NT GROUPS - What's the Best One, and Why?
NT GROUPS - What's the Best One, and Why?
There are 76 groups listed on the NewsTalkers. Quite a few are inactive - nothing posted on them for more than a year; some are private, and some are very active. I administer 5 groups, a few are active, one less so, and one totally inactive. But when it comes to picking what I think is the best one on NT, my choice is not one of my own, it is the Creative Arts group. Why? A few reasons. First of all, it is devoid of politics, a welcome respite on this site. Secondly, it has a good mix of active members from all factions, loyalties and cliques, and thirdly, it allows all to display creative and artistic talents to an appreciative audience, and display they do. Notwithstanding our differences there is a great sense of comradery among us. This weekend's collection of photographs and artistic creations are posted in almost 200 comments. Being an amateur photographer myself, it is a venue on which I have the opportunity to post my photos that I've taken over he past half a century, mostly of my travels throughout China. One need not be a contributor of artistic talent to be active, one can just enjoy the artistic talents of others, and comment now and then. Everyone is welcome.
So what NewsTalkers group would YOU choose as being the BEST ONE, and WHY do you make that choice?
BUZZ NOTE: Comments are subject to the Confucius group RED RULES which may be accessed by clicking on the Confucius group avatar at the top right of this page.
So what do YOU think is the best group on the NewsTalkers? Please do not just name the group, but tell us the reason(s) why you chose it.
Herding Cats. no rwnj's = no moderation
There are some valid reasons for moderation, one of which is to not lose the advertisers that prevent Perrie from giving it up because it's too expensive for her to carry.
Confucious say: Heavy and biased moderation leads to no need for moderation....
Personally, NWM, I think the moderation on this site is very fair. Seems to me that the persons who bitch about the moderation are the ones who deserve it. I've already pointed out a reason why it is a necessity.
I'm not arguing with you brother, in fact I'm a big believer in moderation, HEAVY moderation, I personally don't think Perrie goes far enough and she knows that already... but FAIR moderation as well... And Perrie IS fair, a lot fairer than most.... Confucius opinion is aimed at heavy UNFAIR moderation... Which always leads to no need for moderation at all... Think Goebbels/Himmler grade moderation...Unfortunately, we have some of that philosophy here on the site in the group moderators who moderate based upon hate...
I don't see the moderation based upon hate at all. Look, I'm satisfied with this site and with the moderation by those who are doing it now. I was once a moderator and frankly I hated doing it, I don't want to have to judge. So I don't complain. If you want to think Confucius, then here is what he said: "Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without."
Yeah he has a million of them.... {chuckle}
It's a private group where Dev feels free to throw insults at me and he doesn't get censored
tsk, tsk, there there now. I'd still be drinking if I was still married...
I like herding cats because we can ridicule all the fascists and white supremacists without being deleted. it's always the most popular private group in the recent groups listed on the front page.
You do remember the bottle cap magnate comment, don't you
of course I thought it was hilarious
Most of the groups I don't even know what they are. If they are private nothing is really shown about them. So I usually ignore them.
I'm not going to try an evaluate which groups are best, but I really think the inactive groups should be deleted.
I originally felt the same way as you, because I couldn't understand how the totally inactive Middle East Affairs group kept showing up on the Front Page listing of current groups, and I was thinking of deleting the inactive group that I administer, concerned that inactive groups were eating up valuable space on the whole NT system, so I asked Perrie about it and she told me the inactive groups actually take up very minimal space on the system, and once deleted everything stored on them is lost and gone forever, and those groups could still have items posted on them that we might want to review, so I guess we should let them be.
Morning buzz..I like to have a snuffle around anything and if something grabs my attention then I check it out...
Not particularly fussed with politics but that's because I have no idea who they are over there.. and the politicians are much the same here...I would rather brush the cat or watch paint dry..
But I am happy to have a gander (look) at anything and chuck in my two bobs worth (opinion) and use a bit of humour as well...
There is enough doom and gloom on this Earth and good news stories always lift the spirits..
Besides someone has to teach these Yanks (said with affection) how to spell..and us colonials have to stick together...
I am off down to the beach and hitting the waves... ripper summer is here, for at least one day..
For me, the best one is the Creative Arts Group. The reason is there is so much to see and learn from those who post their artwork, hobbies and other projects to share with others in that group. There are also no politics allowed, nor polytheizing. Only civil and cordial conversation, with lots to learn from others and lots of fun to enjoy.
Creative Arts because everybody is well behaved and polite and there is a lot of interesting and pretty things to see.
The best groups are any that devangelical and Trout Giggles are in charge of because I like them and because they do their best to get rid of trolls.
Even though I don't participate often, I like Creative Arts the best. We have some very talented people here with their photography, painting, etc. And people stay polite.
My other favorite is your movie group, Buzz. It's fun and people stay polite there, too
Well, MOST of the time. LOL
I didn't want to do this, but last night while I was sleeping CoC offences were committed here and I was not around to moderate. Therefore, since I'm going to sleep now (it's almost 11:30 p.m. here) I'm locking this article, and will unlock it in about 9 hours or so.
Now unlocked for civil commentary. Is it possible for everyone to be civil?