Biden Randomly Bolts Out Of Room In The Middle of Medal Of Honor Ceremony (Video) - Rare
By: Rare

Is this normal to all you Biden voters?

President Joe Biden held a Medal of Honor ceremony at the White House this afternoon. The ceremony was held to present Captain Larry L. Taylor with the prestigious medal.
Videos by Rare
The presentation ceremony came to an abrupt end when President Joe Biden unexplainably bolted from the room, racing towards the door and making his exit in the middle of the ceremony. See a clip of Joe Biden running out of the room below…
Biden abruptly walks out of the Medal of Honor ceremony, even before the closing benediction
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2023
What happened? Why did Biden run out of the room? Why would he be so incredibly disrespectful to our Military?
During a prayer reading at the Medal of Honor ceremony today, President Joe Biden could be seen struggling to remove his mask. See a clip of that moment below…
Biden removes his mask during the prayer at the Medal of Honor ceremony
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2023
This President appears to be completely lost! Biden barely makes appearances in public anymore, and when he does, America seems to always be subjected to total embarrassment.
Why does Congress refuse to address Biden's health? This has reached a point of absurdity.
No personal insults
No death wishes of any individual
All of NT's rules apply
Stay on topic, which is Biden's incompetence
No Trump
No fascist bullshit until you learn what it means
On topic relevant memes only if you find it necessary due to the fact you don't have any original thoughts

A lot of this is videos. Watch them and be embarrassed.
To tell you the truth Jim, seeding anything from RARE should be embarrassing. The entire site is a joke.
An unobtainable characteristic for many of our friends on the left.
So instead of discussing the Embarrassment in Chief, you decide to whine and cry about the source.
So the videos didn't convince you. Frankly my friend, I don't give a shit the source when one can see it with their own eyes. Sorry.
To dispute the actual article would require critical thinking and actually doing research. So, yes, it would be impossible.
Who you consider to be the "embarrassment in chief" is not my problem, and I am sure the opposite holds. However, it is 'entertaining' watching the right's continuous attempts to soil the current president with the sins of the former and their kabuki whataboutism.
How cute. You actually think things like this is an "attempt" to soil the Embarrassment in the WH. There is no "attempt". He's doing all this on his own accord.
Now if you don't like the criticism, I recommend you find a way to deal with it.
Yeah, there's alot of that going around....
Seriously? This doddering old fool doesn’t bolt or race anywhere. Maybe he saw his invisible old friend corn pop and was “racing” to shake his hand?
[You need to pay attention to the Red Box Rules]
You [cannot both delete John's comment in its entirety and respond to it.]
Bullshit sandy.
Perrie told me some time back that you can tell someone to stay on topic (which the flag an deletion did) and then flag them. Suggest you brush up.
[That's not what you did. You deleted the entirety of a comment, then responded with a personal comment about John, rather than a directive to stay on topic.]
Meant reply to them. Can't edit. Wonder why................../s
I suggest you look again at the time stamps. I responded THEN deleted if I recall right. I could be wrong but I'm not
[Irrelevant. You responded with a taunting comment aimed at John, which was NOT an instruction to stay on topic, then deleted his comment. Basically, whichever order it happened, you are using your ability to moderate to jab at John while silencing him, which is poor form, then complaining about getting ticketed for it, which is also poor form.]
When moderating, there is to be nothing more than a removal of the part or whole comment and the word "deleted" in its place. In addition, no commentary can be added to the deletion.
That is really funny. sandy adds commentary a lot. Oh well.
Thanks for the clarification. speaks volumes.
On a side note, you say we group mods help to take some of the heat off of site mods but yet they jump right in as if to "help".
Yes she does. Wonder what Perrie thinks of that?
Sandy tends to explain, instead of giving points, which is her trying to be nice. I just delete, since I found the less I say, the better off I am, and as this shows that I am pretty much right.
You should probably just throw one of those "Boom" posts out there on its own..../s
Joe Biden had to pee. He humbly apologizes to you for causing you to lose your mind over this.
That's what Depends are for.
It's puzzling that you're not concerned that your beloved dear leader has become THE national embarrassment
MAGA is THE national embarrassment.
Was that the official White House excuse or are you just starting your covering for Joe early today?
Pathetic excuse (allbeit not surprising). We all know he has no idea where the restroom is.
What is he a child?
He should have gone before the ceremony started!
Leftists are willing to excuse any Brandon action- no matter how degrading, criminal, or out of the norm.
If any Republican POTUS had done this the left would have leapt all over it.
It is getting harder and harder to cover for Joe. Soon it will be back to the basement Biden
But you know the Bidenites will try nonetheless.
Such chickenshit criticism. Our national politics have degraded to vindictive childishness.
It’s not chickenshit. It’s bullshit. [deleted]
The fact that this man can’t control himself for a brief and important honor ceremony just illustrates even further how incapable he is of properly discharging his duties.
Shameful, absolutely shameful.
You should delete your comment.
He can if he wants. You’ve got nothing to say about it
No personal insults
No death wishes of any individual
All of NT's rules apply
Stay on topic, which is Biden's incompetence
No Trump
Rather than look at the countless times Joe has shown he can't handle the job due to physical and mental limitations(not even including shitty policies) it is easier to dismiss each individual instance as a "one off" or unfair criticism.
See 6.1.2, apply liberally, lather, rinse and repeat as necessary.
And it would be chickenshit, right? It does not matter what letter is next to the name.
This petty nonsense that partisans pursue illustrates how low our politics has degraded in the USA.
No it doesn’t. I would feel the same way no matter who did it. Even if was {redacted} or {redacted} or even {redacted.}. Biden’s actions were disrespectful.
Disrespect is disrespect and Biden paid that ceremony the minimum amount of effort possible. He clearly didn’t give a shit, was just going through the motions and our warriors deserve better.
To think otherwise is just obtuse.
No Republican would have gotten a reprieve for pulling this crap.
Why should Brandon?
Even the New York Times has begun to admit to the obvious.
"The inflation ordinary people experience in everyday life is not the one the government prefers to highlight," he wrote.
Stephens also pointed to "the collapse of public order," the border crisis, concerns about his age and "a humiliating Afghanistan withdrawal."
"Easy to see is that the president is not young for his age. The stiff gait and the occasional falls. The apparent dozing off. The times he draws a blank or struggles to complete a thought. Yet the same people yelling #ResignFeinstein or #ResignMcConnell don’t appear to be especially vocal when it comes to the president’s fitness, as if noting the obvious risks repeating a Republican talking point," he wrote.
"But people notice, and they vote," he added.
NY Times columnist gives readers surprising reality check on why Americans are 'down on Biden' | Fox News
They'll point to it being an editorial.
You missed my point. My point was that partisans have reduced the level of political criticism to a childish chickenshit level.
It is one thing to criticize Biden for the Afghanistan withdrawal, border, his age, choice of running mate, student loan forgiveness, etc. But this petty nonsense is pathetic. All it does is appeal to juvenile emotions in those who are already Biden opponents and encourage others to dismiss criticism of Biden as just "more of the same". Actual, legitimate criticism is diluted with this chickenshit.
And the exact same criticism from me holds true regardless of party.
You missed mine as well:
But this petty nonsense is pathetic. All it does is appeal to juvenile emotions in those who are already Biden opponents and encourage others to dismiss criticism of Biden as just "more of the same".
That Times editorial indicates that democrats are worried about Biden's apparent lack of mental capability.
For the rest of us it highlights what "80 million" voted for. I guess we'll all have to live with it.
All because of one conservative columnist?
Yeah, yeah, yeah - just like no one ever criticized Eisenhower, Johnson, Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Nixon, Ford, [deleted] - right - never any "childish chickenshit level" criticisms - yeah, right.
So your ‘argument’ is that this is good because it has been done before?
I consider this kind of crap to be counterproductive, do you?
I hold every president to the same standards.
No other president would be cut any slack for bolting on any ceremony at the White House. (Unless the US was attacked, nuclear war, or one of our allies was invaded).
Brandon had to pee.
Give us all a break. Good grief, man.
Please spare us the musing of a constant Brandon apologist.
Bret Stephens is a conservative. If you knew anything about the NYT you would know that.
Does that negate his opinion?
What do you mean?
No, but some of you are surprised a NYT columnist would criticize Biden.
I'm not... criticism earned
It has been going on in the US forever. Anything that can question someones ability to be in office is fair game to point out. Partisans on one side will say "see, there is an example of why he should not be voted in". Partisans on the other side will say it is "chicken shit criticism". And the non partisans will just take it all in and either decide to ignore it or not as they see fit. Or they won't watch cable news and never even know it happened.
The Dems degraded it long, long, ago.
And persist to this day in doing so.
Again with the ‘they did it too so it is good’ nonsense.
Where in comment 6.3 did he say it was good. It looks like he said it has been going on for a long time and the dems have been doing it also.
Let's see if Greg comes back and agrees with me that this is chickenshit criticism and an example of how our national politics have degraded to vindictive childishness.
And if he did, how much weight would you give his opinion?
Do you see the degradation as a recent phenomenon?
Probably 23.7
Degradation, no, the level, yes.
I appreciate the honesty. Why would he respond?....
That is a question to ask Greg. He is the best authority on what motivates him to reply to comments.
I don't think so. My question was why would he respond to someone that obviously isn't going to give that response any consideration. Carry on Tig....
My consideration of a comment depends on the content of the comment.
Let's see the reply.
Further, I reply to people who I am confident will not objectively consider my reply. I think I am not alone in that.
Well then as I said, carry on TiG. [deleted]
how do people pretend this is normal?
although now I guess it is. Just an old man wandering around aimlessly until his handlers get him under control.
Rather than admit Joe is showing he is mentally compromised on a daily basis some people complain about the complaints not being fair or justifying his actions.
Where’s the Easter bunny when you need him?
That was a fast pace for Brandon; I would say it was sped up- but everyone else is moving normally.
Poor Medal of Honor recipient was left standing there looking self conscious, confused, and maybe a little put off. He did nothing wrong- I hope Brandon has the common curtesy to tell him that in person; or at least call him.
Don't count on it. Biden's minions will do their best to deflect or out and out sweep it under a convenient carpet like usual.
There is at least one "non partisan" here that is calling the criticism petty, but we all know what this "non partisan" would do if it were [delete] that ran away from a MoH recipient.
Well I am an independent and if an 80 year old Republican (let's say Ronald Reagan although he was at most 77 in office) walked out of a ceremony and we had no other information than that, I would consider the criticism chickenshit. Just like I considered criticism of Trump cheating at Golf to be chickenshit.
People need to grow up instead of engaging at a high-school (and below) level. This is the president of the USA, not the president of the Student Council. Criticize that which matters rather than leap at every petty item (and even inventing bullshit to criticize).
Biden must have suddenly realized he needed his daily ice cream cone!
Either that or he felt the need to get his "DEPENDS" changed.