Uncle Santa Bruce's Twisted Christmas Roundup!

Gather round chillrens. Get you a cup of hot chocolate, or some egg nog. Uncle Santa Bruce has his mug of Jack Daniels Egg Nog, and I'm gonna share some of my favorite Christmas songs with ya. So take a seat on the floor here. Except you Sister Mary Agnes. And you Perrie. I heard you two girls have been naughty this year. You two come sit on Uncle Santa Bruce's lap. I got a special gift for naughty girls like you.
Now, before we begin, I have to say something:
WARNING! WARNING! Some of these vids are of a very ADULT nature. If you are easily offended by sexual humor, scroll on by. WARNING! WARNING!
Uncle Santa Bruce, being a completely uncouth Submarine Sailor, who's favorite past times are drinking at the titty bar and banging snatch (clean shaven or well trimmed, Uncle Bruce doesn't like to floss while he eats) my sense of humor can be rather dark and dirty. You may not find things as funny as I do. And that's fine. I wont judge you if you don't, and I don't give a shit if you judge me. So you've been warned.
I'll start out with what I like to refer to as the Uncle Santa Bruce Family Christmas Anthem:
Man, That Kim is HOT!!!
Okay, now a twist on the Rodents of Christmas.
Okay, so if that was just too much for ya, let's deal with these rodents:
Youtube has a lot of vids attributed to the Bob Rivers Radio show. Many are not his, but this one is. A word from the Angel on top of the tree.
Okay, enough of the PG-13 stuff. Let's get on with the R and X rated stuff. Another Bob River's song.
And now, an adult twist to the Sleigh Ride:
I found a new one I really like. Since I'm now Santa at my house:
And my favorite. Santa knows all the naughty girls so...
Okay chillrens, That's some funny shit right there. I hope you got a good laugh out of them. Now run along, me and Sister Mary Agnes and Perrie are going to the bedroom so they can tell me how naughty they've been. Come along Cupcakes!
Go ahead and post your favorite Funny, or Dirty Christmas tunes.
It's true. I have been a very naughty girl, Uncle Bruce..
But be gentle.
Hey, what do you have there? Oh no.. not that.. I told you no more with the whips and chains, Great Danes and a quart of Valvoline.
Hey, when your panties have "Spank this" printed on the back, what do you expect?
Which is why I have 'Spank this' tattooed right across both butt cheeks. I never want there to be any question as to personal preference.
Nothing like knowing which end goes "up"
Really! In Cursive or Block letters? I would suspect cursive, for the discerning lady....
I think I'm gonna need more Egg Nog.
I can understand the trepidation with whips, chains and Great Danes, but Valvoline? don't you know that keeps your motor running girl?
Just out of curiosity, how do you reconcile your x rated Christmas humor with the "real" meaning of Christmas as directed by your born again religious beliefs?
John! My Broham! I thought you quit! Good to see you!
Hey buddy, maybe you missed the part in the article where I said "and I don't give a shit if you judge me".
But you know, I truly am glad you showed up. My Christmas wish for you this year John is that you get that blowjob you so desperately need! Being hetero, I would prefer you get it from a woman. But hey, in this society now, if you find a guy that wants to do it, go for it. What ever it takes for you to get rid of some of that pent up stress over the Holidays.
And don't worry John, your Idol Billy Clinton declared a blow job was not sexual relations. IN fact, if you listen to the whole "Little Hummer Girl" song above, you'll find out it's about Monica. Ol' Slick Willy knew what to do about pent up stress.
Merry Christmas my Broham!
You're more Christian than your boy Trump is, I'll give you that much.
Some people are having better holidays than I am.
The secret is in uncle Bruce's eggnog. I heard the Chemical Warfare Department made him submit a sample this year.
Does anyone know why Santa has no children? The winner gets a 3 balled billy goat, a frozen pizza, and a lifetime supply of Prep H.
Because he only comes once a year, and when he does, it's down the chimney.
Ding ding ding....we have a winner!
He's very good at keeping secrets !
The Media, or anyone else outside the family for that matter, isn't allowed anywhere near him.
Good answer also but TG had the one I was going for. You can however claim the goat and Prep H for coming in second.
An Award that Feeds and relieves...….THANKS !
I'll take it !
Now what does TG get ? Only one "Frozen Pizza" ! I got two things for 2nd.
I cheated
Well you can always share the two.
Okay.... I will ! Share the luv.