in your blog post that violates the TOS and also violates the rules that were voted on that forbid sweeping generalizations, and also the coc rule against taunting.
NT is a "letter of the law" kind of a place now. You are living in the past bro.
Enjoyed your blog post Uncle Bruce....brought some smiles to my face. It's such a contrast to the hateful spew that emanates daily from certain left wing posters who will go unnamed to avoid them shame. Ignore the uninformed and out of touch haters. Have a good week sir.
Sorry John but that only applies to certain members here. I don't know how many times you have to be reminded and disappointed when you learn over and over who is expendable here and who isn't. I'm telling you this as a friend.
Sorry about your dog Bruce (I refuse to call you uncle - it reminds me of a child molester). The rest of your blog is classic Bruce......
JR is one of the 'protected class' that gets away with stuff other people get dinged for.
John. Gonna let this comment stay. The reply goes tho.
Good! That was the intent for the most part.
Uncle Bruce is back
Hey Bruce,
Really sorry for the loss of your fur baby. Each one is so special to us.
As for your blog... you might have inspired me to do one from an independent's view. That way everyone can hate me, LOL!
It's what I'm recommending to everyone now Perrie! Please do!
Keep up doing a weekly blog, Bruce, it's a good addition to the site.
This blog contains an obvious TOS violation (no sexual content) no "adult content".
Hal posted a cartoon of a statue and you deleted it. Here you have a photograph of a sex act and you say it is ok.
Thiis is not right.
There is no exemption in the TOS for blog posts. In fact the word "blog" does not appear in the TOS.
Instead of just removing it when you became aware of it, you come on the seed and give it your stamp of approval.
Additionally, you agree not to:
Your fascination with perfect tits seems insensitive considering what your wife is going through. I wonder how that makes her feel........
My mother's breast cancer has returned and her doctor was advising her she should have her breast removed. Even though she has tried to put on a good face about it she is pretty devastated.
Something to consider but I doubt you will. It's about you and what a man's man you are.
Gosh it feels so freeing to finally be able to say this to you. Blogging and saying what you want is a GREAT idea!
Let's not pretend to be a moderator now fish.
You're right, this is Bruce's blog and he doesn't need you protecting him. If my post bothers him then let him say something.
I'm giving my perspective as the daughter of a breast cancer survivor who's cancer has returned. This is something I'm sure me and Bruce can bond on. He can talk about titties and post them and I can try and explain how some survivors may find his approach insensitive.
Yeah, Ima let your comment stand PJ. I'm actually going to show it to the wife and let her opine on it.
But I will tell you what I told her when we first discovered her cancer. I don't need her breasts to love her. She knows that. It helped her decide to go ahead and have both of them removed. But she knows my love for her is more than physical. And if she has to go through chemo, and all her hair falls out, I will love her just the same.
Yes, we joke about boobs. She will send me a message at work telling me it's cold outside, and I will joke with her if her nipples are hard. If it gets to her, I know she will tell me. But she knows, because I tell her every day, that I love her, no matter what.
Well that's all I ask is that you give it some thought. It had been bothering me for quite some time.
How can you delete comments on your own blog? I can't
Trout, if you want a comment deleted on your BLOG, click the red flag, and select Blog Deletion. A moderator will delete it.
Made me grin, nice parry.
LOL. I got as far as after lunch before reading that and got my first laugh of the day. Thanks for that.
Well I have been absent from discussions for quite some time so I know little of "the climate" on the "new NT", but as to the TOS and COC I always found that one could be totally disagreeable in presentation of data or in response to others presenting data and opinions without violating either. The key to successful debate is civility - the fact that you disagree with someone does not mean that they need to be censored or that you need to make some nasty comment to them. You can always just ignore and move on rather than saying something that you know will ignite or prolong an argument that no one will win.
As to Phil's blog other than a Christmas picture and an meme on breasts that were a little more racy than I would prefer or ever post - I found it amusing other than the passing of the fur pal which is always a sad thing.
But like I said I have been absent a long time and what do I know anyway.
See you all around a little more often I hope and feel free to blast away in agreement or disagreement to anything I say, but my hope is that you will keep it will
So sorry for the loss of your fur baby. I have a dedicated spot in my garden for pets I've learned have passed. I hope it is okay for me to add a new flower to it for you.
Of course, and thank you.