House probe into Jan. 6 to expand, seek interviews with Pentagon officials and Democrat staff
By: Steven Richards (Just The News)

House Republicans are expanding their investigation into the January 6 Committee and the security failures that led to the Capitol breach, planning to add staff and pursue new lines of inquiry, the Chairman of the subcommittee leading the investigation told Just the News.
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, Chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, told the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show on Tuesday that he aims to publish a final report by this summer after seeking interviews with top Pentagon officials and any former January 6 committee staff willing to come forward.
So far, Loudermilk's investigation has spearheaded efforts to release thousands of hours of security footage from January 6, found that the Democrat-led select committee deleted hundreds of encrypted files, and has taken testimony from National Guard whistleblowers criticizing Pentagon leadership for its slow response to the riot at the Capitol.
"I've got a request in right now for additional personnel and some additional funding, because of the number of whistleblowers that we have coming out and other issues… there are so many avenues that we have to go down in this investigation," Loudermilk told the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show on Tuesday evening.
"Hopefully the the bulk of our investigation we need to wrap up sometime this summer. So you know, we can get a final report out and then transition to [accountability]," he added.
Earlier this month, four former National Guard officials-turned-whistleblowers testified before Loudermilk's committee and sharply criticized Pentagon leadership over its failure to act decisively in the face of the riot at the Capitol on January 6.
The whistleblowers criticized the Department of Defense's own Inspector General report which concluded the department's actions to respond to the riot on January 6 "were appropriate, supported by requirements, consistent with the DoD's roles and responsibilities…and compliant with laws, regulations, and other applicable guidance."
However, one whistleblower—Command Sergeant Major Michael Brooks—said the department failed to interview him or other key witnesses with firsthand knowledge of what occurred that day. On January 6, Brooks reported directly to Major General General William J. Walker, the commanding general of the D.C. National Guard.
Multiple witnesses confirmed to the committee that several senior Pentagon officials in charge of orchestrating the response were hampered by concerns about the "optics" of deploying the guard to protect the Capitol, an apprehension that delayed the law enforcement response. Ultimately, the National Guard arrived more than three hours after the Capitol Police called for help.
Another witness—Colonel Earl Matthews, who was the Chief Legal Advisor for the D.C. Army National Guard on January 6—told the committee he believes senior Pentagon leadership lied to Congress and mislead investigators. Both generals referenced by Matthews have previously pushed back on his characterization.
Loudermilk said their testimony has opened new avenues of inquiry and he is will now pursue further information from the Department of Defense. Specially, Loudermilk wants to interview the generals the witnesses said let optics guide their decision-making.
"So we have contradictory information, including from the Department of Defense Inspector General, we need information from the DOD. They have been reclusive at best at our efforts to try to get their report, to get the the transcribed interviews that they did have certain people there at the Pentagon," Loudermilk told Just the News.
"We also need to talk to some of the generals there that these witnesses testified that we're concerned over the optics," Loudermilk said. "And so we're gonna, we're gonna make another request, and we may have to use other means possible to require them to send us the information," he added.
The Department of Defense declined to comment on Loudermilk's expanded investigation when asked by Just the News.
Loudermilk also said his committee will explore interviewing former staff members who worked for the Democrat-led January 6 Select Committee or the Representatives who served on the committee themselves.
"And so as we are starting to get the unbiased…without political bias, without concerning ourselves with the optics of it…as we're just trying to get to the truth, people are feeling confident that we're going to get the truth out, and we'll do everything we can to protect them," Loudermilk said of potential future whistleblowers from the select committee.
"And so I think it's going to be imperative that we do have more information and more discussions with especially staff members," he added.
Loudermilk's comments follow a report his committee released last month which concluded the January 6 Select Committee withheld evidence from the public that the politicization of Capitol security "directly contributed to the many structural and procedural failures witnessed that day."
The report confirmed two years worth of reporting by Just the News on the Jan. 6 failures, including a report that one January 6 witness made significant changes to her testimony that were not revealed by the Jan. 6 committee and that White House officials had received instructions from Trump to offer the 10,000 National Guard troops to bolster security at the Capitol and assist Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, despite contrary claims from the committee.
Last year, Just the Newsreported former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson—a star witness heavily relied upon by the January 6 Select Committee—made significant revisions to her testimony before the committee.
These revisions, documented in an errata sheet uncovered by Loudermilk, showed Hutchinson inserted new stories into her testimony, like the infamous story about then-President Trump lunging at the driver of his presidential vehicle in anger. Hutchinson chalked up her changes to poor representation from her first lawyer, who she alleges pressured her to stay loyal to Trump, which he has adamantly denied. Hutchinson, for her part, has been targeted in a $10 million defamation suit brought by former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski.
Loudermilk believes accountability has to come from the Pentagon, and lacking that, he says his committee is prepared to hold officials accountable according to the findings of its investigation.
"[The] accountability first should come from within the Pentagon and the Inspector General's Office," Loudermilk said.
"it is also Congress's responsibility to give oversight to these things," he added, explaining the House committee with usual jurisdiction over the Pentagon and its operations has giving full authority for his subcommittee to continue their investigation wherever it may lead.
"Other committees working with us because they see the work that we're doing is without political bias is to get to the truth. And let the American people know because they deserve to know what really happened on January 6, bring transparency and hold people accountable," he concluded.
No personal insults.
Stay on topic. The source is NOT THE TOPIC.
Post your meme's on your own articles. They will be deleted.
Calling members "trolls" or ""dishonest" will result in your comment being ticketed and deleted.

Isn't this what the J6 Committee headed by Pelosi supposed to (and failed to) do? I guess an actual investigation was too much for them.
That was the whole premise. And once they got organized, it turned into "The Get Trump Shitshow"
Can't forget about their failed TV show.
because the kids weren't allowed to watch it, as far right wing media, Trump, and the GOP decided it was too informative, about what had actually occurred. Without even seeing it, they decide it was a failure...?
Ever notice how nobody on the left will discuss the actual purpose of the J6 Shitshow and how they failed at the only task they had?
Yes. Never have that I's all "you don't have a clue what the J6C found" bullshit
Please tell us whatever it is you think you know about the J6 committee investigation.
To be honest, I'm not going to hold my breath.
I rest my case....................LMAO
He did. It's right there in 1.1.
Please tell us whatever it is you think you know about the J6 committee investigation.
we've only been waiting a year and a half for the conservatives here to demonstrate they know anything about what the committee found. And I mean anything. There is no other area that I can think of where people who know absolutely nothing claim to know what they are talking about.
LOL. You prove our point every single time you bring this up.
what case? you havent made any case.
You apparently haven't been paying attention. This article that you are trying so hard (and failing) to prove wrong (with presenting zero evidence) is a good start.
It proves my point that any questioning of the partisan shit show will trigger the the gullible masses to the point they will jump on said article, make personal attacks and provide nothing to back up their claims that said article is false.
Does that ring a bell?
i've been asking you for a couple years to tell us what you know about the J6 case and you have never provided a single thing.
What "investigators" are they investigating?
A better start that what Pelosi had delivered.
You have to know (as in have read) what Pelosi delivered to know if it is better.
I don't think you have.
And there lies your problem.
What Congressional investigation needs a professional producer?
What investigation purposely ignores evidence that contradicts it's predetermined narrative?
Based on the comments I am seeing here, it is pretty much obvious that no matter what a conservative says about J6, the liberal Democrats here will refute, deny, and deflect whatever is said so it is somewhat a exercise in futility
I expected that idiocy when I put the article up.
I'd say THIS ONE, and you better throw in a few movie stars as well, cause the fictional creature double feature with Loudermilk at the helm, is a destined Titanic of a Failure, cause after almost 4 years, this is the best they can dig up...?
I didn't know this was being aired like the J6 Clown Show was. What station is airing it?
I don't have a problem. Do you? Are you saying that you have read the report?
It was a sham right from the beginning and steadily went downhill. The committee was a bastard construct by Nancy Pelosi, devoid of anyone chosen by the minority or in any way open minded. The hearings began as if they were an actual court trial complete with a Hollywood presentation. Witnesses were privately deposed and filmed. Cherry picked snippets were then used for tv. Worst of all the committee destroyed evidence before the House was about to change hands. All of it was devious and improper.
It is nice to be able to discuss these issues without the usual BS.
I'm not going to keep quiet and as far as you're concerned, you have your privilege to discuss anything with me.
Notice how fast they started crying when other audio and video were released?
And yet they see nothing wrong with that. Then turn around and cry about procedure and rules.
Paper trails say otherwise
You mean the paper trail that Democrats tried to hide and destroy?
It is illegal to destroy or withhold evidence acquired during a House investigation. Democrats shit on the law and Constitution daily; why would they obey House rules?
Makes one wonder how much of that destroyed evidence was used to prosecute protestors.
Probably quite a bit.
Well, your First link is about the Democrats complaining that Secret Service had destroyed records. So that goes against your claim.
As for your second Link:
So, they preserved the records that they deemed pertinent.
It wasn't when the committee was seated.
Neither party is great at creating anything but a lot of sound and fury, but I can remember when rules mattered because the government was greater than either party.
They did.
This will end as well for the Republicans as the Comer-Jordan clown show did.
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, Chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, is a J6 conspirator himself.
But I always wonder when I read crap like this, how does any of this, even if true, exonerate the insurrectionists, or the person who sent them there?
98% fact free Loudermilk , for those intolerant of the TRUTH!
I say we run them out on a rail.
With tar and feathers.
Nah. While that is traditional, they can even take the A-Train
“People who joined Georgia GOP Rep. Barry Loudermilk for a Capitol complex tour on Jan. 5, 2021 photographed and recorded places “not typically of interest to tourists, including hallways, staircases, and security checkpoints,” according to materials released Wednesday by the Jan. 6 select committee.”
Yeah, let’s listen to this guy get to the bottom of Jan. 6. Nobody was giving tours of the Capitol during covid, but this guy decided to not only give a tour on Jan. 5, but to make sure it covered areas with high value to Jan. 6 traitors that are never visited by the public. You can’t make this shit up.
Sounds like a security issue. But we saw that the following day during the protest. Wonder why nothing was said? Oh, that's right, because it was a "Get Trump" Shit show and not an investigation.
If you think nothing was said, then you obviously did not watch the hearings. No surprise there. Loudermilk’s activities were covered in detail.
It is bizarre that people are allowed to gaslight this forum like this.
It seems even more bizarre if folks allow this forum to manipulate themselves into doubting their own perceptions, experiences or understanding of events.
“It seems even more bizarre if folks allow this forum to manipulate themselves into doubting their own perceptions, experiences or understanding of events.”
And only a contrarian would believe it bizarre.
Good point, maybe I’m guilty of thinking that most others are as resilient as I am.
Well, that depends now, doesn't it?
What is actual and what is factual? One can dress a comment in facts that are hard to tease out from the disingenuity of the post. Intrinsically, deep inside, we all know that the rioters on January 6th, for whatever misguided reason, wanted DJT to be ordained as their president. But they were wrong on the facts: Donald Trump got beat. They were wrong on their reason for being there: Donald Trump lost the election, fair and square.
I am sorry that so many people have been enthralled by the shyster Donald Trump. Too bad. Go Home. But don't worry. DJT loves you. He promises.
And not a single thing was done to correct the problem. Just another failure.
I agree. I watch my friends on the left try it nearly every day. And then label folks who call them out, MAGA idiots.
Let the gaslight special
Shine a light on me
Let the gaslight special
Shine an ever lovin light on me ….
What does that have to do JR observation 4.1.2 that some get gaslit on this site?
Holy cow DotW, that amazing. You’re best, the best I tell you
100% spot on. Never has someone been that spot on. Woweee!
Are you sure you weren’t a Marine?
That quote? Not as much as the people who confirm daily that they have been gaslit and presumably don't even know it.
Confirm what they don’t know? Besides not answering my question in 4.1.10 you know seem to be meandering even farther off azimuth.
To be honest, I’m not sure that I ever had the “right stuff” to be a Marine.
Lol, nicely done.
Plenty of room to go either way with that one.
I answered it. You did not understand my answer. I do meander, however not now: Confirmation needs not be the knowledge of, only the statement of not.
You got that right.
Except the US Capital Police do not agree with the statement on Politico.
Prove it. The US Capital Police do not agree with your statement.
Despite your best efforts none of that has been proven.
No insider knowledge here, but I've always thought the brass was worried about Trump trying to take charge of the troops to facilitate the 6 Jan perps. To have had a force at the Capital before 12:00 PM would have required several days planning prior. Without that prior planning, Mayor Bowser request for help at 02:00 PM was doomed from the start, too late to be effective without a force on stand by.
Perhaps they didn't want to publicly admit that they didn't trust Trump.
sounds like who we need back in the White house, a guy that our Generals do not trust...?
How this fckd up in the head, moraless marauder, who'd try and bang ones underage daughter, is running for PotUS instead of the lamb, being lead to the slaughter, is just plain crazy, as he and these crazy GOP Investigation, never hold water , as they just distract and truth, hold back, and just murky up the lenz, to distort that which they attempt to straighten via the bends, that further gum up the works, all brought about by some Loudermilk jerks, off on another misadventure Benghazi stylin about what difference does it make now, what held up the Calvary, cause Trump and his intentions , quite easy to see. And the cover laid down, by his apologists, just adds a few more twists, to the sad story that has been Donald Trump. History will have this Republican owned and furthered along by, POS, as the lowest point in our short modern history, and should hopefully wake up the world, to the dangers that dwell within social distorted media, the 'right' wrong wing, and the Trump acceptance thing. Russia and the 'right' have played US for the ignorant nation this country has become, and just hopefully, we can get that undone, cause we owe it to so many who gave so much....
We don’t know that, maybe was only showering with his daughter.
who would you let babysit someones grand daughter ? The guy who brags about females allowing him to grab them buy the pussy, is an accused rapist, and twenty plus women have said Trump sexually assaulted them, + while along with Epstein was named as a codefendant in an underaged rape later dropped when accuser couldn't be found, and then was found guilty in a civil trial of sexual assault/rape case and ordered to pay 80 plus million dollars to, or some old guy who apparently, according to Trump , can't string two sentences together, is so far gone he needs to take pause, out of his teleprompter reading ritual, and has what, two women accusing him and a daughter shower deal, yet nothing Golden here, accept for both their years and Trumps' bathing needs, as this just further feeds into Trumps bragging bout wading too deep to roe, cause now if he rapes someone's wife, sister, daughter, mother, grandaughter, brother, fathers' son, and impregnates they, will they be able to abort Trumps decision, or will they be forced to face his Federal State of Denial, where as state lines need crossed like females legs around Trump, the orange hump who couldn't moisten that camels toe fungus, for who among US, believes the orange clown sitting in court wouldn't fly from the nearest airport to guarantee the aborted mission, as he pays his little playmates and pornstars, $135,000.00 on average to keep Melania safe from he, till she need take a pee wee Herman stance, but by chance , in General, do you possibly believe, Trump gave the Brass damn good reason to not trust his ass, cause i think there are reasons good and plenty, candy be not accepted by one who might molest it, Candy, cause there is quite the Stormy battle to allow the tattle tale of such a stand up guy paying for fake stories on the others, while paying off the captured to kill the Trump thrill, of his own mighty sexual conquests, that only cost a little over a quarter million, as the art of the deal exampled yet again, but worry about Joe, cause only TIME already did tell
gonna let your daughter play the Trumpet, cause i'll go with slow Joe
Definitely not the guy who sniffs her hair and wants to shower with her.
yea, go with the rapist
feel sorry for any of your grandkids
Bring it.
Get it on, bang a gong, get it on
Get it on, bang a gong, get it on
The real person to be held accountable for January 6th is Donald Trump.
No amount of prevarication can deny that.