Recent evidence points to natural origin of COVID-19, scientists write in Lancet
By: Yahoo News Tue, 6 July, 2021, 6:57 pm
BUZZ NOTE: There was no image with this article, so an image was borrowed from the article upon which this one is based in order to post this article.
Recent evidence points to natural origin of COVID-19, scientists write in Lancet
New Delhi, Jul 6 (PTI) There is no scientifically validated evidence to support the theory that the coronavirus leaked from a laboratory in China, and more recent, peer-reviewed studies strongly suggest that the virus evolved in nature, a group of scientists wrote in The Lancet journal.
The report published on Monday was compiled by two dozen biologists, ecologists, epidemiologists, physicians, public health experts and veterinarians from around the world.
'We believe the strongest clue from new, credible, and peer-reviewed evidence in the scientific literature is that the virus evolved in nature, while suggestions of a laboratory-leak source of the pandemic remain without scientifically validated evidence that directly supports it in peer-reviewed scientific journals,' the authors wrote in the journal.
The same team of scientists had last year dismissed the lab leak idea as a conspiracy theory in a report also published in The Lancet.
The latest report comes as many countries have called for further inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus, including the possibility that it escaped from a lab in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the first cases were reported in December 2019.
'Allegations and conjecture are of no help as they do not facilitate access to information and objective assessment of the pathway from a bat virus to a human pathogen that might help to prevent a future pandemic,' the authors of the report explained.
'New viruses can emerge anywhere… It is time to turn down the heat of the rhetoric and turn up the light of scientific inquiry if we are to be better prepared to stem the next pandemic,' they noted.
The authors of the report, however, said they welcome calls for scientifically rigorous investigations into the origin of the virus.
'To accomplish this, we encourage WHO and scientific partners across the world to expeditiously move to continue and further extend their initial investigation with experts in China and the Chinese Government,' they wrote.
They noted that WHO's report from March, 2021 must be considered the beginning rather than the end of an inquiry.
That inquiry had concluded that a lab leak was unlikely. However, many countries had expressed concern about the way the investigation was carried out and called for more transparency.
The authors of the Lancet report said they strongly support the call by the Group of Seven (G7) leaders of industrialised nations for 'a timely, transparent, expert-led, and science-based WHO-convened phase 2 COVID-19 origins study.' 'We also understand that it might take years of field and laboratory study to assemble and link the data essential to reach rational and objective conclusions, but that is what the global scientific community must strive to do,' they added.
The authors included scientists from Boston University, University of Maryland in the US, the University of Glasgow, The Wellcome Trust, UK, Charite–Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Germany, and The University of Queensland in Australia among many other global institutes. PTI SAR SAR
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Doesn't matter, the politics is more important than the science and every effort is to be made by the USA (including the 4 1/2 Eyes) in its attempts to establish that the virus was man-made with the participation of the Chinese military for the purpose of creating a bioweapon and it was accidentally released from the Wuhan lab, if not intentionally so. Fuck science, bashing China is more important.
Evening...You believe strongly on the Chinese view and I believe just as strongly on the 4 eyes and a blink view.
Each to their own and as for politics could not give a stuff..would rather watch paint dry..
Don't make assumptions, Shona1. Too many NT members do that. I have never indicated that I believe the Chinese view. The only view I have ever indicated that I believe is that NO VIEW has been proven and so whatever the Chinese say was the origin is just as viable a possibility as the Americans have been saying is the origin. apologies...I stand corrected..
No harm done.
It was always two different questions. Was the Virus natural or man-made ? Did it escape from the Wuhan Lab or did it jump from animal to human in the countryside or wet market. We know the Wuhan lab had these types of viruses so an accident is possible.
??? What is it you are trying to say?
Nothing. Some talking points from some far right wing moron. Possibly trumpturd.
zuksam's an okay guy, Tess. Give him a chance to reply to me.
I quoted from your post then hit post on accident before I wrote what I wanted to write OOPs
There is no absolute answer to those questions yet, and in fact there may NEVER be answers to them. The posted seed is the opinion of a number of eminent relevant scientists, followed up by another I posted a link to down below. My comment which you quoted is my sarcastic view about what some are trying hard to prove. In the meantime, many look at what is going on as being depicted by this cartoon.
So then it’s just a coincidence that the first cases came from the city where this lab was? Seems . . . convenient.
Personally, I don't know how anyone can be sure that those WERE the first cases, so your sarcasm blows in the wind.
Well, it’s the scientific consensus and it was even reported in your own seed. You believe the rest of this article, but not that specific part? Convenient!
So, I’d say my sarcasm is warranted and it’s your irrational denial that blows in the wind.
BTW, I’m not bashing China. The evidence is what it is. Acknowledging it isn’t “bashing.”
The article said it evolved IN NATURE. It DID NOT say where. Where first cases are reported does NOT mean that was the origin. Where did I accuse you of bashing China?
Yeah, and then it looks as if some people in a lab in Wuhan may have found it, experimented on it, and made themselves and the rest of the world sick with it.
Where else would you look other than where the first cases were?
You didn’t. Nor did I say you did. But since you referenced it above, I thought I would address that objection preemptively in my comment.
That's just nuts!
Why is it nuts?
Probably because I’m the one who said it. For some people, the source of a comment (or a seed, for that matter) is their only clue as to whether they should agree or disagree.
No, because it's nuts.
Childish comment, deemed offensive by administrator in accordance with group RED RULES)
I was asking what to me was a legitimate question. I'm sorry you seemed unable or unwilling to answer and deflected instead. Have a good evening.
LOL. Can't you dream up a better scenario than that? No Pulitzer Prize for that one.
I agree that that would be the FIRST place to look - but then are your feet encased in concrete after that?
I guess you realized that with what you had to say it would probably be deemed to be bashing if you were, as you did, to come up with an outlandish anti-Chinese scenario, especially since it is entirely contrary to the opinion published in Lancet.
Not at all. In fact it's quite a reasonable comment considering your theory is in direct contradiction with what was published in Lancet. Your paranoid comment about "who said it" makes Tessylo's comment even more reasonable.
See my reply to Tacos!
I did read it.
You are hard into denial if you think I dreamed that up.
Absolutely not, but you need a reason to look somewhere else.
No, I already explained my words. Why ignore my own explanation just to spin your tale? You have already said that you see these suspicions about Wuhan as “bashing China.”
[removed Buzz is not the topic][.]
Apparently a free exchange of ideas is not part of the rules around here.
I award no credence to your comments. That should be obvious at this point, but keep it up, keep the article I posted on the Home (Front) Page.
[Buzz is , again, not the topic.]
I should add that your comment "you need a reason to look somewhere else" simply adds to my reasons for my opinion of your comments. That comment assumes that the lab leak theory is absolute and irrefutably proven, and it has NOT. I do try to maintain some REALITY around here, rather than having readers wasting their time on my articles and seeds. As for Tessylo's comment that your comment was nuts, it's a criticism of your comment, not of you, and therefore remains. And is there anyone else here who doesn't think that posting "la la la la la la" as a celebration for their own comment isn't childish?
No, because it's nuts. What else is there to say?
"No, because it's nuts."
You obviously cannot or will not answer my question of why you say it's nuts so there is no use continuing. Have a good day.
That’s just nuts!
The reality is that China’s refusal to simply be open and transparent is not helping them look as innocent as they claim. After living through four years of a lying piece of shit POTUS who gaslighted the country multiple times a day, and a new Republican Party that has elevated gaslighting to be its mantra, Americans are wise to this type of attempted manipulation.
In my opinion I agree with you that Chna has not been sufficienly open and transparent, and have said that more than once on NT, but that in itself may raise suspicion but not necessarily factual truth. Americans have the right to plead the 5th - does that make them guilty?
My comment is more about public opinion than guilt. That said, when one pleads the fifth it generally has the effect of making themselves seem guilty in the opinions of the public.
Yes, refusal to submit yourself to clever cross-examination does have that effect.
China was/is a convenient target for all perceived sins, and if you did/do not tow that line you were/are cast as a puppet by the knee jerkers. Canada's Dr. Theresa Tam who had Chinese parents and led the Covid response was a major target of those who took the easy way out by playing the blame game.
I'll take the word of the Lancet over any of the gqp know nothings.
I guess I have to post a reminder that I made this comment above 17 hours ago, yet I still get slandered as being biased.
I guess it's impossible to counter American bias on this site without being accused of being biased.
Coronavirus almost certainly came from an animal, not a lab leak, top scientists argue
Lab created viruses have a genetic marker that the Covid-19 virus lacks, meaning it evolved naturally...
Who is saying the virus was created in a lab? It can come from a lab without being created there.
Did I aim that link at you? But since you asked, I've certainly seen a number of conspiracy theories concerning the virus being created in a lab, and those that said the virus was released from a lab - some said deliberately while others said accidentally, and of course it could have come from a lab without being created there. There are LOTS of possibilities, so I see no reason to NOT have posted that link to a follow-up and confirming article about the one published in Lancet. And the headline for the article referred to lab leak, not lab-created.
I have decided to lock this article for the (my) night, but I will unlock it in around 10 hours or so from now.
This article is now unlocked for civil commentary.