MAPS TWOSOME: 2020 Election Results and Life Expectancy
Take note of Kentucky, where Mitch McConnell reigns supreme.
Kentucky, where people die younger...
Where Mitch still refuses to expand Medicare!
United States presidential election results by county, 2020
Life Expectancy by U.S. county
Here are a couple more about life expectancy:
Interesting that two of the highest areas of life expectancy are out on the Aleutian Chain. That's damn hard county.
Not surprised that Australia has a higher life expectancy in both 1960 and 2019. Life is much more laid back in the land of OZ.
Is it any surprise that countries with universal health care have higher life expectancies than the USA? But "Keep on Truckin'" America.
You're starting to give me an inferiority complex - that's the second time you've replied to one of my comments that way.
Umm.... that's my clumsy way of saying not only that I agree, but I can't imagine anyone disagreeing.
Well, I'd venture to say that there are quite a few NT members who would.
In conversations about health care systems, I cite longevity as the broadest possible indicator of a nation's health... and therefore of the success of its health care system. To me that is about as ''duh'' as can be. I use the word often.
Needless to say, denialists find ways to disagree. Duh...
I was referring to those who disagree with a universal health care system when I said "...there are quite a few NT members who would." (just in case anyone misunderstood what I meant)
I'd love to say that NTers are atypical. Sadly, I don't think so....