Hamas says Israeli response to its truce proposal was negative
By: Nidal Al Mughrabi and Ahmed Tolba (Yahoo News)

A senior Hamas official said on Wednesday that Israel's response to the group's latest Gaza ceasefire proposal was negative after mediators handed it over.
"On Tuesday evening, our brothers, the mediators, informed us of the occupation's position on the proposal ... it is a negative response in general and does not respond to the demands .. In fact, it retracts the approvals it previously provided to the mediators," Osama Hamdan told a press conference in Beirut.
He said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government were responsible for the failure to negotiate a hostage release in exchange for Palestinian prisoners and stop the fighting in Gaza.
Talks on a ceasefire have resumed this week in Qatar, but weeks of negotiations have so far failed to produce the agreement between Israel and Hamas that Washington hopes will alleviate the humanitarian crisis gripping Gaza.
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The idea that Hamas is in ANY position to make demands is idiotic.
They have the right to make any demands they want to.
Doesn't mean Israel has to agree.
If Hamas wants Israel to a agree to a cease fire, all they have to do is to release the hostages. (Which Hamas refuses to do).
They can make all the demands they want. But when you attack a nation, rape their citizens and take hostages, it's kind of hard to take those demands even remotely seriously.
Especially when those demands include such requirements as releasing 50 Palestinian prisoners with blood on their hands for each hostage and the evacuation of Gaza by all Israelis (i.e.) ending the war.
So they say 50 to 1, . Israel has plenty of room then
Israel might not have enough prisoners to fulfil that demand.
I meant ratio of Israel casualties to enemy
Nor can it be expected that Hamas will negotiate in a reasonable and good faith manner when Hamas hates every Israeli and wants them all dead.
NOTHING they do is in good faith. They want a cease fire so they can regroup and rearm themselves.
You got that right!
Please note that Hamas has not posted their terms.
The initial operations the IDF carried out were called a "war crime" by Hamas. Their justification was that there were no Hamas fighters or weapons in the facility. Turns out they have been lying and the world has accepted that lie.
I wonder what moronic accusation will come of this.
What is so unbelievable to me is how many bleeding hearts there are in the world who march, demonstrate and protest for barbarian teenager-rapist baby-baking eye-gouging shooters of civilians in their beds monsters who knowing the toll hide among the civilians they are responsible for and use them as human shields and are declared terrorists. I can't call them animals because even animals don't do those despicable things.
Maybe Hamas should stop raping hostages before asking for things.
that's a thought.
Israel should keep fighting until Israel is satisfied Hamas is defeated and Gaza is secured. Collateral damage is should not hold them back.
So far the Israelis' have killed almost 14,000 of what are believed to be 40,000 Hamas fighters while damaging, destroying or vaporizing almost 60% of Gaza's buildings.
They have reportedly killed 28,000 women and children.
Every dead palestinian is a martyr who will be remembered by generations of Al Quida, Hamas the Taliban or whatever else they want to call themselves.
There is no victory in genocide.
they couldn't kill all of the Jews in WWII
and the Israelis won't kill terrorism in Gaza.
Is the 28,000 a true and verified figure or is just simply what Hamas claimed. I would be somewhat suspicious of anything Hamas claims.
If what you say is true, then Israel has no choice other than to get rid of all the Palestinians who are loyal to Hamas, by whatever means, and proceed to take back their historical homeland. The Israelis are not calling for genocide against the people of Gaza, but Hamas and its supporters have always called for genocide against the Jews and the state Israel.
As Ronin pointed out that is probably just recovered bodies out of the 4 million residents, statistically that number seems too low given the extent of the bombings.
Not until all of the rubble is sorted out and removed will the extent be known more accurately.
Remember, we ourselves weren't giving reliable numbers in Vietnam either, so who knows?
Take the emotion and the religion out of it.
Imagine it as a schoolyard fight.
Hamas started it by killing 1,400 Israelis and destroying a few hundred properties in a dozen kubutzes.
The IDF has now killed at least 32,000 people, completely razed 52,000 buildings and left 253,000 buildings uninhabitable.
The region has no electricity, fuel or food.
At what point do we consider the lesson learned and pull the IDF off of what remains of Gazza?
Has the lesson ever been learned? Since 1948, Israel gets attacked every every few years.
Who is we?
3 or 4 months ago
Its straight from Hamas and their ministry that got caught in the first week of the war falsely claiming Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500. The numbers have zero basis in reality, as the study showing how Hamas just adds about the same number for every day of the war shows. It's not even smart propaganda.
The numbers are all made up. You have no basis, other than Hamas's making claims , to believe they are accurate.
How many times does Hamas get to call time out to rearm before you catch on to what they are doing? This century alone hasn't clued you in yet?
Thank God this "we killed enough Germans, let's stop" mindset wasn't around in 1944.
CAN the lesson ever be learned?
Modern Israel is like Groundhog Day, the movie.
Modern China and Russia want back lands from hundreds to thousands of years ago.
To quote Pogo
"We have met the enemy...and he is us."
Yes, and they have so much already. Israel is #149 on a list of countries by size and is 0.0139% of the land mass of our world.
Not all of them. We know how many residents there were and how many buildings there were and now remain.
My basis is the Times of Israel, do you believe they are lying?
When the IDF claims 13,000 confirmed Hamas kills but Hamas says only 6,000, who do YOU believe?
When the IDF claims 31,000 strikes by land air and sea do you believe they are lying or completely
incompetent and haven't killed anyone by accident or otherwise yet?
53,000 residential buildings destroyed or vaporized and no casualities?
253,000 residential buildings damaged and unusable but everyone is still living there with no power, water or food?
I believe I'm with Ronin on this one. No one knows the real number and probably never will.
I've seen the results of a 500 lb bomb strike.
People are there one minute and gone the next.
32,000 is probably an optimists pipe dream,
Let's see their source.
hen the IDF claims 13,000 confirmed Hamas kills but Hamas says only 6,000, who do YOU believe?
Between the two, The IDF of course. Are you seriously equating the two? Do you hesitate between believing ISIS or the American Defense department too, or is Hamas a uniquely trustworthy terrorist group that rapes hostages?
't killed anyone by accident or otherwise yet?
Did the IDF claim they haven't killed anyone yet?
o one knows the real number
100%. But then why spread numbers from a terrorist organization you know you to be false?
32,000 is probably an optimists pipe dream
so you believe Hamas is downplaying casualties?
No, I asked you a simple question.
Not at all.
why are you fixated on the rapes?
No, on December 05,2023 the IDF officially estimated that 2 Gazza citizens died to every Hamas asshole.
Get it yet? It's a math issue.
IDF officials: 2 civilian deaths for every 1 Hamas fighter killed in Gaza | The Times of Israel
Now 4 months later the IDF claims that they have killed 13,000 HAMAS plus apparently 26,000 civilians if they are correct.
I believe the IDF, why do you call them terrorists, are you a Hamas sympathizer now?
I am certain that they, like you don't have a clue either.
Here's a perfect example. The Hamas Health ministry (the source for all the claims about 30,000 plus deaths) claims Israel opened fire on and murdered aid seekers:
Same MO as the hospital bombing lie. Hamas kills civilians and their "health ministry" blames Israel...
Apparently Hamas has not learned any lessons, since they continue to hold and kill hostages and won't surrender.
And I answered. Again, why would you think that's even an issue? Do you believe Hamas?
why are you fixated on the rapes?
I think kidnapping women and raping them is a terrible thing. You don't?
The better question is why destroying buildings bothers you more than kidnapping and raping Israeli women.
et it yet? It's a math issue.
Keep attacking that strawman. Easier than pointing out where I said no civilians were killed.
claims that they have killed 13,000 HAMAS plus apparently 26,000 civilians if they are correct
No. Did you read your source? It's an anonymous claim from months ago and even the anonymous source said the ratio would drop.
am certain that they, like you don't have a clue either.
Lol. You are hopping from claim to claim without being able to mount a coherent argument. It changes from one frantic google search to the next.
Nice insult too. Typical. [Deleted]
Only a FOOL would believe what those fucking DECLARED terrorists have to say. So obviously Hamas cannot win the war on the ground, but they are waging a successful war of public opinion. They've even convinced the BLEEDING HEARTS right here on NT who one would think have at least half a brain in their heads. Their eventual defeat is INEVITABLE. Have any of the bleeding hearts around the world demanded that they surrender which would immediately stop the war, guarantee aid to be distributed and rebuilding to commence? NOT ONE BLEEDING HEART HAS DONE SO - BUT BLAME ISRAEL!!!!
Science vs lying terrorists' propaganda. Which should an intelligent unbiased person rely upon? And how many of the killed are Hamas militants and operatives? We'll never know the real numbers, because Hamas is WINNING THE PROPAGANDA WAR because the bleeding heart FOOLS in this world believe the Hamas propaganda that it is mostly women and children.
Thanks for not responding in your usual trope that anyone who believes that is a Hamas sympathizer.
Do I sense progress? Probably not.
I do not believe that they are capable at this point
They will never surrender and continue to make their hatred a never ending religious jihad.
Honesty, do you think any of the hostages are still alive?
Buit these numbers always turn out to be larger as time passes.
An Israeli spokesman was asked how Israel plans on minimizing civilian casualties when they attack the town of Rafah . His reply was basically, we're working on it. Presumably they have been working on this problem for six months and there have been 30,000 dead. There is no reason to believe that Rafah will be any different.
So far Israel's plans to minimizing civilian casualties is working far better than the plan Hamas has.
Imagine if Progressives exerted 1/100 of the pressure they put on Israel on Hamas. But Biden and his devotees chose Hamas....
Rather hard to exert pressure on Hamas when we don't give them anything.
I guess we could threaten to cut off funding to the PA; but the PA and Hamas are enemies. So that would actually be helping Hamas; which has a growing presence in the West Bank despite the PA's and IDF's best efforts. You can't defeat an ideology.
We could double down financial and military aid in our support for Israel; wait- they are already do that in Congress. Guess we could triple or quadruple our support. But Israel is already the top military in the ME- maybe we can get them to #2 in the world. That would take some doing because of their size- but the US ATM works 24/7.
The logical thing to do would be putting sanctions and blockading Iran again; but Brandon doesn't have any interest in doing that. Russia, China, and Europe won't get back on board for it either. Russia needs Iran to sell them weapons; China needs Iran to buy their goods; and Europe needs Iranian oil.
So outside of collective punishment and ensuring no aid what-so-ever gets into Gaza there is nothing we can really do to Hamas. With the way Brandon has handle getting aid into Gaza so far that would be a mixed blessing. Pick your death- starvation, exposure, lack of medical supplies; or death by aid package from above (Seriously how does our military not test parachutes before they are used in the real world? How does the Brandon administration not tell aid workers and the IDF about an aid drop in advance so they can prepare for it?); being trampled/beaten by your fellow desperate Gazans trying to get the packages; or getting shot by IDF if they belatedly decide to get involved with "securing" the aid.
100% agree
As far as the chutes fouling on other pallets or chutes our Air Force says all of their drops were successful
putting the onus on Jordan, Egypt, France, the Netherlands and Belgium.
We've gotten pretty good at it.
Sure we do, directly with aid they control, and indirectly through their Sugar Daddy, Iran.
Biden just granted Iran a ten billion dollar sanction wative the other day. More money to kill Israelis..
ou can't defeat an ideology.
Sure you can. The militarists still control Japan? What about Nazis in Germany? Is the Southern US controlled by confederates? If ideology couldn't be defeated we'd still be living in monarchies.
he logical thing to do would be putting sanctions and blockading Iran again;
Yes, I agree.
there is nothing we can really do to Hamas
We don't need to do anything but not help Hamas and let Israel take care of it.
Please stop spreading Hamas propaganda. There is zero evidence that 30,000 civilians died and Hamas casualty claims are transparently phony.
They just add the same amount of casualties every day. The chart of their claims is stunning.
Really, how many dead are there? Adding in starvation, exposure, lack of medical care. They don't even have heavy machinery to dig out people from under the rubble from collapsed buildings. Who can get an accurate count?
2 million plus people in an area that was already one of the most densely populated before Israel entered Gaza. Who are now living in a fraction of that area with missiles, bombings, not to mention ground fighting with tanks, artillery, and fire from naval vessels. Fish in an ever decreasing barrel doesn't even come close to being an accurate comparison.
The truth about the total number of dead won't be know until the fighting is over and the equipment to clean up the mess is brought in. Even then there will be guess work and both sides will never agree on the numbers.
But 30,000 out out 2 million plus seems very much on the lite side since the fighting has been going on since October. That is going on 6 into 7 months. I don't care how "careful" Israel claims it is being.
Especially when Israel claims there were 60,000 to 70,000 Hamas fighters at the start- and they have made a significant dent in that number.
before and after
And whose fault is that?
The civilian populace/residents were told to leave the area in advance of the bombing. Hamas would not allow them to leave, so the blame is squarely on Hamas.
Hamas needed to be able to up the numbers in order to successfully wage their propaganda war against Israel. As you can see, even here on NT, they are succeeding.
Presumably they don't want to broadcast their war plans to Hamas.
Their war plans are evident for the whole world to see. Even for radicals as dense as Hamas.
I'm surprised that it isn't classified.
Why do you worry about the health and welfare of the Palestinians? Any that remain are likely to be combatants for Hamas. If they choose to keep their families in the middle of a war zone as shields against attack, the fate of their wives and children is of no concern.
Never a word about the hostages.
LOL. I have always called for the return of the hostages, for that matter I've always called for the deaths the people who perpetrated October 7th.
Pro Netanyahu people are under the delusion that they can kick the Palestinian problem down the road infintely, never actually having to address two state issue, because as Jared Kushner says , "the Palestinians arent ready to govern themselves". If it was left up to the right wing of Israeli politics 100 years from now or 200 years from now the Palestinians still won't be "ready".
That's your position in a nutshell with Hamas
not at all
Israel from the beginning should have had a smaller operation specifically designed to find arrest and or kill the Hamas leadership. Hamas should be destroyed. I dont believe they had to kill 30,000 people in order to do that.
SO you want to destroy Hamas by letting them hide among civilians and maintain their infrastructure? Reward them for violating the rules of war and ensure their strongpoints are left alone? They are still shooting rockets at Israel . Long way to go.
I dont believe they had to kill 30,000 people in order to do that.
I'd love to hear your plan to accomplish that.
And if Israel should end the war, how long do you estimate before there will be Iranian rockets and missiles fired into Israel from Gaza again? Hamas has ALWAYS broken the cease fire deals they promised to adhere to. Oct 7 was one such example.
But there is still no real proof that 30,000 total were actually killed other than claims by Hamas. I personally do not trust anything those murdering barbaric savages have to say!
What gets me, Ed, is how unbelievably gullible supposedly intelligent people are to not only believe, but quote those "murdering barbaric savages".
As the saying goes, "There are none so blind as those who will not see.".
So true, so true.
People who support Palestinians are mostly those who don't have to put up with them.
It's kind of like the feral cat supporters, they are becoming quieter and less vocal as their cities become large litter boxes.
I would love to see a peaceful solution to this matter, but in my humble opinion the only ay peace is negotiated is if HAMAS absolutely ceases to exist.
I am reminded of a quote attributed to Golda Meir (I think)
“You cannot negotiate peace with someone who has come to kill you.”
I stand with Israel.