‘Weak Men And Unhappy Women’: Tucker Carlson Mocks Democrats Raging Over Likely Roe Overrule
By: Nicole Silverio

This article is so right on. Tucker as usual the vast majority of the time absolutely nailed it here. I’m glad he said it it all the we think out loud.

‘Weak Men And Unhappy Women’: Tucker Carlson Mocks Democrats Raging Over Likely Roe Overrule

[Screenshot/Rumble/Fox News]
Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson mocked Democrats’ anger toward the Supreme Court majority opinion draft during Wednesday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
Carlson played footage of Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren raging over the draft, declaring that Roe v. Wade needs to be codified into law and claimed Republicans have been “cultivating” Supreme Court justices.
“‘I’m so angry,’ she says, her voice breaking. ‘I’ve never heard you so angry,’ says the deeply sympathetic reporter. ‘I’m more angry than I’ve ever been.’ Of course she is! Angry is what she is. Elizabeth Warren is angry full-time. She’s angry and bodied and that way she is the perfect standard bearer for her party. The party of weak men and unhappy women. The party of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The hallmark? Irrational and enraged and also, by the way, dangerous because irrational and enraged people are by definition dangerous.”
The Daily Caller co-founder played footage posted by Twitter account Libs of TikTok showing footage of Roe v. Wade supporters threatening to start rioting, “mayhem” in the streets, and “burning” old white men to the ground. (RELATED: Dem Outrage Over Like Roe Overrule Fueled By Abortion Lobby Cash)
“Weak men and unhappy women. That’s the party right there. And also, by the way, people who commit violence but when they commit violence it’s not insurrection, it’s not a threat to our democracy, it’s just taking to the streets and expressing yourself. Even if you set fires and rush into state legislatures and the Capitol buildings. Not insurrection. Because the new rules are if you agree with the regime you can do whatever you want and if you don’t, you go to jail.”
Los Angeles protesters surrounded two police vehicles on Tuesday night, then a handful began screaming at the officers. One protester called an officer a “punk” as he escaped back into his vehicle.
“We’re watching government by tantrum. It’s what we’ve had for quite some time,” Carlson said. “You’ve got to give these children what they want or they scream and kick and bite. They go crazy. They’re so angry, as Elizabeth Warren said.”
He then said this type of behavior amongst the left has been an ongoing phenomenon, from burning public buildings or looting stores. The host showed photographs of Yale Law School students protesting the reported decision by writing on the campus sidewalk with chalk with statements criticizing the institutions and labeling the decision as “fascism.”
“All you fascists [are] bound to lose!” one student wrote.
“Fuck Fed SOC,” wrote another.
“Dobbs is Yale’s fault,” one wrote. “Fuck Alito.”
Carlson laughed at the student’s calling the decision “fascism,” as Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the drafted opinion that the issue of abortion should be left for the citizens in each state to decide on.
“So you know how this works,” Carlson continued. “They don’t want to have an argument, they want you to shut up. This isn’t a colloquy, it’s a soliloquy, it’s just them talking. No dissent allowed. You’re talking is disinformation and if you persist in the talking, they’ll go after you.”

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It is hilarious to be able to laugh at and mock idiots in NYC and LA rioting over something that will never affect them personally.
And when it does affect them they will say, "Why did you let me do this?"
The New York Times recently called the Tucker Carlson program "the most racist show in the history of cable news".
So thats the name of that tune.
He is one of the last people on earth anyone should listen to about anything.
Name of what tune? Bloggers calling something they disagree with "racist"? That's every day that ends in "Y" for the left.
Why do you keep calling journalists "bloggers". Is that your pitiful way of biting their ankles?
How Tucker Carlson Stoked White Fear to Conquer Cable - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
This is an eighteen thousand word article exposing Carlson's white nationalism and racism. It is not a "blog" entry.
Why do you care what I call them?
So, it was an op-Ed piece expressing one authors biased point of view?
Good question!
Some think that there’s some sort of universal world limit on anything that can be considered a blog…
That is what makes this whole freak out by the left hilarious. It's not even official. They are freaking out over NOTHING.
Well.... it's really not 'nothing'. They can use it to fire up their base, it worked so well over the past 50 years and still works today. And it's one hell of a fund raiser message for them. So the more extreme the Democrats get the better it is for them.. more money, more of the base ... for them it's a win/win.
Problem as I see it is the Democrats / Progressives ALWAYS take it too far and lose out in the end. And I predict that is what will happen again with this.
It’s happening already…The court is not going to do a national ban of most or all abortions or find an imaginary penumbra in the constitution to justify doing so. It is amusing watching people in bicoastal big blue cities trashing those places again over “rights” they are not losing. They are tearing up their cities because they lost a lever of control over the rest of us and that’s what angers them the most. People in New York love telling people in Tennessee from afar how they must live their lives.
That’s what makes this leak so frustrating. Now when it happens we won’t get as much fun out of watching them cry.
The New York Slimes said so? Lol!
As if we’re going to take anything they say regarding a political or policy issue seriously!
Tucker Carlson is a cunt.
Most liberal "men" are whiny whimpering pussies...so there!
Rarely are truer words written here. Well said!
Most reactionary "men" are feeble-minded lunatics.
Stop with the projection. [Deleted] Most conservatives around here like to talk tough but don’t seem to ever actually back up their words with actions.
Reading their comments on here is a good place to start.
Good question actually…