Despite Media Calling Trump’s End-of-year Vaccine Timeline “Preposterous,” He Was Right
By: Natalie Argyle

Well as usual Trump was right and all the nattering nabobs of negativity, read mainstream media and democrats were wrong. Trump said we’d have a vaccine by the end of the year and he did it. Three vaccines in fact and multiple therapeutics. Trump was a miracle worker. He prevented an economic collapse and got us a vaccine that is even now being distributed around the country. It’s time for the msm and democrats to bow down before Trump and acknowledge that he is right.

How good is your memory? Is it good enough to recall major headline news from a couple of months ago? Mine is. As it turns out, there are a lot of people who remember that the mainstream legacy media spent a lot of time mocking and fact checking President Trump when he said that there would be a COVID vaccine by the end of the year. I remember when MSNBC published a story titled, “Trump’s claim of a coronavirus vaccine by January is ‘preposterous.” I remember thinking to myself, “If Obama had been the president making such a statement, he would have been lauded as ‘forward-thinking,’ ‘ambitious,’ or ‘taking it seriously.’ But because it’s President Trump, who can do absolutely nothing right in their opinion, the claim is ‘preposterous’ and they’ll quote anyone who is willing to agree.”
Remember when NBC fact checked President Trump’s claim about a vaccine by the end of the year saying that he would need a ‘miracle’ to be right?
PolitiFact also fact checked the President’s claims all the way back in April, saying that campaign officials and medical professionals were contradicting each other. But Trump maintained his position that it could be done by the end of the year.
Does anyone still read The Daily Beast? If so, you might remember their editor-in-chief tweeting out one of their articles saying that “We’re f–cked” because Jared Kushner had been included in the Operation Warp Speed vaccine development efforts and the liberal media fully believes that Jared Kushner is a dangerous imbecile. The same Jared Kushner who has been instrumental in facilitating historic peace deals in the volatile Middle East region. The same Jared Kushner who contributed to the plan to develop and acquire much needed PPE and ventilators to replenish the depleted stockpiles that Obama quietly left behind.
CBS Evening News reporter Norah O’Donnell made sure her audience knew that despite President Trump’s statements about a vaccine being ready by the end of the year, ‘experts’ were saying that this was an unlikely timeline.
NPR, sticking with the party line (Democratic Party line, of course) that President Trump is anti-science, their headline in September read, “Contradicting The CDC, Trump Says COVID-19 Vaccine Could Be Ready By End Of Year.”
Despite the mainstream legacy media obviously rooting for him to fail (although I’m not sure why they would want that considering their interest in the number of COVID cases and deaths), President Trump continued to publicly declare that a vaccine would be ready by the end of the year.
And he was right.
Not only was a vaccine ready by the end of the year, but a second option will also be ready by the end of the year, and distribution has already begun.
Apparently, the “miracle” he needed was effective leadership and incentive for an productive public-private partnership. Will any of these news outlets admit that Trump was right all this time? I certainly won’t hold my breath.