
String Of Unanimous SCOTUS Decisions Confirms Proliferation Of Activist Lower Courts

Via:  Jeremy in NC  •  9 months ago  •  15 comments

By:   Jordan Boyd

String Of Unanimous SCOTUS Decisions Confirms Proliferation Of Activist Lower Courts
Justices' agreement suggests lower courts — not the highest bench in the land — are the judicial bodies that have 'gone off the rails.'

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Coordinated attacks on SCOTUS's integrity, led by Democrats and their allies in the corporate media, try to deceive Americans into believing partisans hijacked the highest court in the land and ideologically fractured it into near-dysfunction. The prominence of unanimous opinions and even more unanimous judgments not only discredits this notion but suggests a far more concerning narrative about the politicization of lower courts.

Since its inception, the Supreme Court has wielded its authority to deliver decisions rooted in bench agreement. In recent years, especially, justices "defied critics" with "historic unanimity" on cases that circuit, appeals, and state supreme courts decided in defiance of the Constitution. Of the 32 cases already decided in the 2023 term, 21 of the judgments were agreed upon by all of the presiding justices. Many of them signaled justices' concern that lower courts abused their ruling power to violate the Constitution.

In the unanimous ruling on former President Donald Trump's ballot eligibility in Colorado, Justice Amy Coney Barrett signaled that "the message Americans should take home" was the justices' undivided conclusion.

"For present purposes, our differences are far less important than our unanimity: All nine justices agree on the outcome of this case," she wrote.

Scoldings like these are not are not uncommon. Nor are reminders that lower courts do not have unrestricted authority to rule as they please.

In the unanimously decided National Rifle Association of America v. Vullo, Justice Neil Gorsuch warned in his concurring opinion that benches like the Second Circuit have become too comfortable weaponizing legal devices like the "four-pronged 'multifactor test'" to secure a certain ruling instead of contextualizing them as a "useful, though nonexhaustive, guide," as the Supreme Court deemed them to be.

"Lower courts would therefore do well to heed this Court's directive: Whatever value these 'guideposts' serve, they remain 'just' that and nothing more," Gorsuch wrote.

In the NRA case, every justice on the high bench agreed that the Second Circuit should have examined the actions of gun control-crazed New York state officials as "reasonably understood to convey a threat of adverse government action in order to punish or suppress the plaintiff 's speech."

Justices' agreement and analysis of this behavior confirms that the lower courts — not the highest court in the land, as the propaganda pressroutinely suggests — have "gone off the rails."

Inferior circuit and district courts in overwhelmingly blue areas know this and have allowed it to fuel their capitulation to partisanship and misconduct so irreprehensible that it requires a swift and firm reaction from SCOTUS.

The spike in poorly ruled cases can be easily traced back to courts staffed and run by judges who have a blatant disrespect for the Constitution and a penchant for lying to Congress. President Joe Biden's concerning list of judicial nominees, which seems to satisfy Democrats' race and sex quotas, only exacerbates the chaos and dereliction that will inevitably send bad lower court decisions straight to the highest court in the land.

The problem with this alarming activism is that it continues unhindered if and until the Supreme Court has time to review and issue a decision. This delay makes it difficult for Americans whose constitutional rights have been targeted and trampled, like Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips, to secure justice.

The Supreme Court's recent string of unanimous decisions not only serves as a reminder that corporate media are deliberately deceptive, but also suggests that lower courts are abusing their power to achieve partisan and, more importantly, unconstitutional results.

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Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC    9 months ago

Seems the SCOTUS is keeping with their task.

Senior Expert
2  George    9 months ago

But Alitos wife flew a flag upside down.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  George @2    9 months ago

3 years ago.

Professor Quiet
2.2  Ozzwald  replied to  George @2    9 months ago

But Alitos wife flew a flag upside down.

And Thomas accepted bribes.  Or was that Thomas's wife?

Senior Expert
2.2.1  George  replied to  Ozzwald @2.2    9 months ago

No that was Sotomayer who took money from a publisher whose case she was hearing, or does that not fit the email talking points you are working off of?

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.2.2  Greg Jones  replied to  Ozzwald @2.2    9 months ago
"And Thomas accepted bribes.  Or was that Thomas's wife?"

Neither one is true. You're making shyt up.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.2.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  George @2.2.1    9 months ago

I wonder how much the 232 trips Breyer took for free, including 17 paid for by the billionaire  pritzkers, are worth?  London, Paris, Copenhagen, Beijing, Spain, Norway, Ireland etc.. are expensive.  Numbers get real big, real quick when you use left wing math and value a single trip to Indonesia at $500,000.

You’ll never believe this, but when a left wing special interest group totals gifts they don’t count free trips breyer took  to make speeches,  but they do for Thomas.    Some are saying under progressive standards that is  evidence of racist intent. 


Professor Quiet
2.2.4  Ozzwald  replied to  George @2.2.1    9 months ago

No that was Sotomayer who took money from a publisher whose case she was hearing, or does that not fit the email talking points you are working off of?

So what should be done???  And why would that not fit my talking points?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3  Sean Treacy    9 months ago

When reality collides with a fake narrative…

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4  Greg Jones    9 months ago

Just about every day on YouTube there are videos of Cruz and Kennedy humiliating and excoriating these incompetent idiot clowns that Biden sends up for judicial confirmation.

NO MERCY: 'Why Is Your Record So Bad?': John Kennedy Brutally Grills Nominee About 'Abysmal Record' (youtube.com)

'Did You Not Prepare For This Hearing?' Cruz Laces Into Biden Judicial Nominee - YouTube

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
4.1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Greg Jones @4    9 months ago

That's what happens when you only nominate to check a block vs. nominating for record.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  Greg Jones @4    9 months ago

Those are both funny and sad when you realize they still get confirmed, 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
4.3  Split Personality  replied to  Greg Jones @4    9 months ago

During the Bush Administration ( I loved that man but he did have his flaws ) GWB nominated 8 judges who were not deemed qualified by the ABA, so the Senate ignored the ABA and chastised them for those four years, appointing all of the unqualified nominees, two of them "unanimously unqualified".

Jump ahead to the Trump years and the Senate once again rescinded the "special status" of the ABA and approved 8 of Trumps questionable nominees, 3 of whom the ABA unanimously said were not qualified.

and excoriating these incompetent idiot clowns that Biden sends up for judicial confirmation.

They are in some cases respected conservative judges but they are subjected to the same tribal grilling and insults because they were nominated by a Democrat.

No longer are they interested in America first. Party, above all.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.3.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Split Personality @4.3    9 months ago

the ABA unanimously said were not qualified.

psst… the opinion of activist left wing groups are not relevant to judicial confirmations

some cases respected conservative judges but

by all means, identify these respected conservative judges nominated by Biden and opposed by conservatives. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5  Buzz of the Orient    9 months ago

So both sides have evidence that the various SCOTUS justices are corrupt - both sides now.  So what does that get ALL of America?  The Republican majority may well have caused the doom of their party to which they are loyal in November anyway.  Integrity does not belong in the SCOTUS anyway.  The losers in all of this are not just the Republicans, not just the Democrats, but ALL Americans.   


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