al Jizzerror

Another Newsviner Defects!

By:  al Jizzerror  •   •  11 years ago  •  13 comments

Another Newsviner Defects!

Some of you here have been asking me to defect from Newsvine and come to this site. I haven't actually left Newsvine (yet). I guess it depends on what happens here and there. Like many people on Newsvine, the transition from Classic Newsvine to Beta Newsvine pissed me off. The attitude of the Newsvine staff is basically, "We're not going to change anything and if you don't like Beta, you can leave." I think the ch 52_blogs.jpg ange to Beta Newsvine was a downgrade rather than an upgrade. They also decided that users won't get to keep 90% of the revenue they generate which was the old arrangement. Instead of settling for their 10% cut, it appears that Newsvine feels entitled to keep 100% of the revenue from now on.

I never considered the news sexy, even when the stories were all about Bill Clinton getting oral sex in the oval office. I know there have always been sex scandals in the news, but broadcast news and newspapers still managed to seem rather boring. Then the Internet cums along and suddenly there are news vines and stalks and probingin-depthstories about Dick Morris analyzing polls and I begin to realize the news really is kinda sexy.

So the decline of Newsvine and the blandness of the news media have finally convinced me to join NewStalkers. So now I'm a NewStalker and I'm ready to start. I'm notfamiliarwith this site, so I'm not sure how NewStalkers works. I've never stalked anyone before so this will be interesting. Am I supposed to be an equal opportunity stalker andpursueall of the women on this site? There is really only one person I'm currently interested in stalking and she recently joined this site too. Since I'm a NewStalker, I don't know if I'm supposed to tell cobalt that I'm cumming or if I need to be in stealth mode and sneak up on her. I hope she has posted sexy images of herself somewhere on this site. Does anyone know where her bedroom window is?

Notice: This article is satire so please don't take it seriously. 53_blogs.jpg



http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IVc3mbkuomM/TZfgRhMtbPI/AAAAAAAAF_4/6r66aFi50 j8/s1600/Peeping+Tom.jpg


jrBlog - desc
Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

I'm really glad to see you! Glad that you're here!

I think all of us are upset about the changes... Smile.gif

Junior Quiet
link   cobaltblue    11 years ago

This is hilarious! I thought I was answering your blog, and I made my own blog!!!! That's hilarious! Go read my blog!!! Hahahahaha!!! I'm dyin' over heah!!!

Junior Quiet
link   cobaltblue    11 years ago

Will someone who knows this site please tell me how to remove my "blog"?? Thank goodness I didn't say anything really naughty to al. It's bad enough as it is. I am laughin' so hard, my kittens are staring at me.

That is sooooo funny!

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
link   author  al Jizzerror    11 years ago

Ahem... it is actually NewsTalkers al.

Damn! You're right Bruce, it says "Talkers". Maybe this isn't going to be as much fun as I thought. So I can't stalk cobalt here? Wanna bet.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
link   author  al Jizzerror    11 years ago


Go read my blog!!!

I tried to read your blog but I couldn't find it. Is this a Beta release of NT?

Junior Quiet
link   cobaltblue    11 years ago

Ooops ... shoulda told ya that I figured out how to delete it!! Did you get my link this morning? (stop it al.)

Junior Quiet
link   cobaltblue    11 years ago

It was titled "what does this mean?" or something. I wrote that in the box that said "title". Isn't that the funniest thing??! When I hit publish, there was a big ol' honkin' blog with my usual fawning response to you as the blog entitled "what does this mean?" !!!


I saw you this morning and almost tried to get you into a private chat. But since my attempts at responding to a blog went awry, I decided against it. You know I get with you.

You'll be fine here. I've been traveling around and reasonable and level-headed members and moderators. You'd be hard pressed to get anyone's hackles up, I think. Not the least bit thin skinned and can take any criticism anyone dishes out with it being personal. Amazingly secure, bright and aware-of-human-nature group as far as I can tell. First amendment rights are way good here. Within reason, of course. al. But I've not seen you do anything seriously offensive. You make valuable points with satirical (genius!) humor.

Professor Participates
link   FLYNAVY1    11 years ago

New Stalkers.... Works for me.

Kind of like horselips....I didn't know that they wore those... Wow. Getting smarter by the minute!!!

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
link   author  al Jizzerror    11 years ago


Kind of like horselips

Never kiss whore's lips. It's not just those oozing sores they sometimes have. Just think of what they've had in theirmouthsrecently.

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   retired military ex Republican    11 years ago

NewsTalkers is a dynamic site and much like the news Vine of early years only much better and much more dynamic. Love your Avatar Guess NV fleshed (flushed)you out so to speak. Welcome

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
link   author  al Jizzerror    11 years ago


Yo al, what's with all theBOLDEDtext?

It's not "bolded". It's the "arial black" font. Are you saying black is bold? Isn't that fontism? I've been banned for that!

Mom RN
Freshman Silent
link   Mom RN    11 years ago
Hey Al...youre too funny...and all this time I thought you dreamed of my "special" sponge baths...cobalt is a lucky girl...