
Evangelist to liberal journalist: Stop with the 'progressive' lies

Via:  XXJefferson51  •  5 years ago  •  15 comments

By:   Michael F. Haverluck

Evangelist to liberal journalist: Stop with the 'progressive' lies
The outspoken Christian leader turned the tables on Moyers and argued that it is the Democrats who are in the business of spreading lies in order to win political battles. "It's all about politics and winning the election – they don't care about anything else," Graham insisted. "They are scared to death of conservative values and threatened because President Trump can't be pushed around and intimidated

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We the People

Pastor Graham is right.  It’s time to call out the democrats in the media out on their lies.  He recognizes the MBFC approved lamestream media as tools of the democrat party.  There are no grounds for impeachment. Impeachment and the lies the msm tell about it are nothing more than the democrats attempt to get the intellectually lazy and uninformed demographic.  

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Franklin Graham is taking to task a longtime PBS commentator for violating the biblical admonition not to lie in perpetuating partisan falsehoods intended to remove Donald Trump from office.

Veteran journalist Bill Moyers recently voiced his fear that America's survival is in danger by saying that "too many lies" can end a democracy – implying lies are coming from the White House as Democrats ramp up their efforts to impeach President Donald Trump. In response, Rev. Franklin Graham contended that the true threat derives from lies coming from Democrats and the left.

Graham was responding to Moyer's attack on the presidency, when he claimed the Trump administration should be under high scrutiny for alleged dishonest dealings and urged networks such as PBS to rebroadcast the impeachment proceedings during primetime TV so working Americans can watch (and turn against Trump).

"Do facts matter anymore? I think they do,"  Moyers asserted on CNN Sunday , insisting that he fears for America's survival for the first time in his "long life" – which includes the Great Depression and World War II. "I think they mattered in the Watergate hearings, in the Clinton hearings, and I think they'll matter this time, too."

Dems the honest ones?

Moyers took aim at Trump supporters, insinuating that Democratic presidential candidates are up front and honest, while the president is mired in deceit and lies.

"[A] society, a democracy, can die of too many lies, and we're getting close to that terminal moment – unless we reverse the obsession with lies that are being fed around the country," he said, indicating that Republicans are steeped in dishonesty … and the Democrats in truth.

Moyers then commented that the crowd's response to Trump at a recent Louisiana rally was "astonishing."

"They believed everything he said," the longtime journalist told CNN's Brian Stetler. "I'm hoping only ten percent of those people watch the hearings."

Having served as press secretary for former President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s, Moyers inferred that Republicans following Trump are not true U.S. citizens, and that watching the impeachment inquiry on television will turn his supporters against him.

"They will see it is not a witch hunt, and they will begin to doubt their master," Moyers continued. "And they will begin to break off and maybe become a citizen again."

Wait a minute here …

Graham – who serves as president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse – took to Facebook and addressed Moyer's narrative blasting Republicans and promoting Democrats' impeachment proceedings.

"The lies of the progressive left and the hyper-liberal media are what is a serious threat to the future of our nation,"  Graham remarked in a Facebook post . "The Bible tells us, 'The Lord detests lying lips.'"

In regards to Moyers' diatribe against the president and Republicans, Graham contended that the left-leaning journalist made one good point.

"Graham said Moyers is right about one thing … that lies are harmful," WND reported.

On the other hand, Graham asserted that when it comes to who is disseminating lies, Moyers had his parties mixed up.

"Long-time journalist Bill Moyers said Sunday that for the first time in his life, he fears for the nation's survival," the world-renowned evangelical leader wrote to his Facebook fans. "Why? 'Society, a democracy, can die of too many lies.' I agree with him 100% on that – we just don't agree on the source of the problem."

He went on to mention how the mainstream media has perpetuated the false narrative of Trump colluding with the Russians to win the 2016 presidential election – allegations that were refuted and never substantiated.

Graham argued that the same deceptive smear campaign is taking place with Democrats' televised impeachment inquiry of the president – as the mainstream media eagerly pushes the new narrative that Trump used his political sway to pressure Ukrainian leadership to investigate 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, regarding lucrative business dealings in the Eastern European nation.

"For two years, day after day, night after night, we heard Russian collusion – lie after lie, pushed by the liberal media," Graham recalled. "Then it was Ukraine and the whistleblower – Bill Moyers shares in the interview that his 'hope' is that as citizens watch the impeachment hearings – which are totally partisan – they will 'begin to doubt' in President Donald J. Trump so there can be a shift that would sway the 2020 election."

He impressed that the Democrats' campaign to impeach the president has nothing to do with pursuing the truth – and everything to do with getting rid of a Republican president who would more than likely defeat any Democratic presidential candidate in the 2020 presidential election next November.

The outspoken Christian leader turned the tables on Moyers and argued that it is the Democrats who are in the business of spreading lies in order to win political battles.

"It's all about politics and winning the election – they don't care about anything else," Graham insisted. "They are scared to death of conservative values and threatened because President Trump can't be pushed around and intimidated politically or personally."


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Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

"The lies of the progressive left and the hyper-liberal media are what is a serious threat to the future of our nation," Graham remarked in a Facebook post. "The Bible tells us, 'The Lord detests lying lips.'"

In regards to Moyers' diatribe against the president and Republicans, Graham contended that the left-leaning journalist made one good point.

"Graham said Moyers is right about one thing … that lies are harmful," WND reported.

On the other hand, Graham asserted that when it comes to who is disseminating lies, Moyers had his parties mixed up.

"Long-time journalist Bill Moyers said Sunday that for the first time in his life, he fears for the nation's survival," the world-renowned evangelical leader wrote to his Facebook fans. "Why? 'Society, a democracy, can die of too many lies.' I agree with him 100% on that – we just don't agree on the source of the problem."

He went on to mention how the mainstream media has perpetuated the false narrative of Trump colluding with the Russians to win the 2016 presidential election – allegations that were refuted and never substantiated.

Graham argued that the same deceptive smear campaign is taking place with Democrats' televised impeachment inquiry of the president – as the mainstream media eagerly pushes the new narrative that Trump used his political sway to pressure Ukrainian leadership to investigate 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, regarding lucrative business dealings in the Eastern European nation.

"For two years, day after day, night after night, we heard Russian collusion – lie after lie, pushed by the liberal media," Graham recalled. "Then it was Ukraine and the whistleblower – Bill Moyers shares in the interview that his 'hope' is that as citizens watch the impeachment hearings – which are totally partisan – they will 'begin to doubt' in President Donald J. Trump so there can be a shift that would sway the 2020 election."

He impressed that the Democrats' campaign to impeach the president has nothing to do with pursuing the truth – and everything to do with getting rid of a Republican president who would more than likely defeat any Democratic presidential candidate in the 2020 presidential election next November.

The outspoken Christian leader turned the tables on Moyers and argued that it is the Democrats who are in the business of spreading lies in order to win political battles.  

Professor Quiet
1.1  bbl-1  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    5 years ago

True.  The Lord does detest lying lips, but Lucifer does not.  Thus, that is the Trump connection to a deity.

Senior Guide
1.1.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bbl-1 @1.1    5 years ago

Graham is correct to call out the lying by the political left against our great elected President.  The resistance itself is a lie against America.  

Professor Quiet
1.1.2  bbl-1  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.1.1    5 years ago

No, Graham is not.  And 'the resistance' is truth.  All roads lead to Putin with Trump.  This is the crux of it all.  The hell with the Javelins.  Follow the money. 

Senior Guide
1.1.3  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bbl-1 @1.1.2    5 years ago

There are no roads to Putin with Trump.  Only democrats colluded with Putin.  Only pro Putin Ukrainians colluded with democrats for dirt on Trump.  Graham is right to call out democrat talking points by Moyers who is appealing to the moron vote demographic.  

Professor Quiet
1.1.4  arkpdx  replied to  bbl-1 @1.1.2    5 years ago

"And 'the resistance' is truth. All roads lead to Putin"


I will bet you actually wrote that with a straight face! I haven't seen anything that rediculous and funny in a long time. Please tell me you don't really believe that!

Senior Guide
1.1.5  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.4    5 years ago

Sadly, it seems like the majority of the so called resistance movement believes that conspiracy theory.  

Professor Quiet
2  cjcold    5 years ago

WOW! Far right wing spin at its worst.

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  cjcold @2    5 years ago

The spin was coming from Moyers.  Graham was correcting the record with the truth.  

lady in black
Professor Quiet
3  lady in black    5 years ago


Senior Guide
3.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  lady in black @3    5 years ago

Please stay on the topic of the seed which is the calling out of progressives for their lies about our President and his supporters.  

Professor Quiet
4  bbl-1    5 years ago

$$$Evangelist$$$ Graham ought to practice what he preaches---no wait---he preaches nothing and practices less.

For Graham to mention lies-----then why doesn't he step forward to mention the truths. 

My take on Graham and the other so called 'christian televangelists--including the blonde Paula White who has recently infested the Trump WH--all walk in The Shadow of The Deceiver while in their mortal earthly life, subtly do the divisional/falsehood work of The Putin oligarchy.

Senior Guide
4.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bbl-1 @4    5 years ago

I have been to one of his revival events in California last year and he is right on in what he preaches.  His organization came back and was helpful a few weeks later when the Carr fire hit us.  He has nothing in common with the prosperity gospel types.  His ministry and charities are totally legitimate.  He is right to call out Moyers and other progressives about their lies regarding our President and those who elected him.  

Senior Guide
4.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bbl-1 @4    5 years ago

If there really is such a thing as a sweeping generalization, your post defined its meaning.  

Senior Guide
4.2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2    5 years ago

Which means it was pro left....


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