AT&T Employee Training Program Says, 'White People, You are the Problem'
By: Brittany Bernstein (MSN)
Holy shit....................crazy is on parade.
AT&T Corporation is putting its employees through a racial reeducation program that teaches that "American racism is a uniquely white trait" and tells white people that they are "the problem," according to a new report.
© Octavio Jones/Reuters An AT&T mobile phone store displays a "now hiring" sign in Tampa, Fla., June 1, 2021.
According to internal documents obtained by City Journal's Christopher Rufo, the company implemented an initiative called the Listen Understand Act last year, which is based on the core principles of critical race theory, including intersectionality, systemic racism, white privilege and white fragility. The program peddles left-wing causes including reparations, defunding the police and transgender activism, according to Rufo.
I have obtained a cache of internal documents about the company's initiative, called Listen Understand Act, which is based on the core principles of critical race theory, including "intersectionality," "systemic racism," "white privilege," and "white fragility."
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) October 28, 2021
CEO John Stankey has claimed that private corporations, including his own, have an "obligation to engage on this issue of racial injustice" and to advocate for "system reforms in police departments across the country.
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A senior employee reportedly told Rufo that managers at the company now face annual assessments on diversity issues and are forced to participate in discussion groups, book clubs, mentorship programs and race reeducation exercises.
White employees who are unwilling to admit to being complicit in "white privilege" and "systemic racism" can be penalized in their performance reviews. Additionally, those who refuse to sign a loyalty pledge to "keep pushing for change" and to set "intentions" such as "reading more about systemic racism" and "challenging others' language that is hateful," are considered "racist," the employee told Rufo.
The program encourages employees to read an article titled, "White America, if you want to know who's responsible for racism, look in the mirror."
The article, written by Dahleen Glanton, says: "White people, you are the problem. Regardless of how much you say you detest racism, you are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries."
It adds that "American racism is a uniquely white trait" and that "Black people cannot be racist."
The training encourages employees to undertake a "21-Day Racial Equity Habit Challenge" that calls on employees to "do one action [per day for 21 days] to further [their] understanding of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity."
It includes lessons on "whiteness" that teach that "white supremacy [is] baked into our country's foundation" and that "Whiteness is one of the biggest and most long-running scams ever perpetrated." The challenge adds that the "weaponization of whiteness" creates a "constant barrage of harm" for minorities.
The challenge also recommends that employees review articles and videos that advocate for a number of progressive causes and asks employees to "follow, quote, repost, and retweet" organizations such as the Transgender Training Institute and the National Center for Transgender Equality.
What in the holy hell is this coming to? What bullshit this is. Reminded of an article I posted the other day. "The Tenets of Our Liberal Culture are Getting Even More Ridiculous".
And it isn't pretty. Kind of like the latest four star general.
[and no value.]
I hope they don't forget the starch. Want that point to be on point...
Don't forget: they really arent teaching CRT anywhere! / S
Does AT&T think white customers and stockholder are the problem too?
Anybody who is still either of those is a problem, yes. Not related to race, though.
Sorry....going to rant about this shit for a minute.
If you are an ATT investor , you've lost 30% of your money in the last 5 years. Thirty. Three - zero. The S&P 500 has more than doubled in that time.
If you're an ATT mobile customer, your phone is 25% slower on average than the same device would be on T-Mobile.
If you're an internet customer, your broadband access is slower than it would be with almost every one of their competitors.
ATT and subsidiary Direct TV both rank in the top 6 of "worst customer service" companies in the US.
So naturally....when your company is flushing itself down the should spend your time on batshit political fuckwittery instead of spending it on improving your shitshow of a company.
As a brilliant philosopher once said... Great Gobs of Henshit!
These fucking people.
No wonder my roommate from college just retired early from that shitshow! Haven't had a chance to talk to him about this yet, but I'm sure it had something to do with his early departure. Hope he rolls out of any stock options he had before it's too late! Multiple anti-trust lawsuits couldn't bring that company down, but it seems to be happy rotting away from the inside instead.
I guess I won’t be switching back to their cell phone service anytime soon.
laimed that private corporations, including his own, have an "obligation to engage on this issue of racial injustice" and to advocate for "system reforms in police departments across the country
There's so much crazy in this story, but for starters, a corporation has an obligation to make money for it's shareholders. It is not responsible for social engineering.
There really is nothing in these paragraphs that is incorrect. Such as , white America is responsible for racism. That is true. White people are the sole reason racism in America has existed for centuries. That is true. White supremacy is baked into our country's foundation. That is true.
The only thing I really disagree with in here is that only whites can be racist. That is not true. However, black racism or NA racism or Asian racism or hispanic racism towards whites is almost always a reaction by the person of color against the racism they have experienced from whites. The most well know example of this was perhaps Rev Wright, Obama's pastor who was a disciple of Black Liberation Theology and preached it in his church. Yes, you could call Wright a racist for his words, but Black Liberation Theology was entirely based on calling on God to punish whites for having been racist toward non whites for centuries. It wasnt based on "black supremacy".
Right wing whites cannot come to psychological grips with the fact that people of color now have their own agency, and now as the future is closing in, whites have taken to claiming they are the real victims.
It of course doesnt have to be this way. People could simply accept things like the ATT anti-racism seminars , go through it, and not bitch about it, and soon enough it would be over, but that would be an acknowledgement that whites are no longer in complete control. And that scares the shit out of most conservative whites.
All white people are automatically racist from the second they are born. Do you really believe the shit you are trying to sell?
No, the AT&T employees should quit enmasse. See if AT&T can exist without the "white" people it so despises. They just made my choice for shopping for a new cell phone provider easier. I am an American mutt; but no way in hell will I support any company that crams this bullshit down their employees' throats.
It is hilarious that you think this will ever end. Next will be demands for reparations; which will need to be granted even though not one damn person is still alive that was either a slave or a slave owner in the US today. If anyone disagrees to reparations then racism will still be alive. Reeducation camps will not be far behind.
Before this all happens every last damn person in the US needs to be issued a federal ID denoting their race after taking a genetics test. Let the left figure out how it is going to attack individuals when it finds out there are very few true "whites" in this country. I will gladly accept my card so I can shove it in the face of any pandering leftist moron peddling their BS.
You dont understand racism and it is a waste of time to talk to you.
Hell no, that would mean he believes himself to be a racist. It’s only white right wing people silly.
Oh, I know I am not racist. Don't worry about it at all.
But in the context of the history of racism in America it is not far fetched to say "all whites are racist" . It doesnt mean that every single individual in the country must admit they are racist, it means that we have lived in a racist country for 400 years.
And you felt the need to declare that why? Seems extremely odd that you felt the need to let us know that.
I was asked a question.
Thanks for the concern.
I think you need to do more to prove it. Virtue signaling exonerates no one.
Of course not, you definitely aren’t Republican so in your mind you can’t be right? It’s just all the whites who don’t agree with you politically.
.... said every racist ever ......
I am not racist, I let my girlfriend sleep with the Wutang Clan.
you dont know what you are talking about
Opinions do vary
That's racist towards Wang Chung tonite.
Dave Chappelle recently admitted that he likes white people. I'm hoping the retarded white people who plague social media declaring they are not racist can start liking white people too.
He's not stupid .... he likes white peoples $$ ..... plus he's not stupid.
John, if you are white, then by your standards, you are racist.
Again, I want my damn race card so I can whip it out any time some BS liberal spouts off at me. I been a victim of more racism than you ever will dream of seeing.
You don't understand racism; and wrapping it in a bunch of liberal BS creating victims- is a sure damn way to make sure victimhood continues. But that is all the left wants, a bunch of loyal victims they can continue to take advantage of.
My mistake. The left whites are already thoroughly self hating enough (at least in public) to never be racist. Until they start in with their racist and mysogynistic remarks about minority and women conservatives.
So you haven't benefited at all from systemic white racism? That is the very crux of your entire misguided belief system; that this entire country is build on racism, and has racism built into it's core at every level of government and laws.
Unless you aren't white; then you might stand a chance of escaping the system. You had better break out the massive leftist tier chart of privilege to see where you fall on it. Make sure you have enough contriteness and self hatred. Wouldn't want to run afoul of far leftist whites that are more woke than you are.
Oh for fuck's sake.
That is the daftest bullshit you've tried to push this week.
There really is a lot in these paragraphs that is incorrect. One thing I notice you are doing is changing the words to make them less incorrect. But your words are not their words.
First of all, America is not responsible for all racism, just the racism within America that was supported by American law and policy. In a free country, the government can’t control everything people think and do.
But in any event, “America is responsible for racism” isn’t even what they said. That’s what you said. They said “white people (presumably living white people) . . . are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries.”
First of all, the idea that living white people are responsible for anything their ancestors did is just dumb. It’s also racist. It’s also not true that white people generally are the sole reason racism has existed for centuries. Racism is a trait of human nature. ALL peoples all over the world, and throughout time, have practiced it. All human groups of every color have been unjust to people who are different from their own community. And if you don’t believe that, you need to study some history.
Also, racism has not “flourished” for centuries in America. It has been dying a slow death since the founding of this country.
Furthermore, no group is more responsible for helping to reduce racism in America than white people. Half a million white people died fighting for that. White people enacted the 13th Amendment ending slavery, the 14th Amendment guaranteeing equal justice before the law, and the 15th Amendment giving black people the right to vote. In the 20th century, white judges repeatedly enforced the principles of equality and justice to the benefit of people of color. When black people demonstrated for their rights, white people went with them, even though they themselves wouldn’t benefit directly.
And those traditions continue to this day. Every year, millions upon millions of white people vote for black people to be their political leaders locally, and at the state and federal levels, too. They also vote for people of other ethnic backgrounds. You might not be aware of this, but that kind of thing (i.e., a racial majority empowering a racial minority) largely doesn’t happen in other countries.
Not quite. Certainly that is sometimes true. But in many cases, such racism stems from the age old tendency of any group of people to think they are better than other people.
It’s not about white control. Hell, this stupid program was probably the brain child fart of some stupid white man. There is nothing productive about this approach to racial justice. Condemning all white people, dead or alive, is racist, dumb, and only promotes racial division.
Just so you know,
I said
"Such as , white America is responsible for racism."
the article said
""White America, if you want to know who's responsible for racism, look in the mirror.""
So you're wrong on that one. You're wrong on the other two also. Should I keep going ?
You’re wrong. I quoted you and I quoted the article.
You have a very Pollyanish view of American history. The founding of the US was not the beginning of the reduction of racism. There were far far more slaves in the US in 1860 than there were in 1776. Nor did the civil war reduce racism. It is very arguable that racism increased in the south as whites found themselves in "competition" with free blacks not only for land and employment, but also for political power. Before long Reconstruction was a failure and whites cracked down on black rights to an extent that would last almost another one hundred years. The idea that the 20th century was a period of growing racial harmony is laughable.
I am not in the mood to go on with this right now, but may come back to it.
No, I quoted myself and the article. You must be confused.
That fatigue you’re feeling is probably cognitive dissonance. It comes from the emotions that you have about the situation but those feelings contradict the facts - all of which you chose to ignore.
Its been a long day of arguing with people who dont know what they are talking about.
Tell us about all the racial equality that existed before the mid 1960's.
The fact that blacks were made US citizens in 1865 did very little to reduce racism.
Until about 1980 most blacks lived in segregated neighborhoods , or "changing neighborhoods" , very few were welcomed to live with whites in integrated areas. Do you think this was because of racism or was there some other explanation.
I have tried to tell you about several steps along a spectrum of gradually improving and expanding racial justice. If you won’t see it that way, and instead you insist on an all-or-nothing approach, then you will refuse to see progress. The problem with this approach of yours is that you can always find something to complain about.
By way of analogy, if - in your opinion - you can find one single slightly smaller tree among a million taller trees, you’ll say the whole forest is sick. Even though 400 years ago, the whole area was desert, you won’t acknowledge the improvement. So,
I already outlined several large changes I thought you should acknowledge. I never said they created instant racial equality. I said we have been taking steps to “reduce racism” and that racism has been “dying a slow death.” Please to try respond to the actual things I say and not something else I didn’t say.
You think ending slavery is doing “very little?” We fought a civil war over it. Modern estimates are that the Civil War killed over a million people. You call that “very little?” I bet the former slaves didn’t think it was “very little.”
Really? Have you as a left wing white come to grips yet with the fact that you are also white? If you think that being a "left wing" white makes you immune to your responsibility for "white privilege", or "systemic racism", or statements like, "White people, you are the problem. Regardless of how much you say you detest racism, you are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries", think again my friend. You ARE the problem according to the philosophy you profess! Just by virtue of the color of your skin, and there is nothing you can do about that including impugning the character of, or thinking yourself superior to, other white folks.
I prefer a philosophy whereby all people treat each other as equals and have their own agency no matter the color of their skin, gender or preference. Where the color of one's skin has no bearing on how one should treat others or be regarded by others. A philosophy that truly embodies the statement "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character". Adopting that philosophy going forward is the only way to truly fix the mistakes of the past.
Your comment is ridiculous.
We have had 400 years of constant racism in this country. Do you really believe that we can just announce that it is no longer material and that is that?
Shit like this is going to blow up in their face and blow big.
Just like the ratings drop in pro sports. People are done with it.
Nothing like insinuating your white employees are a bunch of racists and apparently the only group that can be. SMH
White people are the problem, the elitist whites who have been racists their whole lives now running around declaring everything is racist so that minorities will fawn at them. In reality minorities just think they are shameless retards. It's just the newly revised I had a black friend narrative.
Very glad that I don't have any services, stocks or connections to AT&T. Saves me the time of having to get rid of anything AT&T. I hope all whites who use their services or own their stock dump all of it. You don't like me or my color then you wouldn't like my money.
Yeah i do but it's going to take some time to dump them but they will get dumped.
I probably own some stock between my retirement plan and mutual funds; it would be hard not to if you are a conservative investor and they offer a 7.5% yearly dividend. I will tell my broker to dump what they can that isn't tied up long term.
I am sure there are enough woke leftists out there to buy up AT&T stoke to cause a surge to make selling now profitable./S
I feel for you. I also quit using GOOGLE because it is doing the same thing. I've withdrawn my support of the Audubon Society for removing Audubon from it's name. I will refuse to support any company that endorses such beliefs.
On the other hand AT&T has propped up and carried One America News much to liberals chagrin.
You really can't win by dumping stock for emotional reasons.
Do it symbolically almost every day.
Don't watch programs or sports that push PC nonsense.
Shop at locally owned grocery stores instead of places like Target that push PC nonsense.
Shop at locally owned hardwares instead of stores that push PC nonsense. Go woke, go broke
Dine at locally owned restaurants as much as possible over big chains that push PC nonsense
Etc, etc .... dumping an AT&T phone and TV plan is one call away. Dumped their landline this year, next year TV and phone.
Easy peasy .... zero skin off my emotional nose .... i don't even notice what little more it may cost shopping local and i can be assured i'm not supporting radical liberal nonsense with my money spent.
I don't give a whit about any of that. Too busy to keep score over PC "nonsense".
Something on TV offends? Change the channel, not the carrier, but it's your purity campaign, not mine.
Lincoln said you can't please all of the people all of the time.
He was right.
Lol ... sure you are ..... have chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-a lately?
Maybe pick up some project materials at a Hobby Lobby have you?
Yes and yes love the sandwiches and waffle fries
the wooden stars and the epoxy/clear cast came from Hobby Lobby in Hurst TX
Lol ...sure they did but regardless ..... nice!
Glad to know. I do the same and even watch who/what the local establishments support. I will not choose to spend my money to forward views I find objectionable. The government is already doing that for me. It's obvious the government doesn't care about my views, thoughts or feelings as long as I keep paying the taxes to fund programs I find abhorrent.
It is not necessary to promote justice for some people by tearing other people down. Justice is not a zero sum game where you must take from one to give to another. Approaches like the one we see here are harmful.
We should take a page from the left on boycotts.
The operational elements of this movement can be adopted by American patriots. Maybe AT&T is the place to start. They have lots of competition.
Let's start with a boycott of AT&T. Add divestment to that - pressure banks, corporations, local and state governments, religious institutions, pension funds, etc. to withdraw investments in and support for AT&T. We should also call for sanctions or campaigns to pressure local and state governments to end any taxpayer subsidies that AT&T may be recieving.
Let's boycott AT&T
No honest person who is decently informed about American history would deny the absolute truth of that statement.
First of all, there is no long lasting history of racism from any group in this country other than whites. Sporadic reactionary racial prejudice by people of color towards whites is a drop in the bucket compared to the widespread and constant racism practiced by whites for hundreds of years. The statement that "American racism is a uniquely white trait" is nothing more than a matter of fact accounting of reality.
White progressives want an apology from whites who have nothing to do with racism and black progressives want recognition of transgressions they have never suffered.
Vic, this country has embodied racism for hundreds of years. It is getting better in recent decades but it is far from over. I'll tell you this, it would be over a lot sooner if white people would stop complaining that "it isnt my fault". This is not an issue of individual fault.
Just stop complaining for Gods sake. White people are not now, and have never been, victims.
I think you should take your own advice.
Thanks to all of the radical left's attempts to define America as "racist", I can say that I have lost any empathy I might have had for all groups.
People like you are the poster boys for "white grievance" There is absolutely no need for it.
People like me? John, please stop reading Kendi
Yes Vic, you and your ilk. You and your ilk.
You know, like all that Jewish ilk back in the 30's and 40's in Europe.
Don't worry, I get it.
And they're getting it too. Trump wasn't their enemy - IT'S ME!
Of course. Dont you read your own comments?
I don't use those phrases. Even if I was so inclined, I'd never get away with it!
Vic if you werent complaining about cultural diversity no one here would recognize you.
Cultural diversity?
Don't you mean teaching racism? Isn't that the subject you like to use as a toy?
Telling kids that America has a pervasive racist past is not "teaching racism". You are completely confused.
Stop the lie, John. CRT teaches that whites are irreedmably racist and blacks are victims.
And EVERYONE knows it!
Plus from what i can see you don't hold hate in heart like some folks here do.
I feel sorry for people like that ..... all the corrosive hate eating away at them from the inside.
Regardless, the only people that seem to really like CRT are are fundamentalist progressives, union teachers and their union masters.
Parents sure don't seem to like it. Unions and union teachers are forgetting who signs their paychecks.
So is Terry Mcauliffe as he's about to lose a race he was a shoe in for not long ago over it. A double digit shoe in.
I have no idea what causes that. Maybe they had a terrible childhood, who knows? The good news for us here at NT, is that it appears that a few of them are taking the hint from management abd ignoring the individuals, articles and/or tweets that set them off (or as they would say "trigger" them.) So, we become a little more like Newsvine, but we gain a bit of civility AND we can have articles & seeds read without all the childisn slap fights and name calling.
One has to be carefully taught the lessons of CRT. It was formulated in the 70's by a Harvard professor named Derrick Bell. The central tenent of CRT is to change American History, our institutions and traditions or anthing else that Bell considered "the dominant white culture." We have all ignored what was going on in academia. Now the war on the teaching of traditional history has begun. The Biden administration is acting on behalf of these fanatics. It's up to us what kind of country we want to live in.
Vic, you gaslight this forum every day. You should be eternally happy that Newstalkers has a motto of allowing even rubbish to be heard.
I have no objection to that other than we should be allowed to call your garbage garbage without having our comments deleted.
You did it for 4 years and you're still at it.
I have no objection to that other than we should be allowed to call your garbage garbage without having our comments deleted.
I'd have no objection as long as I can physically respond.
That's what HD was supposed to be for, right? You can go over there and call people names and vent all of your emotional reactions. It's kind of like twitter for the left. You know how a lot of lefties wake up early in the morning full of rage and just can't wait to get at the keyboard.
I have asked about a half dozen people here to tell me in what era, decade, or phase of American history the majority of the U.S. was not a racist country. No one has come up with one yet.
I am all for teaching "traditional" American history , alongside the accurate teaching that this has been a racist country, not only towards Africans and African Americans, but also against Native Americans . Both the traditional and what you call "racist" (anti-racist) history should be taught as one history of the country. In a sane world this would be a no brainer.
No you're not. You have already told us what you are for and that is the teaching of CRT, an apology from every white individual and reparations.
There are only a few people who take part in HD.
And to that i say ..... and i know i speak for many "whities" ...... you can kiss my lily white ass if you expect that from me.
I can't help you on that. I went on there a few times and I realized that it was beneath me. It may not be for everyone.
It's really a shame what they've done. They have divided the country over this. I know that it has only made me lose whatever empathy I had for various groups, but then again we shouldn't be viewing individuals in terms of groups or skin color. That's the point.
I'm not divided, doubt you really are either but if they want me to kiss their ass over nonsense ..... they will be waiting a long long time.
And i know i am far from alone in that sentiment .......
they can go fuck themselves in the ass dry with a catus sideways before i do that .
Make it a fully mature saguaro.
Good lets do it, maybe they will drop One America News instead of pumping $$ into that RW loser.
too bad a law cant be drafted that removes and recinds the right of an individual to choose who they associate with....