Professor claims China has people in America's 'core inner circle'
By: Emily Jacobs (New York Post)

A recently recorded lecture showing a Chinese Communist Party expert explaining how Beijing had "people at the top of America's core inner circle" has found its way onto the internet in the United States after being censored in China.
The lecture, given by Di Dongsheng, vice dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, in late November also included references to President-elect Joe Biden's son Hunter and his business dealings in the Communist country.
Speaking about what was pushing the Chinese to accelerate the reopening of their financial sectors, Di made the revelation that Beijing had a rarely discussed advantage in working with the US prior to the Trump administration.
"We know that the Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can't we fix the Trump administration? Why did China and the US used to be able to settle all kinds of issues between 1992 and 2016?" Di asked, going on to answer the question himself.
"I'm going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It's just because we have people at the top. We have our old friends who are at the top of America's core inner circle of power and influence," the top Chinese political scientist continued.
Di added during the lecture that "for the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States."
As for the future of the US-China relationship, Di appeared optimistic about China's ability to thrive under an incoming President Biden.
"During the US-China trade war, [Wall Street] tried to help, and I know that my friends on the US side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn't do much. But now we're seeing Biden was elected, the traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they're very close to Wall Street, so you see that, right?" Di asked the audience, noting that the next administration would likely take a very different stance from that of President Trump.
Di went on to suggest that Hunter Biden, whose business dealings in Ukraine and China have come under scrutiny, received help from the Chinese in his business efforts.
Renmin University in Beijing, ChinaAlamy Stock Photo
"Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped [Hunter] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals inside all these," Di explained.
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe reacted to the video while appearing on Fox News Monday.
"There are a lot of people who, for economic reasons, don't want China to be our greatest threat. There are a lot of people who, for political reasons, don't want China to be our greatest threat in America, but the intelligence doesn't lie. China is our greatest threat and it's not even close," the intel boss told Tucker Carlson.
"No other country has the capability of essentially taking away the American dream, and a specific plan to do so, and the intelligence is clear."

They are arrogant & determined
No pictures or cartoons
As for that person in "high places"..........May I introduce you to Fang Fang aka Christine Fang...........
I almost regret the picture ban. I'd like to get a glimpse of Ms Fang!
Open the story and there are a couple. She's a bit better looking than that Ruskie that got in deep she slept her way to the "in crowd" LOL
Oh, I see now. She looks all of 18.
Yeah they kind of touched on that in the article ...................
Eric Swalwell was very fond of her. He is kind of vulnerable to being used.
I wonder what happens with Ms Fang now that her cover has been blown. Will she join Cardi B in training young women to be spies?
You got your article posted here while I was putting mine together in We the People. I was going to delete mine and move my posts here but several were pictures and cartoons. I did bring the Tucker video with the professor here since videos weren’t prohibited
The video is acceptable. We just don't want the usual picture/cartoon slap fight. I thought it was amazing as to how much the PRC doesn't care what we think or whether we like what they do or not. They are open about it. They have arrived at what I would call near equal status. Their military is bigger than ours, but not yet as good and more importantly their military can't project power like ours can. That is changing quickly as is their second only to the US economic status.
Many Chinese students and techies in the US are spies.
Doesn't Swalwell sit on the House Intelligence Committee?
no worries, with the exception of mitch the bitch, most of those people will be leaving DC on 1/20/21.
No, they'll be entering. How much did Hunter Biden make? What a great investment that was!
The hoax that just won't die!
No surprise foreign agents are in Trump administration.
"In 2000, then-Sen. Joe Biden joined with 82 other senators and the Clinton administration in normalizing trade relations with China. It was a crucial step in allowing China to join the World Trade Organization. Labor unions like the Teamsters and the United Auto Workers hated this and mounted a feverish campaign against it. They feared that lowering trade barriers with China would flood the U.S. with cheap Chinese products and kill jobs. But Biden and others argued that it would promote economic growth and peace and help convince China to play by international rules."
History is your friend!
America's "Inner Circle" is the Trump administration! If China has spies planted highly in our government today then that means they have infiltrated Trump's inner circle!
No inner circle in the incoming Democrat administration.
Russia, Russia, Russia!
Did you even bother to read the article?
ummmmm Fang Fang left in 2015 as they were on to her. Please read ALL pertinent posts. You'll be glad you did.
She left in a hurry...
Fang, we never got to know ye!
Yup, that was Tucker at his best.
No wonder so many watch him!
One Chinese professor from some crap university says this and everyone then believes it? Come on.
Here is a news flash, most of our enemies have people in positions in our government and vice versa. That is spy craft. And that includes all of our administrations.
And a further btw, President Trump used to do business with China. His entire Macy's brand was made there as was his daughter's. He also has Chinese investors in his properties.
So come on.
Actually the US Intelligence Director has said it:
And even Nato is recognizing it:
I would say the evidence is overwhelming!
Name one thing Trump has done to benefit Russia or China while being President?
There is a reason that the Chinese government wanted Biden to win; and were pumping money into Democratic PACs.
Wanted and may have propelled right into the WH!
Time to earn what they were given!
ANYONE who believes Trump, can believe ANYTHING, and as you rightfully stated, this has been going on, on both sides for decades upon decades. Nice red meat though, for the bunch that don't know.
I think that the question is settled. China is the main threat to the US
Thanks for participating.