
Biden reelection rating worst in 32 years, most want him gone: Gallup - Washington Examiner

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  last year  •  72 comments

By:   Paul Bedard (Washington Examiner)

Biden reelection rating worst in 32 years, most want him gone: Gallup - Washington Examiner
The percentage of people who think the president deserves reelection is the lowest in over three decades, with 38% eager for a Biden repeat.

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ByPaul Bedard February 2, 2024 9:14 am

The percentage of people who think the president deserves reelection is the lowest in over three decades, with fewer than 4 in 10 eager for a Biden repeat.

In the latest Gallup survey, support for reelecting President Joe Biden sunk to 38%, the lowest that number has been in 32 years.

That's even lower than his 41% approval rating in the new survey.

The gloomy results for the liberal president follow several other polls showing him losing to former President Donald Trump, though many of those polls show that voters don't want either to return to the White House.

However, Gallup did offer a glimmer of hope for the incumbent. The survey firm made the case that a couple of other recent presidents who were underwater in polling leading to an election won, though none were as undeserving as Biden is.

"In January of prior incumbent reelection years, Gallup asked whether former Presidents Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush deserved reelection. The same question was asked about George W. Bush (October 2003) and Barack Obama (December 2011) late in the years before they sought reelection," Gallup's analysis said.

"Of these, the younger Bush (who won reelection) had the highest reelect figure, at 53%, while two incumbents who lost, Trump at 50% and the elder Bush at 49%, scored just below. Although Biden's current rating ranks lowest among the readings for the past six presidents, his 38% is most similar to Clinton's 44% and Obama's 43%, both of whom won a second term," it added.

Gallup said voters aren't high on Congress, either, with just 24% feeling House and Senate members deserve reelection. But as is usually the case, they want their lawmakers reelected, at 55%.

The bottom line from the pollster:


"Voters are not enthusiastic about returning most elected federal officials to office. Biden trails other incumbents at similar points in their presidencies, and voters are less likely than in other recent election years to say members of Congress deserve reelection."

"While the numbers for Congress are unlikely to improve, based on historical patterns, Biden's numbers could. He hopes to follow the paths of Clinton and Obama, whose electoral fortunes improved during their reelection years and saw them win second terms, rather than those of Trump and the elder George Bush, whose support for a second term deteriorated over the course of the election year."

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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    last year

Wow lowest in over thirty years. Give 'em hell Joe LOLjrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
2  Right Down the Center    last year

"In the latest Gallup survey, support for reelecting President Joe Biden sunk to 38%, the lowest that number has been in 32 years."

Does the 38% include those who will support Joe for reelection because he is not as bad as Trump?

Senior Expert
3  George    last year
Most Want Him Gone:

They must have pulled his immediate family.

Professor Guide
4  Tacos!    last year

The Democrats are going to just hand this election to Donald Trump, it would appear.

We could be - and should be - seeing the likes of Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Pete Buttigieg, Mark Kelly, Amy Klobuchar, and even Kamala Harris (I’m sure there are more) vying for the nomination right now. All of these people had good reason to believe that Biden would serve only one term. A few years ago, he stood in front of some of these people and made clear he was just a transitional president. He called himself “a bridge” to them. He said these younger people were the future of the party.

Furthermore, poll after poll shows that Democratic voters don’t want Biden to run again.

But this senile old narcissist (yes, I mean Biden) thinks he’s indispensable. He has obviously convinced himself that he is the one and only person with a chance to beat Trump. Also, apparently, none of the people I mentioned have the political spine to challenge the most powerful old fart in the Free World. So we’re going to end up with the same shitty choice we had four years ago.

Professor Principal
4.2  TᵢG  replied to  Tacos! @4    last year

While I do not think Biden is necessarily handing the victory to Trump, I agree with your sentiments.

The machinery of a US political party seems to be quite simplistic.   They basically follow whoever seems to be the leader at the moment.   Those who take an early lead (e.g. an incumbent or ... a former PotUS) gain the advantage of momentum and (as we can see) that snowball can exclude all other rational choices.

For the Ds, the fault does lie exclusively with Biden.   He alone could have graciously bowed out (he had a perfect excuse — give the next generation a shot).   And if he wants to run again, the mindless machinery will support him as long as he appears to be in the lead.   Biden had to say no and he did not do so.   Thus, because of Biden, we are in a situation where Trump has a shot at the presidency.

This, by the way, does not mean that the GOP played no role.   They are the ones who irresponsibly, irrationally, and unpatriotically support Trump as their nominee.    So putting that together, those who are at most fault for giving Trump a chance to be PotUS are the GOP (the electorate and the weak, slimy, career politicians) and Biden.

And I will pile on just a bit more.   Biden also made things worse by picking Harris as his VP.   Given his advanced age, people must consider who would be PotUS if he were no longer able.   If he had a solid VP such as Tim Walz, a competent governor who could step up with a steady hand, the Biden choice would be substantially easier to make.   But Biden has provided a double negative:  he is running for reelection at 81 years of age and he is stubbornly sticking with Harris thus leaving the nation with the prospect of a President Harris.

Professor Principal
4.2.2  TᵢG  replied to  Texan1211 @4.2.1    last year
Maybe that was his strategy all along.

Are you implying that Biden is running for reelection because he wants the GOP to nominate Trump?

Professor Principal
4.2.3  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @4.2    last year
This, by the way, does not mean that the GOP played no role. 

Gee thanks. 

I have a lot of fear that Trump will win, because the public will be beat into submission by bothsidesism, and eventually say, to hell with it, lets vote for the guy who is pissing off the establishment, even if he is a mentally ill traitor. 

There are no "two sides" to what is going on right now. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
4.2.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2.3    last year
I have a lot of fear that Trump will win, because the public will be beat into submission by bothsidesism

Is that a replacement term for whataboutism?

Professor Principal
4.2.5  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2.3    last year
I have a lot of fear that Trump will win, because the public will be beat into submission by bothsidesism ...

Trump's potential win is first a function of ignorance.   Not recognizing a profound difference between him and Biden and, as you note, thinking they are equally bad, is an analytical failure by the electorate.

Second, his potential win is a result of blind partisan emotion.   There are plenty of extremely motivated people who think Trump is their champion ... a man who can do no wrong ... the hero of the working man ... on and on ad nauseum.    There is no such die-hard support for Biden.

Ultimately, though, the winner will be the one who gets the most turnout in the swing states.   I expect plenty of voters to not show up out of apathy.   That means the most extreme voters in the swing states could likely make the difference.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
4.2.6  Split Personality  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @4.2.4    last year

No, apparently they are similar for relying on false equivalencies but not the same.

Bothsidesism, Whataboutism, and Perilous False Equivalencies – The Catalyst (fruitanews.org)

Professor Guide
4.2.7  Tacos!  replied to  TᵢG @4.2    last year

I think Biden has said recently that he is running because Trump is running. That’s either delusional or just BS. I think it’s the latter.

It’s not as if there was ever going to be a reality in which Trump would choose not to run. In my opinion, Biden just likes being president. Like any politician - especially the career variety - he’s addicted to the power and the adulation. He won’t let go of it for the sake of his party or that of the country.

Professor Principal
4.2.9  TᵢG  replied to  Tacos! @4.2.7    last year
I think it’s the latter.

Me too, it is bullshit.   Biden is running because he wants to be a two-term PotUS.

Professor Guide
4.2.12  Tacos!  replied to  Tessylo @4.2.10    last year
He surrounds himself with competent people and I imagine actually listens to them unlike the former 'president'.

I agree that he has a competent team around him. He needs it, though, and that’s part of the problem. People understand he is getting help because he needs it. That doesn’t inspire confidence.

And in any event, teams don’t win elections. The personal charisma of the candidate wins the election.

Some, and I don't necessarily mean you and tig, act as though it's the end of the world and we won't survive a second term Biden presidency.

I don’t agree with everything this White House does, but I’m not panicked about another 4 years either. The issue is, I don’t think we’ll get that far.

Too many people feel like voting for Biden is voting for a corpse - or worse. If he really lost his marbles in a serious way, or his physical health just suddenly declined, would the Democratic leadership have the courage to remove him? I wouldn’t bet a lot of money on it. And that would be bad for the country.

Professor Principal
4.2.13  TᵢG  replied to  Tessylo @4.2.11    last year

There are many factors at play here.

The nation will not fall apart based on who is elected PotUS.    If Biden is elected, he will continue to pursue his agenda and that likely means the illegal immigration problem will fester.   If Trump is elected, we will be subjected to all sorts of irrational, vindictive acts and very likely many challenges to the CotUS.   But the USA will survive.

My concern is not that our nation will blow up, but rather the continued damage that Trump will inflict on the nation.   There is no reason to self-inflict this damage by reelecting a traitor.   It is irresponsible, irrational, and unpatriotic.

Biden has, IMO, done the nation a great disservice by not stepping aside.   He wants to be PotUS, sure, I get that.   But a real act of patriotism is to step aside and let a younger, vibrant, more popular person secure the D nomination.   It would be easy for the Ds to have nominated someone who would easily win against Trump.  

Biden did not do this and now we seem stuck with him.   And because of that, Trump has a chance to win the presidency.   Imagine that, Tessylo, Trump actually winning the presidency when all the Ds had to do was put forth a good candidate.   Just because Biden wanted another term.

And, of course, the main fault for why Trump is even under consideration is the abject failure of the GOP to rally around any number of candidates who would be an order of magnitude better than Trump.   The current GOP is a dysfunctional, contemptible mess.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
4.2.15  Split Personality  replied to  Tacos! @4.2.12    last year

It really didn't matter when Reagan declined.  I don't see the difference now but I remember the angst back then.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
4.2.16  Split Personality  replied to  TᵢG @4.2.13    last year

I would rather have honest and ineffective over the rhetoric of Trump, "I am immune but my DoJ will prosecute

every living POTUS who came before me".

Trump has trashed a century of protocol, international treaties and cut a deal with the Taliban.

He is dangerous and seems to be leading a cult, not the GOP of my families' past. 

Professor Guide
4.2.17  Tacos!  replied to  Split Personality @4.2.15    last year

And if Kamala Harris is still VP, they’ll be even less inclined to make a move.

Professor Principal
4.2.18  JohnRussell  replied to  Tacos! @4.2.12    last year
Too many people feel like voting for Biden is voting for a corpse - or worse. If he really lost his marbles in a serious way, or his physical health just suddenly declined, would the Democratic leadership have the courage to remove him? I wouldn’t bet a lot of money on it. And that would be bad for the country.

This is really getting unbelievable. You are worried about Biden losing his mind. Alright , fine. 

Trump has already lost his mind.  He is mentally ill.  He makes things up, CONSTANTLY. A day or two ago he told a questioner that his fraud case in NY had been thrown out on appeal, that he had won.  The fact is that we are awaiting the judgement in the case where he is surely going to have to pay at least 100 million dollars penalty for his fraud. He hasnt won on appeal. Trump makes stuff up like this every day. Every day. And people want this person to be president of the United States? Has this country lost its mind? 

His re-election to office will be a disgrace to the people of America that will last for decades. Unless he starts world war three and we all die, there is nothing Biden could do in a second term that will be anywhere near what Trump continues to do to the morals and ethics of this country. 

Professor Principal
4.2.19  TᵢG  replied to  Split Personality @4.2.16    last year


Professor Guide
4.2.20  Tacos!  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2.18    last year

You seem to be trying to convince me that I should vote for Biden instead of Trump. That is not the issue. 

There are people who can genuinely be swayed, one way or the other. There are also people who would probably vote for Biden, but aren’t inspired by him enough to bother with it. Meanwhile, the cult of Trump will enthusiastically vote in force.

Imagine, for a moment, if someone with the youth, energy, and charisma of Barack Obama were running, along with perhaps a more moderate agenda. This wouldn’t even be a conversation. The election would not be close. Trump would be lucky to win a single state.

The Democratic party’s nominee matters.

Professor Principal
4.2.21  TᵢG  replied to  Tacos! @4.2.20    last year

It is amazing that the worst-case scenarios seem to keep happening.

  • It started with the GOP not detaching from Trump on Jan 21, 2021 when they had the cleanest break.
  • Then they refused to do so after the Red Wave fizzled
  • Then they embraced him as a candidate
  • Then they increase their support for Trump as lawsuits and indictments emerge
  • Then Biden confirms that he will actually run again for PotUS as an octogenarian
  • Then Trump gains absurd dominance over all decent GOP candidates

The parties just let this happen.   The GOP has a fine candidate in Haley yet they are going to nominate a traitor.

The D party could easily defeat Trump with a decent candidate yet they are allowing Biden to consume the nomination slot

So many opportunities to fix this nightmare yet the political parties have both failed the American people (with the GOP failure being an order of magnitude worse).

Professor Principal
4.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Tacos! @4    last year

The bamboozling efforts by Trump sympathizers are starting to take flight. 

I am not necessarily pointing out any individual, here or elsewhere, but we see the seeds of it scattered here there and everywhere. 

The bamboozle is that it is BIDEN'S fault that the country has poor choices to pick from the major parties, Biden that is unreasonable by running, and Biden that is the narcissist here.  The disingenuous of such a conclusion is breathtaking. 

The Republican Party has had three full years and counting to get rid of Donald Trump, and they have uttery failed. That is Joe Biden's fault?  LOL. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.3.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3    last year

Biden’s unfitness for office is independent of trump.

Professor Principal
4.3.2  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3    last year
The Republican Party has had three full years and counting to get rid of Donald Trump, and they have uttery failed. That is Joe Biden's fault? 

Nominating Trump is solely the fault of the GOP (in particular, the GOP electorate).

Not providing a strong candidate to make the GOP nomination of Trump a clear loser in the general election falls on the Ds (and, in particular, on Biden for not bowing out).

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
4.3.3  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3    last year
The Republican Party has had three full years and counting to get rid of Donald Trump, and they have uttery failed.

Damn those voters using their voice.

Professor Principal
4.3.4  TᵢG  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.3.1    last year

Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden.

Professor Principal
4.3.5  JohnRussell  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @4.3.3    last year

What the fuck are you talking about? 

On Jan 6th and 7th of 2021 Republican after Republican stood up in Congress and said it was all Trump's fault, and he should be gone from sight.  That patriotic urge lasted about two weeks. If the Republican Party had followed through on what they said at the time of the insurrection none of this would be happening now. Most likely Biden would have dropped out in the face of a qualified younger challenger from the GOP, or even within his own party. 

Professor Principal
4.3.6  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @4.3.4    last year
Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden.

With all respect, no one here (on the other side) takes that phrase to mean anything. 

Professor Principal
4.3.7  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @4.3.2    last year
Not providing a strong candidate to make the GOP nomination of Trump a clear loser in the general election falls on the Ds (and, in particular, on Biden for not bowing out).


Professor Principal
4.3.8  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3.6    last year

It is not the phrase that is the problem.  The problem is the fundamentally flawed thought process that fails to recognize the profound difference between the two.

One can use all sorts of phrases, but none will matter if the reader thinks Biden and Trump are equivalent.

Professor Principal
4.3.10  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3.7    last year

It is not credible to posit that the fault for a Biden v Trump matching is exclusively that of the GOP (or the Ds).

It would not matter that the GOP nominates Trump if the Ds had a strong candidate who could defeat a miserable human being like Trump.    The results of the general election are a function of BOTH parties ... no way around that, John.

Professor Principal
4.3.12  TᵢG  replied to  Tessylo @4.3.9    last year
I get real tired of the Democrats and President Biden being blamed for the abysmal republican'ts/republiwon'ts

By context, you must think that is what I did.   That is entirely wrong.

It is the fault of the Ds for not having a candidate that would make a GOP nomination of Trump a moot point (i.e. Trump clearly loses).

It is the fault of the Rs for nominating a piece of shit like Trump.

In the general election, both sides absolutely play a role and both sides absolutely have their own portion of the fault.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.3.13  Sean Treacy  replied to  TᵢG @4.3.4    last year
Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden.

Biden's unfitness is independent of Trump. If  the nominee were Haley, he'd be just as unfit. 

Professor Principal
4.3.14  TᵢG  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.3.13    last year
Biden's unfitness is independent of Trump.

Non sequitur.   I made no claim whatsoever that the fitness of one is dependent on the other.

Disregarding that, if the next PotUS will be either Biden or Trump, it matters greatly who is worse for the nation.

Professor Guide
4.3.15  Tacos!  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3    last year
The bamboozle is that it is BIDEN'S fault that the country has poor choices to pick from the major parties, Biden that is unreasonable by running, and Biden that is the narcissist here.  The disingenuous of such a conclusion is breathtaking.

You accuse me of being disingenuous? I assure you I am sincere. Biden is wildly unpopular among Democratic voters. He’s ancient, slow, and uninspiring. He led his party to believe he would be a one-term president. In exchange for that impression, they nominated him in 2020, forcing a lot of promising young leaders to step gracefully aside - which they did, for the good of the party.

Now, it is Biden’s turn to take one for the team and step aside. Instead, he has decided - in spite of substantial evidence to the contrary - that he is the best person to run for his party’s nomination in 2024. He is shooting his own party in the foot to achieve his personal dream of glory.

As for blaming Biden for Trump being on the ballot, I made no such connection.

Professor Principal
4.3.17  JohnRussell  replied to  Tacos! @4.3.15    last year
He is shooting his own party in the foot to achieve his personal dream of glory.

You are worried about Biden shooting his party in the foot, meanwhile Trump is shooting the country in the head. 

You seem to be much more worried about Biden than Trump, which is a little disturbing. 

Professor Principal
4.3.19  JohnRussell  replied to  Tessylo @4.3.18    last year

You better be worried, because all this shit could get Trump elected. 

Professor Guide
4.3.22  Tacos!  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3.17    last year
You seem to be much more worried about Biden than Trump, which is a little disturbing.

No, I’m discussing the topic of the seed, which is Biden. Is it really so hard to understand that a person can be focused on a topic? If all you can focus on is Trump - even in a seed about Biden - then don’t waste our time anymore. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.3.23  Sean Treacy  replied to  TᵢG @4.3.14    last year
Non sequitur.   

No it's not.  It's  a non-sequitur to constantly drag Trump into a discussion about Biden's unfitness. Biden is either fit to be President or he's not. It's like being pregnant. One is either pregnant, or one it not.   

Professor Guide
4.3.24  Tacos!  replied to  Tessylo @4.3.18    last year
I'm beyond done with this bothsidesism/whateverism.

There’s no bothsidesism here. It’s the reality of any election that there are two sides, and the electorate must make a choice between two options. It’s never about just one side in that scenario. It’s necessarily about both sides.

Consider 2016. We had Trump as a candidate, and people readily could see that he was inexperienced, incompetent, and rude. Considered on his own, he’s a terrible candidate. But voters didn’t get to consider him on his own, and he wasn’t running against the whole human race. He was running against Hillary Clinton, who had the worst disapproval rating of any Democratic candidate in history. Virtually any other Democrat would have had a better chance of beating Trump. Even so, she barely lost. 

You can’t just look at the opposing candidate. You also have to put forward your best chance to win. Right now, Joe Biden does not represent the best the Democratic Party could put forward. Multiple polls, taken over several months, make that clear.

Maybe that will change in the coming months. It had better, because right now, the party isn’t even give us a chance to consider someone better.

Professor Principal
4.3.25  TᵢG  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.3.23    last year

I responded to your statement of Biden and Trump:  

Sean@4.3.1Biden’s unfitness for office is independent of trump.
TiG@4.3.4Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden.

Biden is either fit to be President or he's not.


The two likely nominees are Biden and Trump.   When you speak of one, the other is naturally in context.   When it was Obama v. McCain or Obama v Romney, speaking of one brought the other into context.   When selecting a PotUS between two candidates, they will both be discussed.  It is natural and inevitable.

Quit complaining.

Trump too is either fit to be PotUS or not.   

Neither should be PotUS.   Trump, however, is an order a magnitude worse than Biden.

Professor Principal
4.3.26  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @4.3.10    last year

I think in your never ceasing attempt to be fair, and objective, you dont realize the extent to which you "both sides" this election.  I couldnt care less about being "fair" to Trump or his right wing enablers. 

If this goes on all year Trump will win. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.3.27  Sean Treacy  replied to  TᵢG @4.3.25    last year
responded to your statement of Biden and Trump:

I was responding to John bringing Trump in to deflect from criticism of Biden.

Trump too is either fit to be PotUS or not

That's a really good response when the the subject is Trump, not Biden.  Sadly for you, this is not that topic. Try and discuss Biden's fitness without referencing Trump. Good luck It's an unwinnable challenge for many.  

Professor Guide
4.3.28  Tacos!  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3.26    last year
I couldnt care less about being "fair" to Trump or his right wing enablers

That’s absurd. Neither TiG, nor anyone else has made even a small attempt to be fair to Trump or his supporters. The fact is that there are people Trump can beat in an election, and Biden in 2024 is starting to look like one of them. Partisan denials won’t change the facts of an election where voters have to make a choice.

You might not ever vote for Trump. Fine. If the Democrats nominated a block of cheese, you would vote for the cheese. I get that. But not everyone is like that, and the party leadership needs to wake up and face that fact.

If this goes on all year Trump will win.

Wait. So now if Trump wins, it’s the fault of regular people analyzing politics on the internet? TiG and I are going to get Trump elected? Who knew I was so powerful?

Professor Principal
4.3.29  TᵢG  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.3.27    last year
I was responding to John bringing Trump in to deflect from criticism of Biden.

But JR is not me.

Try and discuss Biden's fitness without referencing Trump. 

You are not paying attention.   The two nominees of the party bring each other into context.   

Complaining about Biden or Trump coming into the discussion when one is discussed is both silly and futile.  No way will there be a discussion of one without the other in the immediate context.

Especially in an election year and especially when both candidates are horrible (with Trump being an order of magnitude worse).

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    last year

Primaries killed the parties and now there are no adults in the room 

Professor Principal
5.1  TᵢG  replied to  Sean Treacy @5    last year

Indeed.   But don't forget the impact of polls and how they have created (irrational) momentum for these potential nominees.

Professor Guide
5.2  Tacos!  replied to  Sean Treacy @5    last year

Truly. The primaries are now all about nominating the most extreme member of each party. Moderates have little chance.

Senior Expert
6  George    last year

This is going to put a crimp in the plans of claiming trumps a felon on election night.

Trump's federal 2020 election trial postponed indefinitely


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