
Pro-Gaza protesters arrested for closing Manhattan Bridge - UPI.com

Via:  Texan1211  •  10 months ago  •  20 comments

By:   UPI

Pro-Gaza protesters arrested for closing Manhattan Bridge - UPI.com
Hundreds of protesters shut down the Manhattan Bridge in New York City on Saturday to support Gaza as the NYPD struggles to accommodate demonstrations protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

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May 12 (UPI) -- Hundreds of protesters shut down the Manhattan Bridge in New York City on Saturday to support Gaza as the NYPD struggles to accommodate demonstrations protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Kaz Daughtry, the NYPD's deputy commissioner of operations, said on social media that more than 100 protestors intentionally blocked lanes of traffic on the Manhattan Bridge. He shared aerial footage showing police arresting protestors. According to the New York Post, journalists covering the march were among those arrested.

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Professor Expert
2  Krishna    10 months ago

Hundreds of protesters shut down the Manhattan Bridge in New York City on Saturday to support Gaza as the NYPD struggles to accommodate demonstrations protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Yes, freedom of speech is protected. Even political demonstrations.

But the way this is worded (:"demonstrations protected by the First Amendment") seems to imply that the right to block traffic is protected by the First Amendment. I'm not a lawyer but-- I don't think it is consistent with the rights mentioned in the First Amendment.

I believe it was Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. who said:

My right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins

Professor Expert
2.2  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2    10 months ago
But the way this is worded (:"demonstrations protected by the First Amendment") seems to imply that the right to block traffic is protected by the First Amendment. I'm not a lawyer but-- I don't think it is consistent with the rights mentioned in the First Amendment.

And even if blocking traffic is legal, there's another issue here: are these protestors helping their cause? By now almost everyone has heard about the situation in Gaza. So IMO the only thing these protestors are accomplishing is really pissing off people who are trying to go somewhere without being blocked!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.2.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @2.2    10 months ago

Yes, the "IDEOLOGY" argument fits here.  The people who are blocked by the protesters are going to learn to hate the protesters and what they are supporting, so the intent of the protesters just causes a backlash.

Professor Quiet
2.2.2  Ronin2  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.2.1    10 months ago

No one ever said these protestors were smart. 

No one ever said they understood what they are even protesting. Backing Hamas, Hezbollah, or even the PA, is as dumb as backing Israel. Which they are doing by pissing off those whose opinions they want to sway.

They are looking for their 15 minutes of fame. To prove how damn much they care!

Doing something real liking starting petitions to their Congress critters, the White House, and state department are just too damn tough for them. Starting food, medicine, and aid drives to actually help the Palestinians is too much damn work; and they might actually learn something in the process of just how hard it is to get anything into Gaza or the West Bank with Israel's ever changing rules, regulations, and what goods are banned. Do that for 2 or 3 years and it will give them a valid reason to hate the Israeli government on a very personal level. Actually do some damn research into the history of Israel/Palestine all the way to the present- and hold seminars and lectures with experts in the field. Educate those that are willing to learn. Forcing Democrat and Republican candidates to state their positions clearly on the Israeli/Palestinian position; and what they plan on doing to correct it? Then holding them accountable if they fail to do so once elected.

These dumbasses think Hamas gives a shit about them? Hamas would kill them w/o a second thought. Especially any woman or girl that had the temerity to voice their opinion to a man- much the less defy Muslim laws would be stoned to death. The alphabet soup of the LGBTQ++ (or how many ever pluses they have now) would be thrown off the roofs of the tallest buildings still left standing in Gaza. Any non Muslim would simply be shot. Hamas and Iran are laughing at just how stupid these people are- and enjoying the show being fed to live by the media every day.

Many of these so called "protestors" are the same ones that took part in the BLM/Antifa riots. 

They know that in Democrat controlled bastions of stupidity even if they are arrested, the vast majority will never charged by DA's. Just cut loose so they can continue their stupidity.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.2.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ronin2 @2.2.2    10 months ago

I do agree with some of what you had to say here, but not all.  However today I'm having a "I'm mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore" day so I'll leave it at that for now. 

Professor Participates
2.3  bugsy  replied to  Krishna @2    10 months ago
the right to block traffic is protected by the First Amendment.

I think it is the exact opposite. Blocking traffic is blocking commerce and not allowing emergency vehicles to get by. I would suppose if they delay an ambulance or fire  truck, and someone dies, then that/those persons could be charged with manslaughter.

charger 383
Professor Silent
4  charger 383    10 months ago

Those that block roads for protests should not be treated as pedestrians 

Professor Participates
4.1  bugsy  replied to  charger 383 @4    10 months ago

Speed bumps?


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