
Great NON-POLITICAL Articles

Great NON-POLITICAL Articles

For readers who are getting tired of the constant barrage of political articles and political comments, this is a group for members who enjoy reading and discussing noteworthy and interesting articles/seeds and/or heartwarming stories that have nothing to do with local, national, foreign or international.politics.

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The administrator of this group reserves the right, along with the site moderators, to moderate all and any postings to this group, including the right to enforce the ToS, the CoC, and also including anything that the administrator deems within his sole discretion to be offensive, including but not limited to political and/or off topic comments, with the power to delete in exercising that right. 

It would be best, therefore, to be civil in posting on this group and not contravene the CoC, the ToS, and to not post comments that are political, insulting, taunting, trolling or offensive.

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Discussion Forum

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China pushes for bamboo to replace plastics

China pushes for bamboo to replace plastics

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  31 Comments  •  one month ago
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: Maybe they come in different flavours.
What is the real history of St. Valentine and Valentine's Day?

What is the real history of St. Valentine and Valentine's Day?

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  5 Comments  •  one month ago
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: I hope the memories are beautiful, but if I've caused you pain I apologize. 
10 important life lessons we are often taught too late

10 important life lessons we are often taught too late

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  8 Comments  •  2 months ago
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: "..." Go ahead, make my day.
Canadian Garth Hudson, last surviving member of The Band, dies at 87

Canadian Garth Hudson, last surviving member of The Band, dies at 87

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  7 Comments  •  2 months ago
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: All I can get is the organ intro, but it's pretty amazing. 
Social Media Addiction: Recognize the Signs

Social Media Addiction: Recognize the Signs

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  1 Comments  •  3 months ago
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: 📷


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@Buzz of the Orient @shona1 @Waykwabu @Kavika @John Russell @Vic Eldred @bccrane @Ed-NavDoc @Perrie Halpern @pat wilson @charger 383 @Jeremy in NC @Ender @Ronin2 @evilone @Freefaller @Thrawn 31 @Hallux @TOM PA @TᵢG @Bob Nelson @TTGA @Jasper2529 @sandy-2021492 @JBB @SteevieGee @zuksam @Thomas @MrFrost @Drinker of the Wry @Sockula @Nerm_L @Transyferous Rex @Krishna @Tacos! @Right Down the Center @Just Jim NC TttH @1stwarrior @George @arkpdx @Split Personality @Igknorantzruls @Drakkonis @Greg Jones @afrayedknot @Dragon @Freewill @Robert in Ohio @Hal A. Lujah @Colour Me Free @posleeper

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