Biden Is Knowingly Spreading Hamas Propaganda
By: David Harsanyi

The Gaza Health Ministry's casualty numbers, incessantly repeated by our media, are fake.
Anyone with an ounce of sense or basic comprehension of the situation knows they're fake. They have always been fake. So, we must assume one of three things about people who spread Hamas' claims: They are 1) irredeemably stupid, 2) propagandists for terrorists, or 3) both.
Make what you will of the president, but in a speech celebrating Ramadan, Biden repeated the claim that "30,000 Palestinians have been killed, most of them civilians, including thousands of children." The president of the United States now not only rejects the claims of our allies in Israel but accepts the declarations of a group that is not only on the Justice Department's terror list — one that recently murdered, raped, and kidnapped American citizens.
A few weeks after the Oct. 7 attack, as Jeryl Bier reminds us, Biden admitted Hamas casualty numbers were fake, saying he had "no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using." (Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin claimed not long that the number of dead women and children was "over 25,000" — perhaps still under the residual effects of his post-surgery morphine drip.)
In Tablet, Abraham Wyner, a professor of statistics and data science at the Wharton School, lays out the case that the Gaza Health Ministry's casualty numbers are an "obvious fake." The near-perfect incremental daily uptick, despite the vagaries of battle, is the big giveaway — though there are other aspects that make zero sense. Wyner theorizes that the fake daily numbers vary too little because Hamas does "not have a clear understanding of the behavior of naturally occurring numbers." Indeed, while Islamists excel at sexual torture and theocratic repression, they are less proficient at math. That does not stop pro-Hamas Westerners from pushing the "genocide" blood libel.
It took Israel, a sophisticated nation with many genuine experts, weeks to wade through the sinister wreckage of the Oct. 7 attack to get a proper tally of the dead. And yet, miraculously, whenever an Israeli attack is carried out, within hours — sometimes within the hour — Hamas can pinpoint not only the number of people who have died in wreckages but their ages and sex.
It should also be remembered that Hamas makes no distinction between civilian deaths and its terrorists. When Biden laments death using these statistics, he is lamenting the death of Hamas.
Israel contends that it has killed approximately 12,000 Hamas members. "If that number proves to be even reasonably accurate, then the ratio of noncombatant casualties to combatants is remarkably low," Wyner notes, "at most 1.4 to 1 and perhaps as low as 1 to 1." Historically speaking, those numbers are remarkable for wars fought in dense urban quarters, which is where Hamas hides (or is aided by) civilians. Certainly, it is better than how Americans have fared in similar situations trying to ferret out terrorists.
What's changed with Biden? His administration was already teeming with Obama-era pro-Iranian voices. Now, Biden is apparently convinced that his 2024 electoral fortunes are bound up in appeasing the hard-left activist class and pro-Hamas faction in Michigan and Minnesota. Knowing that spineless Jewish elected officials in the Democratic Party value partisanship over Israel, Biden, whose appeasement of Iran did much to set the groundwork for Oct. 7, is largely freed from worrying about moderates.
Biden has tried to create the impression that there is a problem with Netanyahu, not the people of Israel, engaging in fabricated hot-mic moments and leaks to bash Israel's prime minister, who he says is "hurting Israel more than helping." I suspect the president has had harsher words for Netanyahu than he has ever had for the Iranian mullahs or corrupt authoritarians of the Palestinian Authority. Nevertheless, Netanyahu is not a dictator; he is the elected leader of a democratic nation. It's highly improbable that any person capable of being elected in Israel, on the left or right, would let Hamas off the hook, either.
And make no mistake, anyone who is calling for a "ceasefire" — by which they mean unilateral Israeli ceasefire, as the other side doesn't abide by agreements — is calling for Gaza to remain a terror state. That includes the president. And he knows it. When Jonathan Capehart of MSNBC asked him this weekend which side really wanted a ceasefire, Biden correctly answered that it was Hamas, which saw it as the only way to "survive" and "rebuild" — before realizing his mistake and wandering off into gibberishland.
None of this is to say that civilians aren't dying or that war isn't gruesome. It is a tragedy what Palestinian leaders, who have refused to make peace with Jews for over a century, have brought on their own people. The operative difference is that Hamas (and PLO and Islamic Jihad, etc.) targets civilians, and Israel targets terrorists. No amount of propaganda can change that reality.
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So which is it you blundering idiot?
Thank you so much for posting that article. If only it had the effect it should, but from the magnitude of the support around the world for the Hamas terrorists, the tremendous rise of antisemitism, it is just, as Bob Dylan or Peter, Paul and Mary might have sung it, blowing in the wind.
I was the first to post a link to Professor Wyner's statistical analysis, an NT member (I don't want to get ticketed for naming a member who has not already posted on this article) quoted it on another's article and then posted it as an independent seed, and now, thankfully, this seed refers to it. It can't be repeated enough times to open the eyes of the bleeding hearts that support, march and demonstrate for Hamas in this war or bitch about "genocide" when the enemy hides among the general population and uses it as human shields. Another thing, there was a time that I hoped that Biden would defeat Trump and be reelected. No longer. As far as I'm concerned I hope NEITHER of them succeed, even knowing that's nothing but a dream that someone with genuine integrity would take the cake..
Has ANYONE demanded that Hamas, that will inevitably be defeated by Israel anyway, SURRENDER in order to immediately end the bloodshed, release the hostages, get humanitarian aid to the civilians and start the rebuilding? Has the biggest international antisemitic organization in the world, the UN, done so? Don't make me laugh. But I'm NOT laughing at the fact that Biden is kowtowing to his extremist lawmakers and Michigan and Minnesota voters because HE AIN'T GOT THE BALLS TO DO THE RIGHT THING.
I had seen the same problems with the Taliban in Afghanistan. But surprisingly, more reliable sources than what these pro-terrorist supporters claim, have shown that the number of civilian deaths is far less than what Hamas is claiming.
I'm sure it's been brought up. But we have to remember, these terrorists aren't the sharpest crayons in the box. Somehow these imbeciles think they are in some kind of position to make demands for a cease fire (that they will eventually break again).
Its sad to watch Biden pander to hamas in order to keep his chances of winning Michigan alive.
Anyone that claims to know the amount of Palestinians that have been killed since the start is spreading propaganda. That includes Hamas, Israel, or anyone else. There is no heavy equipment to dig out bodies from under the rubble. Search teams are mostly family and whomever they can get to help out. How many deaths haven't been reported? How many have been put in mass graves because there is no where to take them? How many have died of starvation, exposure, lack of medical attention etc? The exact total may never be known.
What is known is that Hamas had 60,000 to 70,000 fighters at the max (not sure if that includes the more radical groups operating in Gaza as well or not). Israel says it has significantly damage Hamas as a fighting force- their words, not mine. They are also going to eradicate Hamas- so at a minimum- if no civilians what-so-ever are killed- that is 60 to 70 thousand that will be dead.
That Israel has used bombs, missiles, drone strikes, as well as artillery from tanks, ships, and cannons to hit Gaza which has upwards of 2 million people in it before the attack is up for debate. Civilians have been moved around like cattle by the Israelis, and safe zones have changed constantly and been attacked w/o warning. So 30,000 innocents seems damn lite IMO. So Hamas' numbers are wrong. How many are acceptable? Who gets to set the total? Is Israel justified if it kills over 50,000, 60,000, 100,000, 200,000, or however many it takes to destroy any chance of Gaza returning to a functioning society?
I won't bother asking Israel or their supporters. Nor will I ask Hamas, Hezbollah, PA, or their supporters. So that just leaves those that don't support either side. That want the US to get out of the world's most dysfunctional oversized sand box. No support to Israel or the Palestinians (not that they want our aid anyways- outside of the totally bought and paid for corrupt PA). We can better spend that money here taking care of our own people. They can start with making sure veterans get the medical, emotional, and psychological support they need. If money is left over start tackling the mentally impaired that are homeless and a threat to themselves and society.
2 million sounds about right. That's the total Hamas makes acceptable. You see, if Hamas does not surrender then the Palestinians must bear the burden of non-existence.
Another sad part to this is that the media, even the far-left media used to always note that the Gaza Health Ministry was controlled by Hamas.
Recently they have stopped doing that.
"And make no mistake, anyone who is calling for a "ceasefire" — by which they mean unilateral Israeli ceasefire, as the other side doesn't abide by agreements — is calling for Gaza to remain a terror state. That includes the president. And he knows it."
And here is an example of good little liberals being useful idiots.
Absolute Hilarity Ensues After Anti-Israel Vanderbilt 'Sit-In' Does Not Go According to Plan – RedState
Bunch of rich kids attending an 80,000 dollar year college attacking a black cop for not siding with them as oppressed. It’s beyond satire.
You just can't make up that level of stupidity.
The Panera order was a nice touch.
Is anyone surprised that traitor Joe would sell out even our biggest allies in the region in order to get more votes?