Biden Shocks Parents With His Comments To Teachers
By: Eric Thompson

The evil Brandon regime and its bicoastal secular progressive urban elite backers are still desperately fighting to control our kids and limit parents and children’s rights when our kids are in school. Just like in Virginia when they said parents shouldn’t influence what is taught in the public schools. The fight for our kids general welfare against the oppressive regime goes on.

Biden Shocks Parents With His Comments To Teachers
by Eric Thompson about 7 hours ago

Those who choose to subject themselves to the roller coaster of political news and propaganda, will inevitably end up watching a playback of President Biden.
The seventy-nine-year-old declining senior citizen, who also happens to be the Chief Executive Officer of the most powerful nation on Earth, frequently appears lost, misspeaks, and/or says things that his handlers, I am sure, would prefer that he didn’t.
On Wednesday Joe once again “triggered” many on social media. This time when he proclaimed that students are the children of everyone when they’re in the classroom.
He made the comments at the White House during the 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year. The president and the first lady hosted the event, which gave him the opportunity to get himself in hot water just that much easier.
While Joe was speaking off the cuff and trying to empathize with the teachers, he said, “You’ve heard me say it many times about our children, but it’s true. They’re all our children, and the reason you’re the teachers of the year is that you recognize that,”
“They’re not somebody else’s children,” he claimed. “They’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.”
Biden’s statement comes at a bad time for his administration and the left overall, as many parents are actively fighting against local school boards that are implementing controversial policies they disagree with. They include Critical Race Theory (CRT), advanced sex-ed, LGBTQ+ gender lesson plans, and the promotion of transgenderism including allowing them to use bathrooms of their choice, even if not of their “assigned gender”.
Democrats are already struggling with voters over these issues. Especially in multiple U.S. House races located in moderate to conservative districts across the nation.
In a perfect example of what can happen, the Democratic establishment was rocked by what took place in Virginia last year. A parent-led revolt against the political establishment and social activists’ overreach, especially their collective attitude toward suppressing parental rights, drove huge numbers of parents to the polls.
As the result, Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin captured the governor’s office and Republican Winsome Sears won the lieutenant governor’s race, and Jason Miyares won the Attorney General election.
While Biden meant for his statement to express how much the government cares for children in schools, many on social media angrily rejected his formulation of ownership over children.
“How about no. My kids have had phenomenal teachers. They still didn’t treat them like their own, did not care about them like I care about them. Stop with this,” replied Karol Markowicz of the New York Post.
“Over my dead body is my child yours or anybody else’s,” responded activist Ashley St. Clair.
Christina Pushaw, the press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) went right after Biden, “No. No they aren’t. Creep,”
“No @POTUS they are MY children. They’ll never be yours or any teachers. This is a hill us mothers will die on,” read another popular tweet.
over our dead bodies expresses it exactly right. They are our kids no matter where they are. Keep the age inappropriate sex talk, the boys in girls bathrooms, boys in girls sports, and CRT/1619 propaganda away from our innocent children.
Bullshit. Come into the light FFS
Some elements yes. But she is kindergarten/1st grade so not so much. The governor vetoed a bill that would have prevented it.
Nope. You must have nodded off and dreamt that's what I said.
He vetoed a bill to prevent it from being taught. And he is a fucking Democrat.
Good edit. Saved you from looking the [fool.......................deleted]
Seems to be a recurring condition......................
Unfortunately there's no cure for it.
Exactly. The denial anymore after all the evidence of this and the threats against parents for exposing one or more of these evils in their schools shows their intent even if in places it hasn’t been fully implemented just yet
You keep repeating that over and over that it is not being taught in said grade levels. Are you able to offer any proof whatsoever that it is not?
Without a doubt…
I did not really expect anything, and if they did it would be solely deflection and/or denial.
Biden is so stupid to even go there. As bad as that sounded, Fox News could easily take a sound bite of that and it could sound a whole lot worse.
You should have heard the Five. I listened to it while driving to a medical appointment after work and did they ever do that. Virginia all over again…
The contempt the democrat party leadership has for the parents of our children is beneath contempt.
Somewhere there is a village full of idiots screaming "Our King! Our King! What Happened to our King!"
We need to find this village and have them come collect their King that the Democrats and left put in the White House.
Delaware is missing its idiot except on the weekends when it comes back home to them.
They’re all our children.
And the reason you’re the Teachers of the Year is because you recognize that. They’re not somebody else’s children; they’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.
Variations of a theme.
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.
And “parents should not have a say in the education of their children”.
Roger that.