On the Brink

At some point today I expect Joe Biden will be declared the winner of the presidential election. He needs no congratulations, nor does he deserve any. He entered the race only to be a tool for the defeat of a President. Those who paved the way for him starting with Jim Clyburn and then Barak Obama and then the dishonest media did it all to defeat a President. Those who voted for him are more varied. Some did it because they hated Donald Trump. Others did it because they depend on the democratic party in one way or another. I'm sure a few were convinced that Joe Biden meant a return to "normalcy." (Not many voted for Joe Biden) (The virus from China did he rest!)
He did say he will unite us didn't he? Didn't he say “I represent all of you whether you voted for me or against me?”
Who believes that?
For those who do I have some bad news. Although the media will retreat into hibernation as they did during the Obama years, the rest of us are not simply going to forgive & forget. The fact that the constant media outrage will finally subside means nothing. The fact that the constant announcements about covid and "cases" will slip away to page ten means nothing. The fact that we may now hear that covid deaths are actually going down means nothing. And the fact that the New York Times will stop following every presidential comment with "which is not true" means nothing.
Why is that?
Because Donald Trump started a movement. It's a movement made up primarily of ordinary hard working Americans. People of various backgrounds who believe in American principles. For those who don't know the President did very well with Black & Hispanic voters:
It was duly noted by AOC:
Democratic U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez vented her frustrations over what she hinted was a l ackluster Democratic turnout among Latinos Tuesday evening.
“I won’t comment much on tonight’s results as they are evolving and ongoing, but I will say we’ve been sounding the alarm about Dem vulnerabilities w/ Latinos for a long, long time,” the N.Y. congresswoman said. "There is a strategy and a path, but the necessary effort simply hasn’t been put in.”... AOC
For the first time progressives are finally realizing that many/most don't think like they do. Most people think for themselves. They don't acquire values in college! They acquire them in life, as a part of living.
There is a new movement in the land and it is big & broad and it's not going away. The RINO's who created the Lincoln Project are marked as traitors. If they represented Conservatism, they had a strange way of showing it. Throwing in with those who hate everything Conservativism stands for is unforgivable.
As for the radical left they're hopes of transforming America have been dashed. The GOP defied all odds and retained control of the Senate. Good luck with the threatened Court packing measures or adding new "states" or ending the filibuster or a green new deal or even raising taxes. As for the House race, the GOP picked up a handful of seats there. (Seven seats flipped & counting) Minority leader Kevin McCarthy gets the credit. His secret weapon - women. He recruited a lot of good female candidates. That was a page right out of Pelosi's book!
From now on I will continue to be a gentleman - most of the time. When it comes to Joe Biden, however I will talk about him like the mindless puppet he truly is. I will demean him at every opportunity.
Because it was allowed here for 4 years.

A temporary victory for the left. Everything they did was a piece of a greater strategy. They pushed COVID, so they could have lockdowns, then in turn they could justify mail-in ballot harvesting, and here we are!
That's some grade A conspiracy theory nonsense right there!
Interesting analysis from someone who claims to be so logical.
I think most of the literate world would agree with what I posted in 1. Even the left knows it. They aren't ashamed of it.
Only fox news right wing world believes that....
Fox News has 5.6 Million viewers. You say nobody else believes what I posted? Aside from your comment being a generalization, how do you know what so many think?
Where in the world did I say nobody else? Oh yeah, I didn't. My comment does not even allude to that...
If you want to talk of sweeping generalizations, start in your own backyard.
You said Only fox news right wing world believes that....
That's fairly clear!
Is not singular. And yes, I stand by what I said. Only people in a right wing news bubble believe the left used the pandemic to shut down states just to try to win an election.
I guess all the republican governors were in on the trick...
... god's will be done ...
Was it?
Van Jones: "Democrats are hurt" that election didn't repudiate Trump"
an ugly win is still a win. trumpski is on his way out the door and there are dozens of subpoenas waiting for the 1st family of crime in january. I predict the wannabe dictator will take his ball and go home in a snit well before the inauguration and VP Q-tip will be left to pardon him and his family of grifters. in the end, trumpski's loss is by his own hand alone.
I predict he is still (always) the leader of a movement despite what happened now. We may even see him run again in 2024.
prove it
Slander can never be truth. Tell everyone you know!
Better tell that to Trump, he loves to slander people, without a whit of truth, but that has never stopped him.
No, I'm talking to everyone on NT.
I agree, Trump is the leader of a MOVEMENT ...
You are down to that already?
That's sad.
So know the Dems want to be all lovey dovey...this should be entertaining.
I can almost hear the Church bells ringing!
Now my eye is twitching. Awesome.
Have I said that I hate Detroit lately?
They suck all the air out of the rest of state and money.
Tell me about it. Did you know that if you work in Detroit that you're taxed for working in Detroit? Detroit City taxes are 2-3% of a paycheck. I was pissed when I worked there and found that out. No wonder they can't get industry to come back there... the employees are screwed!
Promises aren't cheap!
Well... and Kwame ran the city for how long again? All the while stealing the people's money and doling it out to his family and friends... and prostitutes and drugs.
He did make some extravagant promises, didn't he?
And why did they believe him?
Because Kwame is charming.
It's no different than a person that's been abused staying with the abuser... make promises and full of charm. That's probably the best way to describe the relationship between Detroit's citizens and Kwame.
And I thought it was simply because he was left handed! Lol
MsAubrey you are very kind!
It's almost as though the people of Detroit don't know anything else and simply stick to what they know. I don't know how kind that is, but sometimes people are deathly afraid of change. I'm not anything like that... I jump into change like it's a refreshing pool of water. Hell... I went to school for aircraft maintenance and repair right out of HS, which got me a job as a prototype mechanic. Then decided that since I "fell" into a quality and management role, but wasn't recognized for it, I'd return to school to get a BBA in Operations Mgmt, which got me a job in quality at the company I currently work for, and then I "fell" into my IT role, because I took it upon myself to learn the engineering tools being used. I had no fear at any moment for changes I've made, no matter how drastic. I left my first husband for being verbally, mentally and emotionally abusive... no fears.
You would know better than I, the situation in your state and it's largest city. I do have some pre-conceived ideas on why the people of Detroit voted for him.
I went to school for aircraft maintenance and repair right out of HS, which got me a job as a prototype mechanic. Then decided that since I "fell" into a quality and management role, but wasn't recognized for it, I'd return to school to get a BBA in Operations Mgmt, which got me a job in quality at the company I currently work for, and then I "fell" into my IT role, because I took it upon myself to learn the engineering tools being used. I had no fear at any moment for changes I've made, no matter how drastic.
For most residing in Detroit, accomplishing what you did would have been a golden ticket out & beyond. You did well MsAubrey.
I left my first husband for being verbally, mentally and emotionally abusive... no fears.
I had my hands full when I was in my 20's, I couldn't be everywhere. I'm glad you solved it without me.
Yes, if Biden wins it's time for all Americans to come together.
Lol .... NOW it will be time ......
The last three Republican presidents , George W Bush, George HW Bush, and Ronald Reagan, all received larger percentages of the black vote than Trump, if only slightly. Heck even Bob Dole in 1996 got a higher percentage of black vote than Trump did Tuesday (12% to 8) . The only two Republican candidates in the past 40 years that didnt do a little better than Trump with black voters were McCain and Romney, and both of those cases they were running against a black opponent, Barack Obama.
In other words, the claim Trump did well with blacks on Tuesday is one last dying gasp of Trumper misinformation.
It's amazing how consistently wrong Trump and his spokespeople are about things like this.
What are the numbers for Trump?
Let's see them!
Why didnt you post it?
Why Trump won a larger share of the Black vote in 2020 ...
15 hours ago · According to AP VoteCast, Trump won 8 percent of the Black vote, about a 2 percentage-point gain on his 2016 numbers (using the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, or …
8 percent of the black vote is lower than the figure received by Reagan , Bush I, Bush II, and Dole. Other than the two that ran against Obama, those are all the republican candidates for the past 40 years.
Trump has said he was going to get the majority of the black vote. He couldnt even beat Bob Dole in that regard.
I think it was Don Jr. who has been going around saying his father could get 25% of the black vote. Not even close.
Although hispanic vote definitely helped Trump in Florida and parts of Texas, I just heard someone on tv say that overall Biden got 70% of hispanic or latino votes. I believe that is well in line with previous Democratic presidential candidates.
No need for billboards. Here is what I have:
Trump got 12% of the Black Vote and 32% of the Hispanic vote:
You are posting exit polling. The BBC article clearly states that.
I dont care if Trump got 12% of the black vote (although I am pretty sure he didnt, since the AP says he didnt). Even 12% is simply in line with previous GOP presidential candidates. End of story Vic.
12% would be an improvement on the 8% he got in 2016. An absolute expansion.
32% of the Hispanic vote should be the absolute minimum for Republicans. The GOP is the party for Hispanics
End of story, John. As bitter as it may be!
It may be one of the most frightening facts I've ever posted. (for the left)
You do your best to propagandize on behalf of the right. It is quite amusing at times. The facts always get in your way though.
The facts are all I concern myself with. I don't spend my time following Trump tweets!
Republicans should immediately select a special prosecutor to investigate Biden's involvment with his son's financial dealings. Select all Republican lawyers to investigate and spend $35 million of the taypayers dollars.
We know what he did.
You do recall that it was Republicans and their special prosecutor that investigated Hillary multiple times finding nothing. Same will happen with a Biden investigation, in fact there has already been Republicans looking into Hunter and Joe, and finding no evidence Joe was involved.
I believe there is an FBI investigation currently involving the Biden family, and do you have some privy to what the evidence is?
I think we have enough evidence for Biden as we did for Trump to start a special investigation.
Please post link/article to FBI stating they are investigating Biden family, I only see reports of investigation not actual statements from FBI.
With less than two weeks until the 2020 election, Trump is filling rallies and airtime with suggestions that Democratic nominee Joe Biden may be guilty of unspecified federal crimes.
But Trump is also frustrated that Attorney General Bill Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray haven't played along and announced that the Biden family is under investigation, according to The Washington Post and "people familiar with discussions" at the White House.
We all know what China Joe did.
I see majority of people, both left and right have Biden winning, I just don't feel it at this moment, still too many states undecided. I am hoping Biden wins but think whining from right or crowing from left is premature.
How helpful.
Well if you are going to spend your time going negative on Biden for four years at least focus on the important negatives (and stick with facts). For example, if Biden cheats at golf don't deem him dishonest scum or when he makes a verbal mistake don't diagnose him with Alzheimer's. Instead, if he tries to raise taxes or raise the ante on Obamacare criticize the flaws in his approach. It is one thing to be the faithful opposition criticizing the PotUS, but it is counter-productive to do so by nit-picking irrelevant crap and, worse, exaggerating the situation to a ridiculous extreme as was done with Trump.
Also, I suggest you not attack your fellow Biden critics if they dare acknowledge something positive of Biden. Rational criticism is appropriate and helpful but it also objectively acknowledges ALL of reality and that includes the positives.
TiG, I would think that you, of all people, would have addressed that to me.
But I think that applies to many, not just you Vic.
Oh... I will be one of them to have discussions regarding that considering I'm someone that still has 25 years left to work before I can even consider retiring. I make too much money to receive discounts, but barely enough to keep a family of 5 fed... go figure.