
Democrats really don't like democracy

Via:  XXJefferson51  •  4 years ago  •  16 comments

By:   Hugo Gurdon

Democrats really don't like democracy
public anger is bubbling up over left-wing overreach. Despite securing only an historically weak mandate last November, Democrats are trying to ram through the most radical agenda ever. Public anger is not stoked so much yet by ruinous spending and long-standing left-wing wishes wrapped dishonestly in post-pandemic rescue measures. The public gorge is rising faster over the ideological insanity of teaching schoolchildren to hate their country, hypocritical acceptance of violent rhetoric and...

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We the People

The democrats contempt for our constitutional republic, our founding, our founding fathers, and democracy itself knows no bounds.  Their actions since November 4 and after Jan. 20 are proof positive of that for all the reasons the article states and much more.  We must block their most extreme proposals now and get them out of all legislative majorities in November 2022. 

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Democrats really don't like democracy

Worried Capitol Hill Democrats whisper that they face a shellacking in the 2022 midterm elections. They’re tied 50-50 with Republicans in the Senate until Vice President Kamala Harris

Don’t bet the farm on that happening, for public anger is bubbling up over left-wing overreach. Despite securing only an historically weak mandate last November, Democrats are trying to ram through the most radical agenda ever. Public anger is not stoked so much yet by ruinous spending and long-standing left-wing wishes wrapped dishonestly in post-pandemic rescue measures. The public gorge is rising faster over the ideological insanity of teaching schoolchildren to hate their country, hypocritical acceptance of violent rhetoric and vandalism for pet causes, and gasoline being poured onto a crime conflagration to drive police retirements up and recruitment down. The middle class didn’t choose to live in the suburbs to see peaceful neighborhoods and good schools destroyed.

If the Democratic Party deserved its name, it would respond democratically by stopping and rethinking. It would push an agenda the public actually wants. But party operatives instead say they must rush the radical agenda even faster — get it done this summer — because it’ll be impossible in an election year or in the next Congress after they’ve lost. Think about that. Democrats know the public hates what they’re doing, so they slam their feet on the accelerator before voters can stop them.

Democratic disdain for the opinions of hoi polloi is everywhere. They’re trying to thwart parents’ efforts to take back schools from radicals who (encouraged by former President Barack Obama) are spoon-feeding racist anti-racism propaganda to children. Max Eden of the American Enterprise Institute writes of that counterrevolution in this week’s magazine.

agreed that his administration had no right to shred laws governing criminal sentencing just because “woke” sensibilities nudge it that way.

As the Washington Examiner wrote, “This nation’s representative democratic process comes to fruition when Congress legislates. The laws it passes represent what the people consent to at the time they are enacted.” The Biden administration and today’s Left don’t care what the people consent to. They’re our betters and intend to do what’s good for us, whether we like it or not.

It’s a clear rejection of America’s founding principle, reiterated by Abraham Lincoln on the battlefield at Gettysburg, that ours is meant to be a “government of the people, by the people, [and] for the people.” Should the undemocratic Democrats be allowed to end it? Perish the thought.


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Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    4 years ago
If the Democratic Party deserved its name, it would respond democratically by stopping and rethinking. It would push an agenda the public actually wants. But party operatives instead say they must rush the radical agenda even faster — get it done this summer — because it’ll be impossible in an election year or in the next Congress after they’ve lost. Think about that. Democrats know the public hates what they’re doing, so they slam their feet on the accelerator before voters can stop them.

Democratic disdain for the opinions of hoi polloi is everywhere. They’re trying to thwart parents’ efforts to take back schools from radicals who (encouraged by former President Barack Obama) are spoon-feeding racist anti-racism propaganda to children. Max Eden of the American Enterprise Institute writes of that counterrevolution in this week’s magazine.

agreed that his administration had no right to shred laws governing criminal sentencing just because “woke” sensibilities nudge it that way.

As the Washington Examiner wrote, “This nation’s representative democratic process comes to fruition when Congress legislates. The laws it passes represent what the people consent to at the time they are enacted.” The Biden administration and today’s Left don’t care what the people consent to. They’re our betters and intend to do what’s good for us, whether we like it or not.
Senior Guide
1.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    4 years ago

Lawless Jackasses!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2  Vic Eldred    4 years ago

Biden's down to 48% approval. I have a hunch it's much worse that that.

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Vic Eldred @2    4 years ago

Sadly I agree.  He’s doing his level best to ruin our economy and our country and it will take a toll on his popularity when he’s successful at causing such damage with his policies. 

Professor Participates
2.1.1  bugsy  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.1    4 years ago
He’s doing his level best to ruin our economy and our country and it will take a toll on his popularity when he’s successful at causing such damage with his policies. 

To be perfectly honest, I believe he has absolutely no idea what is happening in this country. His role is to read off a teleprompter and to sign what his handlers tell him to.

No thinking involved.

A true left mindset.

Senior Guide
2.1.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bugsy @2.1.1    4 years ago

He could be that far gone and living off of their claims of him having a big legacy. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
2.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Vic Eldred @2    4 years ago
Biden's down to 48% approval

According to Gallup the most recent trusted polling data shows Biden at 54% approval which is leaps and bounds over the 39% Trump had in his first year.

This seed is just more conservative sour grapes. They even claim it was a "historically weak mandate last November" when Biden won by exactly the same electoral college votes as Trump did in 2016 and had the largest popular vote win margin since Obama won by 10 million in 2008.

Also, the claim that this is " the most radical agenda ever" is total bullshit. Obviously the creation of social security, Medicare and the new deal were far more radical in their time than Biden's modest asks.

"This nation’s representative democratic process comes to fruition when Congress legislates. The laws it passes represent what the people consent to at the time they are enacted.”

When you have legislators like Mitch McConnell saying he will try and block anything Democrats do that isn't representing the people, its pure partisan politics. Republicans think they represent the people but in fact they represent a minority of whiny bigots who would rather sabotage the whole process than allow their opponents a win regardless of whether its good for the American people or not. We've seen it with the ACA, they've fought tooth and nail against it with nothing proposed to replace it but the American people and now even the conservative SCOTUS have told anti-ACA Republicans to fuck off.

The truly anti-Democracy dipshits are those conservatives who believe their minority speaks for the majority and are trying their hardest to disenfranchise eligible voters with hundreds of new voting laws designed to discourage voters they know are most likely to vote for Democrats because they know they can't win if all eligible voters actually vote. The more eligible voters who vote the less likely Republicans win elections and they know it which is why they had to invent the bullshit lies about supposed widespread voter fraud they have failed time and time again to prove.

Freshman Quiet
2.2.1  exexpatnowinTX  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.2    4 years ago
According to Gallup the most recent trusted polling data shows Biden at 54%

And then there's this:

The president’s approval rating has dropped by six points since April, and sits at 48 percent in the latest poll. This is the first Monmouth survey since Mr. Biden took office in which his approval has fallen below 50 percent. Still, with just 43 percent expressing disapproval, he isn’t in the red. The dip was driven partly by liberals, whose approval of Mr. Biden fell by 12 points, to 76 percent, in the latest poll.

Read all about it here, and please note that this is from the NY Times, not and never to be confused with a Conservative or Republican leaning publication:

Senior Guide
2.2.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.2    4 years ago

The democrats total disdain for our constitutional republic, our founding fathers, our founding documents, and our representative republic itself knows no limits at all. Their actions since the last election are proof positive of that for the reasons the article mentions and so much more.  We must stop their most extreme ideas now and get them out of their federal legislative majorities in November 2022. 

Senior Guide
2.2.3  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  exexpatnowinTX @2.2.1    4 years ago

How could you?  Zapping them with their own idiot media had to sting!  

Senior Guide
4  seeder  XXJefferson51    4 years ago

Democracy is anathema to way too many of today’s democrats


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