All The Ways The Looting Party Scares Us
By: Robert Knight
Cartoons of the week:
This article originally from the Washington Times is right on.
If climate change doesn’t scare you, then how about the latest panic in the form of Omicron, the new COVID threat that sounds like a villain in a Spider-Man movie.
If you haven’t been unduly anxious lately, just open a newspaper or tune into a TV network like CNN.
Scaring the public is the media’s reason for being.
Not the suits who run the media, understand. The suits may be stylishly “woke,” but they’re in the business to make a buck. I’m talking about the so-called journalists. They are steeped in Marxist theory they learned in college and which they never outgrew. They are the Looting Party’s ministry of propaganda.
Every day, they tell us how the world is ending unless we give the Democrats everything they want, from lockdowns and vax and masking mandates to confiscatory taxation, millions more illegal immigrants, racist anti-White school curricula, transgender subsidies, higher gas prices, consequence-free pillaging, defunding police and extremist environmental policies.
Mobs ransacking high-end stores? Big deal. The capitalist pigs have it coming.
Here’s another case in point, this time about global warming:
“Arctic future of more rain, less snow, looms on the horizon,” says last Wednesday’s Washington Post headline. We’re told from a study in the publication Nature that the Arctic will be wetter by 2060 or 2070, and that it will wreak havoc all over the planet.
Or maybe not.
Buried in the text is a spasm of honesty: “The models that scientists use to estimate precipitation through 2100 are inherently uncertain, given the lack of data from direct observations of rainfall, snow, wind, and temperatures across the vast region.”
In other words, they can’t measure the weather. Instead, climatologists put data into their models to make the case to kill fossil fuels and keep those grants coming.
“Melting permafrost could release massive amounts of planet-heating gases such as methane and carbon dioxide,” the Post warns, citing the study. Here’s the best part: “The ‘greening’ of once-frozen landscapes could provide fuel for ravenous wildfires that spew more greenhouse gases into the air and further warm the atmosphere.”
So, more trees, bad. Don’t want “ravenous wildfires.” What about trees absorbing carbon dioxide and creating oxygen? Isn’t that why we plant trees and oppose “de-forestation?”
Anyway, Big Media’s “climate” coverage might be summed up this way: “Run for your lives!”
If climate change doesn’t scare you, then how about the latest panic in the form of Omicron, the new COVID threat that sounds like a villain in a Spider-Man movie. Omicron’s advent sent markets plummeting and invigorated the Looting Party’s would-be dictators from Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci to city and state officials drunk on Old Mandate 2020.
Some of them seem positively giddy that they have a new excuse to micromanage America’s private sector. When Biden announced his draconian, unconstitutional OSHA vaccination decree, he said it would affect government agencies and only companies with 100 or more employees. But that was a lie. It was intended to go all the way down the supply chain.
A friend in South Carolina works for a manufacturer who sells to retail businesses. One of those businesses sells to a company that does some work for the federal government. So, my friend’s small company with a handful of employees was told to comply with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate on government contractors – or else.
Even though federal judges in Missouri and Louisiana have issued injunctions halting the vax edict, Biden has insisted that it be obeyed. Democrats take courts seriously only when they do things like overturn abortion restrictions and marriage laws or allow men to invade women’s locker rooms.
The Democrat-run city of Charleston, South Carolina issued a vax mandate in September forcing all employees and volunteers to get the shots by November 22 or face a layoff. A federal judge rejected a lawsuit by 125 Charleston-area police officers and firefighters who resisted the mandate like thousands of other first responders and medical personnel across the country.
Atop it all, presiding over the latest media-fed panic, is the Vaxxing Czar.
In July, Anthony Fauci was named Humanist of the Year by the American Humanist Association.
“Dr. Fauci has identified as a humanist and mentions that he aligns with humanist values,” the Association said, quoting Fauci: “I look upon myself as a humanist. I have faith in the goodness of mankind.” This might explain a lot, though there are good-hearted, patriotic humanists out there.
Fauci, who got caught lying bald-faced before Congress over gain-of-function research at the Chinese Communist Party’s Wuhan lab, also said, “I’m less enamored of organized religion than I am with the principles of humanity and goodness to mankind and doing the best that you can.”
Organized religion, which is mostly Christianity and Judaism in the United States, holds that human beings are sinful by nature but also created in the image of God. We are redeemable, and every human life is precious. No one is to be treated as a means to an end, which is why aborting babies for body parts is especially odious.
However, if you believe, like Fauci, and the Chinese Communist Party, that we are all merely cosmic accidents devoid of any divinely conferred eternal significance, it’s not a stretch to see people as cattle to be managed and perhaps even experimented on – for the greater good. How else to explain Fauci’s rush to inject an experimental drug into five-year-old children who are not remotely vulnerable to COVID but who could suffer short- and long-term complications from the shots?
Once again, the Looting Party’s Big Media is playing its part, suppressing information about adverse effects and alternative treatments while pushing scary scenarios that advance universal vaccination – even for small children.
Whenever they feature one of their “run for your lives!” stories, it’s best to tune them out, seek reliable information and hold your loved ones closer.
The article perfectly describes the relationship between the lamestream news media, the big tech social media and the democrat party they are the propaganda mouthpieces for. Also it describes that party’s secular humanist nature and its intolerance toward theistic believers. Their support of BLM and Antifa as their storm trooper enforcers was noted too. The article perfectly describes the viewpoints of conservative America first nationalist populists
This author fails Logic 101. To wit:
And if you can't figure out why from this one example, you do too.
The fact is that the greens do use scare tactics to try to get their way on related economic and environmental issues.
The Democratic Party fanned the BLM and Antifa riots and allowed cities to burn. Stop voting Democrat.
propaganda extraordinaire
Or, more bluntly: Lies. If you really don't like Democrats so much, why don't you post something besides easily disproven drivel like the above and present a cogent, well thought out and researched piece against policies that can be shown to be actually belonging to the Democratic party?
That has been done and will be again. The meme hits the democrats over their lack of opposition to the looting and rioting in our cities over recent times.
Not possible.
I am fairly certain that the vast majority of people of any political stipe condemn mass violence.
The elected democrats went out of their way to avoid any criticism whatsoever of the massive riots, looting, arson, assaults, theft, etc that occurred in our cities last year, calling it all largely “peaceful” protests.
You all hate it as much or more when I seed a pro GOP or pro Trump article as one that criticizes democrats and Brandon. The left here is simply intolerant of conservative content. Period.
Isn't he the Lincoln Project co-founder who resigned amid scandals involving complaints of harassment?
Why, yes he is!
He also sabotaged the Palin campaign from within after his boss, McCain picked her. He’s hated the GOP base since Reagan.