
People with extremist views less able to do complex mental tasks, research suggests

Via:  Bob Nelson  •  4 years ago  •  9 comments

By:   Dr Leor Zmigrod (the Guardian)

People with extremist views less able to do complex mental tasks, research suggests
Cambridge University team say their findings could be used to spot people at risk from radicalisation

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The Beacon

Thoughtful conservatives have nowhere to go.

The Republican Party has not produced any ideas for social advancement in decades. The last one may have been the Heritage Foundation's proposal for health-care... which became RomneyCare in Massachusetts and then ObamaCare nationally. Since then... not much.

I don't count shoveling federal money to the already-rich to be a "social advancement"...

We see the same thing here on Newstalkers: For years; I have called on our "conservative" members to tell us their ideas. They never answer... because they have no ideas .

Since the advent of Donald Trump, those idea-less, self-styled conservatives have been freed of any constraints. They can, and do, lie about everything, all the time. 

We should not condemn them. We should pity them.

They have no ideas because they are intellectually handicapped. They never learned to think.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


Our brains hold clues for the ideologies we choose to live by, according to research, which has suggested that people who espouse extremist attitudes tend to perform poorly on complex mental tasks.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge sought to evaluate whether cognitive disposition - differences in how information is perceived and processed - sculpt ideological world-views such as political, nationalistic and dogmatic beliefs, beyond the impact of traditional demographic factors like age, race and gender.

The study, built on previous research, included more than 330 US-based participants aged 22 to 63 who were exposed to a battery of tests - 37 neuropsychological tasks and 22 personality surveys - over the course of two weeks.

The tasks were engineered to be neutral, not emotional or political - they involved, for instance, memorising visual shapes. The researchers then used computational modelling to extract information from that data about the participant's perception and learning, and their ability to engage in complex and strategic mental processing.

Overall, the researchers found that ideological attitudes mirrored cognitive decision-making, according to the study published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

A key finding was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms, and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps, said lead author Dr Leor Zmigrod at Cambridge's department of psychology.

"Individuals or brains that struggle to process and plan complex action sequences may be more drawn to extreme ideologies, or authoritarian ideologies that simplify the world," she said.

She said another feature of people with tendencies towards extremism appeared to be that they were not good at regulating their emotions, meaning they were impulsive and tended to seek out emotionally evocative experiences. "And so that kind of helps us understand what kind of individual might be willing to go in and commit violence against innocent others."

Participants who are prone to dogmatism - stuck in their ways and relatively resistant to credible evidence - actually have a problem with processing evidence even at a perceptual level, the authors found.

"For example, when they're asked to determine whether dots [as part of a neuropsychological task] are moving to the left or to the right, they just took longer to process that information and come to a decision," Zmigrod said.

In some cognitive tasks, participants were asked to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible. People who leant towards the politically conservative tended to go for the slow and steady strategy, while political liberals took a slightly more fast and furious, less precise approach.

"It's fascinating, because conservatism is almost a synonym for caution," she said. "We're seeing that - at the very basic neuropsychological level - individuals who are politically conservative … simply treat every stimuli that they encounter with caution."

The "psychological signature" for extremism across the board was a blend of conservative and dogmatic psychologies, the researchers said.

Are our personalities set in stone, or can we work on - even improve - them? Read more

The study, which looked at 16 different ideological orientations, could have profound implications for identifying and supporting people most vulnerable to radicalisation across the political and religious spectrum.

"What we found is that demographics don't explain a whole lot; they only explain roughly 8% of the variance," said Zmigrod. "Whereas, actually, when we incorporate these cognitive and personality assessments as well, suddenly, our capacity to explain the variance of these ideological world-views jumps to 30% or 40%."


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Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1  seeder  Bob Nelson    4 years ago

Thinking requires effort at several stages: collecting data, determining what is pertinent, detecting trends, projecting, imagining actions that would influence the situation in the desired direction. That's a lot of work!

Learning by copying is a natural phase of human development. Children watch their parents... and each other. As they grow up, some of them learn to think, to invent new ideas and behavior, in addition to the rote-learned behavior that serves us all, in most of what we do.

But many people never bother. They just follow somebody, all their lives. Their parents. Their neighbors. Their congregation. Their political party. They adopt their Leader's positions, making little or no effort to understand. 

Of course, no one wants to admit that they don't think. So after they have taken positions, they must backfill with whatever justification their Leader and his (always a man, in patriarchal America) Apostles supplies.

Today, we have all these people, who have never learned to think, but who are not stupid. They are faced with an impossible choice: either they must recognize that they have been bamboozled by their Leader, or they must continue to follow Him, blindly, into whatever future He desires for them.

It will not be a radiant future...

Professor Guide
2  Drakkonis    4 years ago
Thoughtful conservatives have nowhere to go.

Perhaps you aren't really considering the word "conservative." Conservatives, by nature, aren't proponents of change in the manner a progressive is, so coming up with ideas for "social advancement" wouldn't be their thing. For the conservative, life is relatively simple and don't feel the need to constantly change things simply for the sake of change. For the conservative life is founded on something solid and unchanging and, from our view, progressives seem to want a society without any foundation whatsoever. There's no center to return to; no touchstone to know where you are. 

That doesn't mean conservatives are against change of any kind. However, it has to make sense according to the principles which, for us, do not change. From our perspective, progressive principles either do not exist or are so counter-intuitive that you have to go to college in order to attempt to understand it. And even once understood, it makes no sense in relation to the foundations upon which a conservative stands. 

So, for most thoughtful conservatives, it isn't that we have nowhere to go. It's that we don't feel a need to go in the first place. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
2.1  seeder  Bob Nelson  replied to  Drakkonis @2    4 years ago

I can see only two possibilities:

 - America is perfect

 - America could be improved

Perfection not being of this world, it seems that America could be improved. 

Whether one agrees with the specifics of their propositions, it is clear that the Democrats do make them.

The Republicans do not.

Professor Guide
3  Tacos!    4 years ago
Thoughtful conservatives have nowhere to go.

You seem to have missed the fact that this study did not focus on just conservatives and the findings were not limited to them either. It was about extremism for both Left and Right and the findings appear to have been generally the same, if differing only in style.

political liberals took a slightly more fast and furious, less precise approach

Hmmm. Less precise. Not unlike only seeing this study as being about conservatives. Perhaps failing to appreciate this nuance was a result of extremism?

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
4  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu     4 years ago

"A key finding of the psychologists was that people with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in a black and white way."

I can understand that, it does make life more simple. Unfortunately, reality dictates otherwise. 

Professor Guide
4.1  Drakkonis  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @4    4 years ago
Unfortunately, reality dictates otherwise.

For example?

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
4.1.1  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  Drakkonis @4.1    4 years ago
reality dictates otherwise.
For example?

Good better best

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5  Buzz of the Orient    4 years ago
"They never answer... because they have no ideas "

That's not true.  There is another article posted here today that indicates that coservatives have lots of ideas on how to restrict voting rights in order to make sure that liberals don't have voting alternatives during unusual circumstances, in order to make sure it will be easier for Trump to return in 2024.  

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.1  seeder  Bob Nelson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5    4 years ago


I stand corrected.


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