Can Spring be far behind?
By: AaronLDY
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Today's first signs that Spring is almost here in China.
I like the pictures, but spring is nowhere near here
It's started to peek-a-boo here in Chongqing.
We have a long ways to go in upstate New york
Oh, I know that. I was born and grew up in the Buffalo "snow belt" - in Ontario.
I didn't take pics, but my hyacinths are peeping through the ground. Surprising, considering last week's frigid temps, but hyacinths are early spring flowers.
I think you may be the only person I've known who DOESN'T take pictures.
I take them when there's something pretty, but my flower beds are not at their best right now. They need mulch and a good weeding, which is also surprising, considering last week's temps. How do I already have dandelions?
Weird, eh? Maybe nature is emulating politics.
Hard to think of Spring right now, we have snow up to our rear ends and it has been at or below freezing for weeks
Welcome to Canada. LOL
We just got out of seriously cold weather, this week should warm and melt much of the little bit of snow we do have. I'm counting down the weeks until mid-April when it's generally warm enough to have lunch on my front porch.
But what about the April showers that bring the flowers that bloom in May?
I'd guesstimate we have 3 more months before that happens here
Don't worry, it's not going to be "The Day After Tomorrow".