AOC Unleashes Seismic Fart During Twitter Livestream (Video) - Rare
By: Rare

Ahhhh the human body.............laugh a little.

Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants the cows to stop farting, but it doesn't appear that the Congresswoman is willing to stop farting herself. During a recent X/Twitter livestream, while discussing the Israel-Palestine conflict, Ocasio-Cortez appeared to rip a massive and loud fart mid-sentence.
Videos by Rare
See a clip of the Democrat Congresswoman passing gas below…
I don't ever want to hear AOC talking about cow farts again!!!
Here she is farting on live stream!
— Texas (@MustangMan_TX) October 13, 2023
Maybe AOC should limit her own carbon emissions. The fart quickly became the center of many headlines around the world, with Twitter users comparing the blast to Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell's fart live on CNN several years ago.
See a clip of Swalwell's infamous gas blast below…
The Swalwell blast
— Dave#Crazy Poor AZN #SellTheTeam!!!☕️趙必能 (@Dealing4Meaning) October 13, 2023
For all the talk of carbon emissions, it appears that the Democrats are the only ones blasting carbon into the air live on television and social media platforms. Perhaps they should look at themselves before attempting to blame the American people for something as rudimentary as the weather.
It appears that we have yet another #FartGate on our hands.
No trump
No personal insults
No death wishes of any individual
All of NT's rules apply

Hopefully it wasn't a Jerry Nadler shart.
On the Richter scale, I believe it was slightly above Eric Swalwell flatulence.
No one ever said she had class.
Most women have a way of controlling that.
Don't they call their farts "whispers"?
If AOC's "whispers"/farts are anything like the noxious gas that comes out of her mouth, it's a full blast.
Poots LOL
One can only imagine how messy that one was!
Probably like this one...................
Liquid natural gas...
I’ve been staying away from this site because of how subhuman and pointless the exchanges have become. I check in after a week or so and this is the first thing I see. Maybe it’s time to forget I was ever a part of this trash site.
Yes, sounds like you are too good for it.
It was supposed to lighten up the bullshit political bashing that fills the site. Lighten up Francis.
[no value]
Is that an example?
Not at all. See 3.3.4 for an example.
Nice try. Still here I see.
We all know conservatives never fart, the gaseous material just internally drifts up into their cranial area.
It's hilarious that you make this comment in defense of the likes of AOC, Harris, Biden, Tlaib, and Omar.
You're right. I should have made it about some of the "conservatives" on internet forums like this one.
And Democrats think their shit doesn't stink......................but their farts give them away...
Most Women of all stripes find it disgusting. It is unladylike TO SAY THE LEAST!
It's hilarious that you STILL make this comment in defense of the likes of AOC, Harris, Biden, Tlaib, and Omar.
Yes but then many liberal women are really men in real life.
Maybe, but I am confident you will be back (assuming you actually leave at all).
Please see 2.7
Hasta la bye bye.
I certainly don't blame you for not participating ... or keeping a low profile:
It's funny that the left wingers here frequently mimic the Klan's talking points when talking about people/religions they hate, threaten and wish for the deaths of those they don't like, fetishize violence against American, dance on graves, and even root for kids of Republicans to die to teach them a lesson, but fart jokes are what you object to,
She's still pretty hot for a politician.
As long as she keeps her mouth shut.
True but too bad she’s a dimbulb.
Maybe if you're drunk.
That is a good looking woman.
She should be an escort after she's voted out.
That makes two of you. She loves herself too.
When I see that face Ian Hunters "Once Bitten Twice Shy" comes to mind.
Yep, AOC is proof positive that beauty is in fact only skin deep. She is still a dweeb and a not very nice person inside.
Maybe if you're drunk.
She can get pointers from Kamala Harris.
Well, I was about to eat lunch.
Sorry my friend LOL
It's all good.
Stunning resemblance!
Twins separated at birth...
She is also proof that stupid goes clear to the bone.
Anyone and everyone who put in their two cents on this thread should be ashamed…doubly so if you are lucky enough to have a mother, a wife, a daughter, a niece, a granddaughter or any other woman you supposedly honor. Pafuckinthetic…
Ashamed of what? Are you trying to shame others as a way to feel better about yourself or a failing attempt to control behavior here?
“Ashamed of what?”
Regardless of her being an easy political target, she is still a strong and powerful woman. To read the preceding comments is to understand the definition of misogyny and insecurity. So yes, ashamed.
She is as strong and powerful as a male junior representative. Why should comments here about her be different than those about male legislators?
Apparently not to all here, some feel that woman are more delicate, requiring special protection.
So it's the feminist card you want to play. Gotcha. Now buckle up buttercup. Feminists want equality right?. Well, you have it. Men talk to each other like this ALL THE TIME. There is nothing selective to be had. You want treated the same as men. You'll be treated the same as men. We talk bad about each other ALL. THE. TIME. Better grow some thick skin quickly.
Did you just assume her gender?!?!?!?! Are you sure she identifies as a "woman"? Maybe she identifies as a a Jack Ass. That would fit HER behavior.
The only thing "powerful" about her is her mouth. He brain on the other hand, that thing is so smooth there is no way an original thought could be generated there. Ideas just slide right off.
Leftist libs only have a sense of humor when it is them coming up with it. And it seems only they are allowed to criticize.
Nice! The cons have their next "tan suit" scandal.
Your insinuation that articles about farts are less ignorant than condemnation of articles about farts suits you to a tee. It’s like we are literally living in the movie Idiocracy.
We are, some people actually think Biden is doing a good job. Less and less every day but there are still some people that are living in Idiocracy.
Some people cannot help themselves.
Do you have a mouse in your pocket? the only Idiocracy i see comes out of the Whitehouse and their sycophant followers.
What a strange comment. Presidents Reagan, Bush 41 & 43, Obama, and Biden have all worn tan suits. What's the big deal?