The GOP's 'Critical Race Theory' Fixation, Explained - The Atlantic
Via: CB
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
3 years ago
Researchers have now accumulated ample evidence that racial covenants in property deeds and redlining by the Federal Housing Authority—banned more than 60 years ago—remain a major contributor...
Why Republicans Are Turning Against Free Speech - The Atlantic
Via: CB
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
3 years ago
As the Republican Party evolves from a party focused on individual liberty and limits on government power to a party that more fully embraces government control of the economy and morality,...
Sen. Marsha Blackburn criticizes 1965 Supreme Court ruling on birth control access
Via: CB
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
3 years ago
Donald Trump Is Above the Law. Period - Raman Media Network
Via: CB
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
3 years ago
WHY? Why is this permitted in congress, in court, in American society? Effectively, Donald J. Trump 'waylaids' a pandemic to the tune of initially thousands of deaths and has not offered a basic...
Trump Says He Built A Great Economy. Numbers Tell A Different Story | Meet The Press | NBC News
Via: CB
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
5 years ago
Okay, caught lying Donald in another 'set' of long-running lies. This article is formatted for documenting the facts of the our 'great economy' under our former and current presidents....
Top White House official in charge of pandemic response exits abruptly (May 10, 2018 )
Via: CB
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
5 years ago
President Trump caused The Trump Administration to be unprepared for this advent of a most deadly coronavirus, COVID-19, to land in and decimate New York City and bring the rest of this nation's...
What Is Materialism? - History and Definition
Via: CB
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
6 years ago
by Austin Cline Updated March 06, 2017 What is Materialism? Materialism is the idea that everything is either made only of matter or is ultimately dependent upon matter for its existence and...
ATHEISM: Positive and Negative! And Faith Too!
Via: CB
Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto
6 years ago
(Excerpt from) The Presumption of Atheism by: Antony Flew The presumption of atheism which I want to discuss is not a form of presumptuousness. Indeed it might be regarded as an...