How tragic at Christmas ...
How tragic at Christmas ...
Dear Santa,
When I was a child, my Father cheated on my mum. Later my parents divorced.
Soon after, my mother died in a car accident.
My brother and I could only live in my grandma's old house.
Grandma's sister was an alcoholic. The whole family lived on my grandma's savings. Grandma recently died.
My Uncle Andy is barely keeping himself out of jail from day to day.
My brother left home and won't talk to us anymore.
Dad, now 76, had to go out to work recently to support the family and eventually, he is going to want me to do the same thing.
Please think of me this Christmas.
Yours Sincerely,
Prince William
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Maybe we should do a GoFundMe for him.
Sent to me by email by my brother, a little late, but what the heck..
LOL, good one.
Could have said his wife has cancer and he's got 3 young kids to look after.
Besides Kavika, maybe only we who are citizens of the Commonwealth get the joke.
The NT members have spoken - actually by NOT speaking - so for next while I don't intend to bore them with articles that are not about the loves of their lives - politics, guns and football. My time is better spent watching more movies.