'Scranton Joe' no more: Here's why voters are backing Donald Trump over 'decrepit old' Biden in his OWN hometown | Daily Mail Online
By: Jon Michael Raasch (Mail Online)

Hometown boys are usually revered.......................

Voters in Biden's hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, told DailyMail.com they are not backing hometown hero Joe in 2024.
President Joe Biden likes to invoke his humble beginnings in the foothills of Pennsylvania when addressing the country and potential voters. He even made a highly-publicized trip to the town last month to gather support.
But voters here don't see eye-to-eye with the 81-year-old commander-in-chief, telling DailyMail.com that life was better for them under former President Donald Trump.
'I was in better shape when Trump was in office,' Sean, who lives a couple of doors down from Biden's childhood home, said, adding he is now 'making less money' under the current administration.
'Groceries are way too high. Gas is ridiculous. There's a lot of different things but honestly, I don't trust the Democratic Party anymore.'
Sean, who was formerly a Democrat, said that the party is now flush with rich politicians, something he said does not reflect the roots of the conference.
'They don't live in the real world. They all get into office and they're all multimillionaires now, at a job that doesn't pay that.'
'So I just wonder why are they there - to help the people or to enrich themselves?'
In total DailyMail.com spoke to roughly 25 people for this report. Only seven took us up on recording interviews. And of that seven only one voter said they had Biden's back.
'I think Biden,' Jamaro said. 'I hope he just makes America great again.'
When pressed on whether Biden is the man to make good on Trump's 2016 slogan 'Make America great again' he issued a slight revision.
'I'm saying make America better than what it is right now with all the oil and gas prices and try to stop all the overseas fighting and everything so we don't have to send our troops over.'
The exterior of President Joe Biden's childhood home in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He lived in the home pictured above until he was 10-years-old
'Biden don't got no indictments and he's not facing no federal tampering with the election, so that's why I feel like it's Biden,' Jamaro said.
In downtown Scranton just a five minute drive from Biden's former home, Shaumay, a medical worker draped in blue scrubs, told DailyMail.com: 'Trump has my vote.'
She has lived in the 'Electric City' for 20 years but said that despite her ties to town, she believes Trump would better represent her priorities.
'No on Joe. He has to go,' she said before laughing at her unintended rhyme.
Alexander, a military veteran, told DailyMail.com 'Scranton Joe? No.'
'Can he can he really remember anything?'
'I'll go with Kennedy because he's new blood,' Alexander said. 'Yeah, we need something fresh in office, not crooks, and not decrepit old people.'
'I'm not voting for a crook and I am not voting for an old guy,' he continued, bashing both Biden and Trump.
'He can't remember his name,' he continued on about Biden. 'He got to have somebody tell him 'listen, Mr. President, your name is Joe.''
The veteran said America needs fresh ideas and a new candidate - and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is his man for the job. He's running as an Independent candidate in 2024.
U.S. President Joe Biden walks with children outside his childhood home as he visits Scranton, Pennsylvania, U.S., April 16, 2024
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the son of Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr., and the first of four children
A sign sits outside of Biden's childhood home highlighting his ties to the area
Alexander said that both Biden and Trump are not fit to hold the presidency and that he will be backing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the November election
The north eastern Pennsylvania town is home to some 75,000 residents
This general view shows a statue of Christopher Columbus on Lackawanna County Courthouse Square in Scranton
Another man in downtown Scranton, John, who was rocking a patriotic American flag bandana during his interview, told DailyMail.com: 'Trump all day.'
'I grew up in New York and your parents told you you have to vote Democrat. That's how it is. But now that I see what's going on, we need a guy like Trump back in there because he's not going to play around and the country's going downhill.'
'You have people that back Biden in Scranton that are now saying 'we got to do something' and they're against Biden.'
'So it's not because we hate him,' John continued. 'It's just the way he's running the country. It's going downhill. So they're gonna vote for Trump.'
Around town there were noticeable signs of Biden support from lawn signs to businesses hanging signage indicating Joe had been there.
His influence on the city is apparent and is only challenged by myriad memorabilia highlighting NBC's hit show 'The Office' - which is based on a fictional Scranton-based paper company.
However, his supporters were not as easy to spot.
Stephen, who was interviewed as he sat outside of downtown Scranton's most iconic building, the Lackawanna County Courthouse, also told DailyMail.com he is going to support the former president.
'Trump, because I believe he can fix our economy, he's done it before, he can do it again,' adding 'I hope it's not too late.'
Many voters in Scranton threw their support behind former President Donald Trump
Age was a large factor in why some Scranton voters could not bring themselves to back Biden
Phillip, who owns a farm around Scranton, said he too was for the former president because of his stance on energy, saying Biden is 'shutting down the natural gas.'
'We sit on big natural gas and oil on my farm,' he added.
Most Pennsylvania polls currently show Trump leading Biden, according to the Real Clear Politics average, which shows the former president beating out the current commander-in-chief by two points.
A late April poll from the New York Times and Siena even shows Trump beating Biden by three points in the Keystone State.
In 2020, Biden narrowly won the state with just over a one percent lead.
But the tides may be changing from blue to red, at least according to those interviewed by DailyMail.com.
'Life was better under Trump than it is under Biden,' Sean said. 'You can compare the two realistically now. Everything was better, groceries, gas, everything was better under Trump.'
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Get in touch with people Joe if you want to win anything..............but you can't. Your party affiliation won't allow it
His party is dedicated to punishing ordinary Americans to make those who hate the concept of America feel good.
As if a 6 term US Senator, 2 term Vice President and current US President never won anything...
Why yes. Let's live in the past shall we?
Running where "a half empty glass of water with a D on it could win". Even Nancy Pelosi is correct every once in a while.
Not so sure he knows that due to the fact he has handlers for decision making..........and not very good ones at that.
Care to list some?
Not the way it works unless deflection and denial was your intent.
That's a longwinded way of saying you can't.
What are they? He has been in politics almost 50 years so I am sure it will be easy for you to name 100.
You are the one that made the claim.
He is so addle brained but then you turn around and claim he is fucking everything up? Well, which is it? Jesus, you folks are so wrapped up in your rhetoric you don't even know which line of bullshit to follow next.
Well that was easy...
But hey, I hear trump golfed more than any president in history... woohoo.
Yes, addled brained people fuck things up. How is that confusing to you?
Name some and beating up corn pop does not count
I asked you first but I did not even expect to get that much of an answer.
He took the money his father gave him and turned it into a billion dollar real estate empire. He is worth almost 10 billion dollars.
He beat Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016.
Until the pandemic he was heading for the highest employment rate and the lowest unemployment rate in over 50 years.
He moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem where it belonged.
He nominated three excellent Justices to the supreme court.
He was in the process of building a border wall and lowering the numbers of illegals entering the country and he was deported many of those that remained here after they were told to leave.
When he was in office inflation was under control, gas prices were lower and we were an exporter of oil
Ok your turn.
I asked you to give some examples of Biden's achievements and you said I should name some of Trump's. Well I seemed to have done my part in comment 1.2.17. As of yet you have driven no response ( no shock really) and it has been two days. Am I to assume that he actually has no accomplishments.
It's pretty sad when your own home town doesn't want anything to do with you.
In current polling, Trump leads Biden 47% to 44% with registered voters in a two-way race, but when third-party candidates are included, the gap grows and Biden doesn’t even hit 40%..This is similar to what's currently seen in other swing states, with Trump also leading in Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia, and they are tied in Wisconsin.
You are correct and look at New Hampshire where Biden won by 7 points......
Trump only down two in Minnesota as well, per 538.
He never performed this well in polling in his previous runs and in 2016 and 2020 underperformed his polls.
So we should give up already and kiss our sacred republic goodbye?
What a drama queen statement.
Like your opinion counts, considering...
It counts as much as yours
I don't believe "Nanny Nanny Poo Poo" is still even considered a snappy comeback in any modern day kindergartens...
Then don’t use it. Maybe use a meme or two,,,,,thousand, lol.
Why is that a question for you?
It's telling how many people are willing to ignore the fact that the vast majority of people feel this clown is doing a good job. We've heard all the excuses several times over and they've been all proven wrong.
Biden's incompetency was able to fly under the radar while he was a senator. Now he's in the spotlight and it's all coming to light. His racist comments, his lies, his failures on, well, everything, his mishandling and illegal possession of classified materials, etc..
So lets hear from our Bidiots. If Biden is doing so well and there he has "strong mental acuity", why is Traitor Joe trying to hide the audio from the Hur investigation.
And before you all start making excuses, that audio does NOT fall under "executive privilege". Hur isn’t an adviser to the president. Tasked with investigating Biden’s decades-long mishandling of classified documents.