Living In Darkness
I have been away from here for a while. When I did check in it was so disturbing I stayed only briefly. I have found myself questioning on what is truly important as I watch women's rights get flushed and maniacs running for office. And worst thing - people I thought were "normal" supporting these wackadoodles. I just fell into a place where I couldn't deal with this. I was actually wishing for horrible things to happen to members of our governing bodies. We have a gubernatorial candidate that has stated the terminating of a pregnancy to save the mother's life should be outlawed. As if women's lives were expendable.... I just do not want to live in a country that thinks women are expendable, that we don't count.
Reading comments here in regards to race has completely blown my mind. I just don't get it and at this time I don't want or care to. It is ridiculous that we as a nation and a site allow the blatant racism to stand. I am not going to deal with it anymore. I may stop in to the "Cats" and visit, but I am done commenting on any threads. It is not worth the frustration and anger.
Miss you guys!!!!
Miss you too. Stop on in and say hello every once in a while. Instead of making me worry...
I'm sorry you were worried. I will be around the Cats more - things have settled down at work.
Just glad you are doing good. I don't blame you though. Too much from some people.
And the same suspects, too.
I hear you and the next 30 days will be brutal here, a new definition for the term "white noise". I also avoid a lot of the articles/seeds here now. you just need to find your happy place here. mine is the kitty group. there's probably 1 or 2 videos you'd like. as in life, it's best to stay out of places where rats fall from the ceiling, unless you've got a bat.
A good reason to stay away...who needs their racist, inane, senseless thoughts? They never change and I do not want to deal with it any longer.
I've missed you very much. I just got back from my fall fishing trip. I don;t think I missed much while I was gone
I have missed you as well....your quips always bring a smile to my face.
I truly do not think that there has been much to miss. The usuals doing what they do.
I enjoy your posts and have learned from them
I am glad you do. I will be writing a Samhain post in a week or two.
Looking forward to it.
Yours is always a voice that is calm and thoughtful and reverential …something I and all others should emulate.
Peace, sister, as always.
Glad to see you, I was wondering how you were doing. Then when the Autumn Equinox came and went without your content I was a bit worried.
Mabon was really tough this year. Work has been difficult and the celebration for me fell flat. But I promise you a great Samhain post.
Boozhoo, Veronica (greetings)
Good to see you again. Can't argue with you post it true as a country and this site.
Stop on by more often if it is to say Boozhoo.
You will know I have been here - I will vote up your articles....just check the thumbs up.
Thanks and there are 3 active ones right now
It's good to have you here, on whatever terms you choose to visit us, Veronica.
Veronica, I'm happy that you've started doing my movie quizzes again - you were missed. I agree absolutely with your article above, but I'll stay put and do my best to counter the a******* even if I'm harassed for trying. If the good guys leave the site it will ruin all that Perrie has put into it.
I really enjoy the movie quizzes and very thankful you keep doing them. It is a fun break from the brutal reality that is my life right now.
BTW - I am not planning on leaving NT. Just going to be more picky on what I read here.
It is good to hear from you and you are correct...
The good news is, real life people are not so bad.
You are correct. Most people I run in to are not so racist and bull headed as those that hide behind their keyboard.
As a nation, we are in the middle of something. We have to find the inner fortitude to see it through til the end. America will never be able to go back to normalcy until Trumpism is dead and buried.
It is sad that that is the case, but it is the case.
Nice to see you on NT again Veronica.
We are in the middle of something, but fighting with people on a site where the posters can be strictly agitators has lost its shine for me. I face a lot ever day and for the most part people F2F are not as aggressive in my life. And I do what I can to enlighten and learn from others. Too much aggression only frustrates me and makes me someone I do not like.
Of course everyone does not want to fight, and that is fine.
But a fight is necessary right now for those who are willing. Trumpism will not go away by itself , although as a bad dream we would be justified in hoping it would.
I used to think that terrible things like authoritarianism and dystopia could never happen in the US because, well, we are America. The best. But I no longer believe that way because there are too many people in this country now who are unmoored from reality, not in their own everyday lives maybe, but definitely in public activities such as voting and commenting on political issues. The leader of one of the only two major political parties in America is a cult leader. He literally seems like a character from a fantastical sort of political horror movie.
I am more afraid of apathy, which is fairly rampant right now, than I am of "fighting".
I am not going to get in a "slap fight" with you about who is doing more and who is apathetic. If you think that your scathing comments to those on the right are doing any good and changing people's minds or stances then by all means continue making them. As for me - I will not join if the fuck fest that is swirling on certain articles and save myself some grief and frustration. I prefer to discuss things with non trollish people.
ignore him, his comments, his groups...
Good advice.
Hi Veronica! So good to hear from you again. I totally understand your feelings regarding those here on NT whose only intention in even being here is to do their best to destroy this forum like they did NV. But, as long as there are some of us who will not succumb to their hateful and rhetoric NT can still go on.
Hope to see you in the Cat Adorers group. Dev is doing a great job, and makes it a fun place to visit.
I think the Cat groups are the place to be...
Vera icon ...
Will miss you Veronica.
(You were the only NT member to come visit me over at "The Gun Stalkers.")
At some point, everyone who isn't a gleeful racist is going to have to ask themselves what they are still doing messing around in this shrinking puddle of (mostly) hate speech.
There aren't that many regular users left. If you are anything resembling a normal person, and you take an unfiltered look at this site, it is like going for a ride though a right wing fun house. It is like a season of "American Horror Story: Chat Room."
Part of it comes from how this site was founded as a sort of penal colony for Newsvine users who were given the boot for CoH violations, or otherwise mostly muted over there.
Another part of it comes from this surprising detail: