China has won AI battle with U.S., Pentagon's ex-software chief says
By: Guy Faulconbridge;- REUTERS
China has won AI battle with U.S., Pentagon's ex-software chief says
LONDON (Reuters) -China has won the artificial intelligence battle with the United States and is heading towards global dominance because of its technological advances, the Pentagon's former software chief told the Financial Times.
© Reuters/SUN YILEI Autonomous delivery vehicle by Damo is displayed at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai
China, the world’s second largest economy, is likely to dominate many of the key emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, synthetic biology and genetics within a decade or so, according to Western intelligence assessments.
Nicolas Chaillan, the Pentagon's first chief software officer who resigned in protest against the slow pace of technological transformation in the U.S. military, said the failure to respond was putting the United States at risk.
"We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion," he told the newspaper. "Whether it takes a war or not is kind of anecdotal."
China was set to dominate the future of the world, controlling everything from media narratives to geopolitics, he said.
Chaillan blamed sluggish innovation, the reluctance of U.S. companies such as Google to work with the state on AI and extensive ethical debates over the technology.
Google was not immediately available for comment outside business hours.
Chinese companies, Chaillan said, were obliged to work with their government and were making "massive investment" in AI without regard to ethics.
He said U.S. cyber defences in some government departments were at "kindergarten level".
Chaillan announced his resignation at the beginning of September, saying military officials were repeatedly put in charge of cyber initiatives for which they lacked experience.
A spokesperson for the Department of the Air Force said Frank Kendall, secretary of the U.S. Air Force, had discussed with Chaillan his recommendations for the department’s future software development following his resignation and thanked him for his contributions, the FT said.
(Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge; Editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman, Robert Birsel)
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There is a cost to confrontation, and even competition, rather than co-operation.
Because with co-operation between two, both sides benefit, and then so does the rest of the world. So choose your poison.
Just in case, since I'm gong to sleep now, I'm locking this article until my morning which will be around 9 hours from now, when I will unlock it for civil comments.
Now unlocked for civil comments.
There was an interesting article in last Sunday's 60 Minutes that dealt with synthetic media. It was an eye opener. They were saying that in maybe 7 years there will be the ability for any individual to make full movies without actors. They had demo's with completely synthetic facets of the 60 Minutes commentator for the piece, and had his voice working with the face. The voice and facial movements matched up and the commentator did not speak for the bit but only typed the words in to the system. If they can create something that lifelike that quickly, it's going to be amazing (and troublesome) in a few years where someone can create an avatar and type in a speech and have them saying anything.. all without the ability to tell the difference.
It's scary, Snuffy. That's why I keep saying, please beam me back to the early 1950s.
Synthetic biology and genetics are easier for them because our laws won't allow us to test on humans especially without their consent. As far as AI goes they can have SkyNet. The thing I don't understand is why Our former Pentagon first chief software officer is being allowed to say these things publicly, with a big mouth like that I'd be surprise if anyone in the Tech sector would hire him. I don't know if I'd trust his opinion since he doesn't know what private industry is working on (Private industry has learned not to tell the Government shit, to many leaks), he only knows what the government is doing and they are rarely at the forefront in anything they do.
Has anyone posted a disagreement yet with what he said?
Would they?
The last thing any US corporation in that field would do is admit to how far they are on any project. Why tip off the US government, competitors, and yes, the CCCP, Russians, and any other country that might be interested in the tech?
I agree that competitors would not want to give away such info, but what about government disagreeing with Chailian? Half of the USA jumped on Milley when he called his Chinese counterpart, so why isn't there any noise about what Chailian said?
Locked for my night, will unlock in 8 or 9 hours from now.
Unlocked, as promised.
Nothing posted on this today, so I'm now locking it permanently.