Watch out for the US-made viruses
By: Xin Ping
Watch out for the US-made viruses
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." It is the motto the US Intelligence Community created 40 years ago, and they have lived it out ever since.
Tasked by the US President Joe Biden, the US spy agencies are currently rolling up their sleeves to collect and analyze information that could bring them closer to a definitive conclusion on the origins of COVID-19.
Sounds rather ironic, isn't it? A most rigorous research which ought to be carried out by experts and scientists has been handed over to special agents. Whether or not the agents have the expertise to do such complicated scientific research as tracing the origins, their job description has already put a big question mark on the integrity and fairness of the report due to be released in 70 days or so. This pure political motive is unrelated to -- if not contradictory with -- the fact-based, evidence-supported, politics-immune and unbiased scientific work. By refocusing attention on the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the target of probe into COVD-19 origins, the US would be able to further demonize China by mounting a disinformation campaign by its intelligence community notorious for disseminating lies in pursuit of US foreign policy goals.
This scenario looks all too familiar. What the US did 20 years ago is about to reemerge -- when Colin Powell, with a vial of so-call "anthrax" in the UN Security Council, accused Iraq of acquiring weapons-of-mass-destruction (WMD) based on "solid" intelligence. Donald Rumsfeld's elaboration, "the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", still rings an alarm bell as no WMD was found in the war-torn country in the end.
The report on COVID-19 origin by US spycraft will very likely become another "Great Intelligence Failure". It is a pity for the US, a country billed as respecting science and reason, to repeat the wrongdoing time and again. This is not only anti-intellectual but in essence evil. The US is caught by a weird virus called "political paranoia".
In science, all subjects should be treated indiscriminately, regardless of their where-about or background. Where there is a reasonable doubt, there is careful study for the truth. Bearing this in mind, we need to reexamine the timeline of how COVID-19 spread in the US The cause of the respiratory outbreak in north Virginia remains a mystery; the connection between the lung health crisis in Wisconsin and the pandemic is yet to be explained; and the latest evidence of early infections offered by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) sets the beginning date of spreading weeks earlier than the official one.
Let alone the 200-strong biological laboratories run by the US all over the world. They often make disturbing or even frightening headlines. Between 2010 and 2014 alone, the NIH received 644 lab accident reports. That is one accident every 3 days on average. Various viruses escaped or were stolen from different labs due to negligence and lack of supervision.
Too many suspicions have been aroused, too many mysteries are exposed, and too many questions are to be answered. The more data and evidence we obtain, the more urgent we feel to have a thorough investigation into the pandemic in the US, which has the most confirmed cases and fatalities. Yet, while the US politicians are busy clamoring investigation into other countries for the origins of COVID-19, they all fall eerily silent when inquired about the reason why Fort Detrick was closed right before the pandemic outbreak, and whether all the labs are in good operation status. They refuse to respond to a possible "WHO-convened global study of COVID-19 origins --- the US part". They are caught by another overbearing virus called "America exceptionalism".
Last but not least, the US-made virus of confrontation mentality--to bring China down, is the real drive to politicize or even weaponize the tracing of COVID-19 origins. Although it will only meet a dead end, the world still needs to watch out and avoid being infected. The coronavirus infringes upon people's right to health, whereas the political viruses the US is spreading could be more dangerous in depriving us of truth by rewriting history.
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It looks to me as if China has started to punch back. Interesting to see their drawing a parallel with the presentation of WMD that were not ever found, but used to start the Iraq war.
It looks to me as if China has started to punch back. Interesting to see their drawing a parallel with the presentation of WMD that were not ever found, but used to start the Iraq war.
They have also made another interesting comparison:
China mocks US ‘double standards’ over Capitol chaos vs Hong Kong