Beginning to Look Like It’s Time to Invent Another Internet
By: Martha Boneta

This is indeed good news. It’s part of a multifaceted effort to disengage from big tech and fund alternatives that they and their gate keepers and government can not control. We will not be second class citizens on big tech. We will isolate and find our own alternatives that they can’t control. The links in this seed are great.

Source: Henry Thomas/World Wide Web Foundation via AP
Tim Berners-Lee, the man who invented the Internet, has become frustrated with its current state and the restrictions major corporations have placed upon the once-free environment—and he’s decided to do something about it.
He reportedly “doesn’t like how groups like Facebook, Google, and Amazon have effectively centralized the Internet, nor how they control people’s data.” So, he’s taken a sabbatical from MIT to work on a project whose platform is designed to be independent like the early days of the internet and to resist control by the tech oligarchs who now control the worldwide web.
And not a moment too soon.
Just since the regrettable riot at the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday, Twitter and Facebook have shut down President Trump’s accounts for “inciting violence.”
Amazon and Apple have joined to force Parler, a social media app widely used by conservatives already fed up with Twitter and Facebook censorship, off their platforms. It now has to reconfigure its own site and move it to new servers still unidentified. Other social media apps considered safe havens for conservatives, such as Gab and MeWe, have had their traffic curtailed or throttled .
The political director of ABC News called for a “cleansing” of Trump supporters. Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post says those who support lifting the ban on Trump’s Twitter account “are loyal to him, not the Constitution” and wrote that anyone who doesn’t support the jailing of Trump’s 80 million supporters is “complicit” in sedition.
What they tell us as they reduce conservatives’ followers, ban communications, and kick them off their platforms is that they are frightened of the right’s message, concerned about their numbers and fearful for their agenda.
Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Amazon and other tech giants are privately owned and can do what they want with their platforms , we are told. Never mind that government promoted the growth of these businesses, created the platform on which they do business and stood clear in a regulatory sense while they built dominant worldwide companies based on the understanding that they were allowing all Americans to express themselves, they might not occupy the legal high ground they think they do.
Vivek Ramaswamy and Jed Rubenfeld wrote in the Wall Street Journal that Google, Facebook and Twitter should be “treated as state actors under existing legal doctrines” because they have been “co-opted” by Congress to “do through the back door what government cannot directly accomplish under the Constitution.”
They cited the case of Rep. Cedric Raymond, D-La., who is set to work in the Biden White House, telling Facebook and Google in 2019 they “better” restrict speech he deemed harmful or face regulation, and Sen. Dick Blumenthal, D-Conn., attributing the recent crackdown on Trump and his allies to a “shift in the political winds.”
Should government demand these companies allow access to all on their platforms, especially given they are protected from liability by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act? How can courts order that President Trump not be allowed to block any Twitter followers but then allow Twitter to shut down his account?
Those are the kinds of questions that trouble Berners-Lee. Under what he calls Inrupt , users’ data is stored in a pod they control, rather than on Google’s servers, where it can be sold to others and withdrawn at the whims of the company.
As was the case with his work on the first internet, Berners-Lee is not interested in making money on his development, but he does plan to travel the globe when it goes live to help web developers understand how to make apps that will work on his new platform.
It’s unfortunate Berners-Lee has to do this. But the expectation was that Twitter, Facebook and the others would take advantage of the freedom afforded by the internet and leave it as free as they found it. This has not happened.
President Trump is not the cause of this but merely the catalyst. It is those on the right who are the intended victims. And if we don’t stand up now, it won’t be long before we have lost the opportunity to do so.
fascists, nazis, white supremacists, and confederates have no place in america, so sorry, gtfo.
Free speech does not allow criminal activity, and calling for violence qualifies as criminal activity.
They used Facebook Twitter, and you tube to plan their attack on the capitol.
Now it’s “they”, huh? [Deleted] Any other conclusion is laughable.
When the Republicans take back Congress in two years, these tech giants will
start to be broken up
most old birthers, teabags, and trumpsters will be making mudpies in the home by then.
Back to big government and more regulations? I thought you Republicans were pro capitalism. What do you guys always call the government when it interferes in private businesses? Socialist? Communist? Authoritarian? Dictatorships?
That of the seeded article... no one suggested otherwise.
Hopefully this new system will financially break big tech and all who ally with it first...
There's a problem with the internet? My internet seems to be working fine.
Some conservatives think it's broken because it's not consequence free and there are rules and terms of service they have to abide by which they believe infringes on their rights to be vile dick heads.
The creator of the original internet thinks it is all effed up and it is...thus the need for a do over.
Nah, the internet's just fine. There's enough porn on it for everyone.
So... It's like the election... or the media... or the coronavirus response... or the constitution... or the civil war... needs a do over?
You guys going to re-invent the wheel too because none of your former friends will give you rides anymore?
Trump's use of twitter is EASILY, one of the most embarrassing things ever to happen to the United States of America by a prominent figure (indeed the most prominent figure of his time) .
Now it seems, conservatives want to be fed more of this crap.
There is no accounting for taste.
Careful what you wish for!
When you live in alternative universe with alternative facts, you might as well dream of an alternative internet, too.
An alternative internet where people who believe as you do can’t control the content of people who believe as I do express is the basic idea here.
The internet is made up of private companies that control their own content. Are you suggesting government should take control of these companies ? Doesn't sound like republican ideology to me.
I think I have found what the 'parler" crowd needs as a safe space
Because of their size and control of so much information, questions about issues like antitrust, public accommodation, and national security are bound to arise
Sane people believe as Gsquare does.
So it's all about audience size? So if Will & Grace had garnered 2 billion viewers each week conservatives would have demanded the gay characters go to some reparative therapy and proclaim homosexuality is from the devil?
"You gay shows reach too many people and our conservative shows hardly have any viewers! We demand you insert conservative content since you reach so many people!".
So government should seize the data bases of all large corporations ?
Not at all. Sane people believe in the 1st amendment and the free expression of political speech and ideas. Those who are less than demand external controls to content control the expression of opposition points of view.
I think that many conservatives view it like a reverse of the times they thought were the greatest in America, you know, back when they could patronize whites only restaurants. Now they feel like the internet has "Liberals only" signs up that exclude them, but the reality is they're more like "No masturbating in the restaurant" signs and they see that and go "Awwww! But I can't help cranking one out when eating hamburgers! When will they have inclusive restaurants that let me do whatever I want?!". All the current social media companies are asking of them is to not push violent hate speech or insane demonstrably false conspiracy theories about others and they're like "Awwwww! But I can't help but call my Democrat neighbor a baby eating communist who needs to be hung! When will they have inclusive social media companies that let me do whatever I want?!"...
Just don't you dare breastfeed your baby in my wanking restaurant.
The move away from big tech is on!
Back to the Stone Age!
Not according to the article seeded above. A return to freedom is what’s coming!
Yes, on January 20th when we get rid of the horrendous Trump regime forever.
If only that were true. Just leaving the WH does not in any way mewan he is through with his hatred of America, not his rabid supporters who so loves to have do his dirty work, and who are so willing to lay their own life on the line for him. A devotion to him he so loves, and their deaths have no meaning to him at all. They are just fodder for the war he has planned to make him the Dictator of America that he is so determined to be. And he and his crime family are going to take over Florida and lead the Trump war from there.
We will not seen the last of him after January 20, 2021, that is for sure.
On Jan 20, he will have us all in chains....beginning at noon.
We will keep him front and center for all to see for the rest of his life. And we will enjoy doing so.
Oh the humanity !!!!!!!!
Keep that thought, it's great.
That is what the secular progressive left has in mind for Bible believing Christian conservatives in this country.
Such paranoid nonsense!
Such complete lunacy.
No it’s not. The types of persecution the pro same sex marriage and pro abortion left has in mind for traditional values people can be seen in how individuals and businesses who act and or speak out on their real moral values are treated.
Your delusional comments make the chance of being laughed at a reality.
Carry on
Brian Mast, great American war hero speaks the truth.
As if an attempt is made to literally be wrong on every comment. It is clownish.
On another site, there was a conservative who, I am convinced, would intentionally write comments reflecting the worst stereotype of a conservative. I think the poster was a non-conservative trying to make conservatives look bad.
Then, in contrast, we have conservatives who (apparently unknowingly) make all conservatives look bad (further the bad stereotypes) by simple expressing their thoughts.
For example, continuing to deem the election to be stolen.
But not surprising in the least.
Yes, it is!
What persecution? Who's calling for persecution? Do you even know what real persecution is? I doubt you do.
Or that evolution is pseudoscience. Among other baseless and irrational claims.
They already have one. It's called the dark web.
They want to create a White Web.
Sheets optional
No, we want a free one that no one can control content on.
Make your own then!
Again, the dark web.
Is that supposed to mean something to me?
I really don’t care. That snippet is almost 2.5 years old so this idea of his to reimagine the internet long predates the current big tech social media power grab.
Meanwhile, after 2.5 years, it still hasn't gained much traction. Seems like reimagine is still just imagined.