Liberals Show Us Who They Really Are
By: Derek Hunter

It’s time we see the far progressive left for the control freak totalitarian cancel culture that they are. We should be grateful to them for coming righ out and saying what they want to do to us and how they want to punish us all the while their weekend at Biden’s walking corpse calls for national unity, lol!

Source: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
I have to be careful in writing this column, not because I might say something I don’t mean, but because I might say exactly what I mean and the editors will cut it because it’s…well, let’s just say “not quite family friendly.” In “Groundhog Day,” Bill Murray tells Phil the groundhog “Don’t drive angry.” Writing angry is fine, but writing disgusted is something different. So, if you pick up on any subliminal messages in this piece, they are by accident (mostly).
Whatever ends up happening with the challenges in the election (the media called it for Biden and in between the time this is written and published a million accusations will have flown), I didn’t want to write an “I told you so” piece about the people pushing the “Trump in a landslide” lie ( but I was right , they were selling themselves to move books, get subscribers and clicks and you should remember that). I was left wondering what do I write about as everyone absorbs the latest news.
Then I noticed that leftists, as they always do, showed the world who they really are, and it was disgusting. And it also made my choice of topic easy.
The “conservative blogger” at the Washington Post, a troll named Jennifer Rubin, tweeted yesterday , “Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into "polite" society. We have a list.”
Leftists do love their lists, don’t they?
Never one to let something stupid pass her by, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez chimed in with , “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”
To put it as someone might tweet it, Rubin and AOC: Can’t. Understand. Normal. Things.
Not to be outdone, a group of former Pete Buttigieg’s staffers decided they wanted to make their own list, because when a dumb idea occurs to one liberal is occurs to them all, and they started one – The Trump Accountability Project .
The idea behind it was as simple as the totalitarian philosophy that inspired it – an enemies list to hunt and hound anyone who’d supported President Donald Trump the way a celebrity stalker just can’t get over the fact that the object of their desire has no idea they exist.
According to the group’s website, “We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.” Pretty sick use of Holocaust language there, but leftists always love to embrace, subtly, their history.
“We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically,” the statement on their website continues, magnanimously allowing some Americans to live, at least until the first round of purges are done.
“But,” the message continues, “those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart. The world should never forget those who, when faced with a decision, chose to put their money, their time, and their reputations behind separating children from their families, encouraging racism and anti-Semitism, and negligently causing the unnecessary loss of life and economic devastation from our country's failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Think improperly and the left will come for you the second they get a whiff of power.
Their targets are “Individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020,” and “Individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration. And finally, “Individuals who used their massive personal wealth and influence to bundle money for Trump.”
Thousands upon thousands of Americans targeted for destruction for working toward a goal Democrats deem unacceptable. Do you think they’ll stop there? Of course not.
What does it say about Joe Biden that former campaign staffers for someone under serious consideration for a Cabinet position in a potential administration would advocate and assemble a list of unacceptable people whose lives must be ruined for the sin of taking a job?
This is who liberals are – the ultimate in conformists, hell-bent on dominance and destruction of anyone they deem unacceptable. Whether it was in Moscow, Berlin, Beijing, or anywhere else “progressive” power has been flexed since it leaped from academia to the realm of politics, they’ve loved their lists. And you never want to be on one of them. It starts off with harassment, but it never ends there. Geography doesn’t matter, ideas do.
The left regularly shows the world who they really are, we’d better start believing them.
Think improperly and the left will come for you the second they get a whiff of power.
Their targets are “Individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020,” and “Individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration. And finally, “Individuals who used their massive personal wealth and influence to bundle money for Trump.”
Thousands upon thousands of Americans targeted for destruction for working toward a goal Democrats deem unacceptable. Do you think they’ll stop there? Of course not.
What does it say about Joe Biden that former campaign staffers for someone under serious consideration for a Cabinet position in a potential administration would advocate and assemble a list of unacceptable people whose lives must be ruined for the sin of taking a job?
This is who liberals are – the ultimate in conformists, hell-bent on dominance and destruction of anyone they deem unacceptable. Whether it was in Moscow, Berlin, Beijing, or anywhere else “progressive” power has been flexed since it leaped from academia to the realm of politics, they’ve loved their lists. And you never want to be on one of them.
I saw the tweets by rubin and cortez. And they have the gall to call the right nazi fascists . I’m not sure what country they think they’re living in but it’s not iran.
Nor is it our now obvious for all to see real number one enemy China either.
If they all have their way, our Uncle Joe will end up imitating the one who once led the Soviet Union.
Radical Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s call for leftists to compile a blacklist of Trump “sycophants” and supporters has triggered scathing pushback, including from notables like Hollywood actor James Woods, an outspoken conservative.
In a tweet posted Friday afternoon, she asked, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”
In response, her own sycophants rushed to announce the launch of the so-called Trump Accountability Project, which seeks to blacklist anyone who “elected, served, funded, support, and represented” the president or donated over $1,000 to him.
Other sycophants likewise began warning that anyone who hires a Trump administration official once the president leaves office “will be held accountable,” i.e., targeted with boycotts and other mob tactics.
Some feel these calls for a “blacklist” are ominously reminiscent of the Great Purge committed by deceased Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin from 1936 to 1938. The Great Purge led to the executions of up to 1.2 million dissidents.
Included among those who feel this way is Woods, who responded directly to AOC late Friday by likening her “archive” to the political lists used by the likes of “Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro.”
But in an unexpected twist, he demanded that she “ put me at the top of your list, you moron. I’d be honored .”
He wasn’t alone in demanding to be included on the lists. The sentiment was widespread among conservatives and perhaps even independents.
Driving their shared anger toward the congresswoman was likely an exasperation over what has continually been outrageously dangerous, authoritarian rhetoric from her and her allies in the Democrat Caucus.
Last year she dismissed critics of her radical proposals by saying, “We’re in charge. … I’m the boss!”
That same year, one of her radical allies, fellow New York Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez, threatened a 16-year-old conservative teen by telling him he was “right to be afraid of us.”
However, the replies to AOC’s “archive” tweet Friday seem to strongly suggest that nobody is in fact scared of her and her unscrupulous ilk ....
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Here I am progressives! Come and take me away to the re education internment camps China has built for you to house us all in! /s lol! James Woods was right to call them out to their faces.
“Trump “sycophants”
”sycophants” must be a word sent out by a liberal puppet talking head because i’ve seen some here parrot that phrase quite often.
It will take years to account for Trump's corruption!
The only way he could have gotten away with it was reelection and that did not happen. You are out of your minds to think there will not be investigations...
Cue the victim game. Elections have consequences!
It’s obvious you didn’t read the article or know what it’s about, yet that doesn’t stop you from commenting, LOL
Ok, what did Mueller miss?
What I missed is what the f¥ck your post about trump and his potential personal has anything at all to do with my seed about progressive politicians, academic, media types and others targeting American citizens who dared to support him? What exactly is the connection? Show us the link between your off topic post and the actual topic? Oh, that’s right there isn’t one. But hey, you are a liberal on a conservatives seed so anything goes, right?
Twitter reports: Control freak Trump refuses to leave the White House. (Turn on your audio)
Please explain to me what your post had to do with my seed? Oh, that’s right! Absolutely nothing to any honest objective observer. First it’s not even close to Jan 20 so it’s a moot point and second it has nothing at all to do with liberals targeting Trump supporters for punishment. Did you bother to read the seeded article before your blatantly trolling off topic comment?
These ladies are going to be demanding answers...
And, they are not first term back benchers anymore!
And? We’ll simply tell them to talk to the hand and to mind their own business. Several of them have ethical and moral issues of their own. They can try all the scorched earth tactics they want. We’ll just scorch it right back at them not to mention see how popular they and Sen. Schumer who advocated a bunch of 51-50 cram downs to advance that unpopular agenda are in Georgia.
You cannot tell Congress to "Talk to the hand".
Republicans will be forced to visit the camps...
What exactly are you saying here?
Scary that this is what they represent for their party. Can’t blame this one on the fringe.
Yes, the gop tried to demonize them all. How did that work out? They were all overwhelmingly reelected and Donald Trump was not!
Scary that fellow Americans elected people who believe in using hit list. Disturbing that it doesn’t bother you.
And yet you are okay with the guy who wanted the DOJ to start arresting his political opponents. Odd.
Pfffft! Where were you when Trump made his enemies list? There is always an accounting and that is what is about to commence. Trump might have gotten away with it if he had been reelected. But, he was not...
Just saw this on the "news"
Trump is the only President to lose the popular vote twice.
The four horse women representing the moronically stupid liberal bastions dumb enough to re-elect them?
We are all terrified.
The Democrats should be if they put those 4 front and center of their new agenda.
Funny reference to the four horsemen. All disciples of Knute Rockne, Miller, Crowley, Hayden & Stuldreher all played and coached in college and other leagues and not one of them allowed blacks on their teams.
Stellar bunch.
Maybe it was a reference to a different 4 horsemen like the ones of the apocalypse? That would be fitting for them.
Like when conservatives elect Louie Gohmert?
But, I thought stocks were supposed to drop?
Sorry, was Joe McCarthy a leftist? No, but he was an infamous list maker.
Was Richard Nixon a leftist? No, but he loved making enemy lists.
Both were extremists who made hit lists like the Unabomber.
Hopefully Joe Biden and the rest of Congress ignore such nonsense from AOC and others for the crap that it represents.
The unabomber was a leftist and Nixon was a moderate to liberal. Nice what about ism exercise there. This stuff from the left is from a far larger sampling of them than just the squad.
Unabomber was a big fan of Al Gore. His writings spoke about him often.
Nixon was a moderate to liberal? Best laugh I've had in a while. Holy revisionist history.
Just look at all the big government programs and federal bureaucracies he created.
And here I was hoping that Trump's major defeat would just STFU for you at least a minute or two.
Not! Not only that but the GOP actually gained strength this election. Added another governor and two state legislative bodies, gained seats in the house and almost certain to hold the senate. We still have the courts and we had Trump rallies all over America this weekend. We support the court and recount cases contesting the election and not only was there no mass repudiation of Trump policies but his supporters are actually stronger now. Not only did you not shut us up, you energized us and we are not apologizing for what we supported but we are doubling down upon Trumpism and ideals as the opposition if we don’t win in court and recounts. WE AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE.
If Trump cultists believe so strongly in Trumpian ideals why haven't they joined the children Trump stuck in cages? That would prove their faithfulness to the beautiful ideals Trump promotes. Trump did tell us how clean the cages are.
True as pointed out by Mitt Romney this morning, the election promoted conservative ideals while repudiating one man.
pointless anger
Would not expect you to...
The Democrats in both chambers of Congress represent more Americans than the Republicans in the House and Senate do.
Obama was the one who introduced children’s cages. Obama was the deporter in chief.
Good gawd.. liberals are sore winners too.
I was hoping it would STFU you.
How quickly some forget the glee of 4 years ago..
Poor little snowflake.
Given the way Trump and his supporters acted for 4 years, [deleted]