Donald Trump Is Above the Law. Period - Raman Media Network

WHY? Why is this permitted in congress, in court, in American society?
Effectively, Donald J. Trump 'waylaids' a pandemic to the tune of initially thousands of deaths and has not offered a basic apology for even one dead American. Keep in mind, President Trump 'killed off' our National Security Council directorate which was set up to be this country's warning system-sounding in event of a coming pandemic.
Donald J. Trump subordinates our laws to his will and whims, by posturing, and making out of whole cloth long delays and 'removal of recognizable landscapes' of people in posts,' such that by the time judgements are reached officials empowered to be a check on violations of law are technically out. It is a mockery!
Donald J. Trump has not voluntarily turned his tax returns to Congress. In fact, the courts are providing 'inference' even against a fellow branch of government. On behalf of Donald J. Trump. It's been nearly a 'decade' of requests for these 'never revealed' documents.
Donald J. Trump, a sitting president at the time, with a team of collaborators, riled up and pitched a riot against a body of government in an attempt to change the outcome of a national election for this country's leader. And yet, he is still fomenting schemes of removing the current president unabridged by any act of congress or the Department of Justice.
The article below is written from a Indian writer's perspective. I could not agree more.
I am compelled to accept and despair that Donald J. Trump has made the justice system of our country his '*itch.'

By Rakesh Raman
During over 3 years of his rule, the U.S. President Donald Trump has shown that he is above the law because all the American laws have succumbed to Trump's blatant refusal to obey them.
First he refused to appear before the special counsel Robert Mueller who was investigating his ties with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. Instead of insisting on Trump's appearance, Mueller ignored Trump's refusal and submitted a sketchy report that was dumped without proper discussion.
Then Trump was caught red-handed when he was forcing Ukraine to implicate his Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden in a frivolous corruption case.
When the House of Representatives - the lower house of the United States Congress - started impeachment proceedings against Trump, he obstructed the impeachment inquiry by refusing to provide related documents and also stopped witnesses from participating in the impeachment hearings.
The House has passed 2 articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. But Trump has no respect for any law and he is behaving as a dictator. While his trial was supposed to begin in the Senate today, Trump has issued the diktat for the Republican Senators to end the trial without proper investigation.
[ Putin Dissolves Russian Govt Before Rewriting Constitution ]
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell presented Monday his resolution allowing the prosecutors - called House managers - up to 24 hours over the course of two days to present their case on Tuesday when the first session of trial begins. Trump's defence team will also be given the same amount of time.
Subsequently, 16 hours for questions and answers from Senators and four hours of debate will take place. McConnell has arbitrarily compressed the schedule of trial and rejected the need for witnesses and documents.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is obviously disturbed. "Leader McConnell's plan for a dark of night impeachment trial confirms what the American people have seen since Day One: the Senate GOP Leader has chosen a cover-up for the President, rather than honor his oath to the Constitution. Shamefully, this sham proposal does not even allow for admitting the House record into evidence at the trial," she said today.
Pelosi added that McConnell's process is deliberately designed to hide the truth from the Senate and from the American people, because he knows that the President's wrongdoing is indefensible and demands removal.
"No jury would be asked to operate on McConnell's absurdly compressed schedule, and it is obvious that no Senator who votes for it is intending to truly weigh the damning evidence of the President's attacks on our Constitution," Pelosi said in her statement.
"President Trump undermined our national security, jeopardized the integrity of our elections, and violated the Constitution all for his own personal, political gain. He has repeatedly said that he would do so again. Duty, honor, and country are at stake. Every Senator who supports this sham process must be held accountable to the American people," Pelosi sulked without explaining how she would hold Trump accountable.
It is clear that the American laws are too we[a]k to hold even a fair trial, let alone convicting a felon. Trump will get away scott-free. Conclusion: Trump is above the law.

As I set out to comment on the subject, "Is Donald Trump above the law" I first thought to look and see had the question been properly broached by anybody else. Interestingly, a Ukranian writer had done so and it reads above.
Watchng many repeat travesties of justice, masquerading as truth and light, when really it is cover-up and darkness, around Donald Trump. It is clear and painful to process: Donald Trump plays the courts of this country like a 'maestro' strumming.
One has to wonder: What would this country be if every citizen tied-up courts with trivialities and long 'wranglings' and other legal humdrums.
All due respect CB, as Biden admitted recently, there is really no federal solution. But, if we want to hold Trump accountable, then we need to get him in line with Biden, and everyone else that is running the shit show. they can all offer their apologies together, and from the same stage.
As an aside, I'm fairly confident that Rakesh Raman in Indian.
I will check it (the Indian nationality). Thanks for input. Watch this space.
It does appear that Rakesh Raman is Indian. I have tried my best to get Media Bias Fact Check (MBFC) to 'give up the goods' on this information service to know avail. In fact, my inexperience with using MBFC) caused me to misunderstand the 'results' that populated when I entered the site name yesterday.
Anyway, the 'merit' I sought from this story is in the SUBSTANCE of its writing. Donald J. Trump, then and even now, is getting away with wholesale abuse of the American legal system in spirit where not indeed!
This ab-use of the legal system needs to end; it is possible to teach rank and file citizens to not have or show confidence or respect for those systems which 'regulate' our calm and 'pliable' sensitivities in order to live in community-settings as a governed people.
Trump has no obligation to provide the prosecutor with anything... the prosecutor has at LEAST come up with enough evidence to sustain charges ON HER OWN... That is what Indictments and Arraignments are for, to establish the bona fides of a criminal case's charges are valid questions... Until that happens, he has to do and say NOTHING....
On the Civil side it's a bit easier as the standard of proof is a lot less and the case starts with a claim of one party against the other... then discovery is held where the complainant posts their evidentiary claims and the defense gets to rebut said claims... once the evidence is agreed upon then the trial is held according to the rule of law and the jury decides which side is correct... Civil trials can be brought as a ruse to gain evidence that can be used in a criminal trial cause once a fact is established in a court of competent jurisdiction, it is a fact in ALL courts of competent jurisdiction...
The prosecutor is using the civil action to pry loose what she thinks of as potential evidence and get it legally certified as fact in civil jurisdiction then use it as evidence for an indictment on criminal charges...
Which means plainly she has NOTHING she can charge him with at this time...
There will come a point where this is quashed for legal insufficiency, it can't go on forever....
Let's get clear on one thing upfront: my striving with Donald Trump is due to his public servant role and not nearly am I as interested in his private dealings. Exception: where he can still be allowed to sit over civil JUDGEMENT of others while equipping himself (and his associates) to get off scot-free.
The preamble to the U.S. Constitution states: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
1. A more perfect union can not be achieved by villainous adverse conduct of a leader whose conduct is atrocious.
2. How can we the people establish Justice, when we have subordinate under the constitution wishing to lead us; while obstructing the administration of justice at each and every turn of law?
3. Domestic Tranquility is not possible when branches of government are rifled through, desks and tables over-turned, civil servants and their families thrown into career ruin and despairing for life and limbs, all because of the corrupting appetites and influences of one man at the top?
4. Common defense? We are a nation dealing with a rumor of a second civil war: Largely, because of a defective former president who won't stand down and let the natural course of healing begin!
5. General Welfare? We are in the midst of a pandemic that was mismanaged from 'day one' and has raged since accordingly. The divisive nature of a so-called, "leader" who never fits in to a shared society has sickened the body politics (little to nothing is evidently accomplished with republicans and the "new" conservative model out and about-including the overall unhealthiness of this nation's internal interests) and deems it necessary to return to a seat of power in order to finish corruption of our systems to their 'cores.'
6. Blessing of Liberty? One party being 'blessed' while its opposition reaps the whirlwind in a nation of one people speaks for itself. We are a nation out of balance with itself! Donald Trump is a problem for conservatives and conservatism that weighs heavily against liberals and since we can not be 'blessed' under Trump-neither with conservatives. Donald Trump, de facto, is a curse on conservatism.
Donald Trump is not fit to be a moral leader of people of diversity seeking to form a more perfect union. His nature is to contest 'everything' indecently and inappropriately.
This is not the type of leadership this nation can sustain. We need him out of our lives, out of our institutions creating "breakage," and being a man who deals with the SHIT he creates for others to wade through court proceedings and not by getting assistance from his cohorts to 'bounce' courts.
Frankly, what should not go on forever is legal stallings. Gulity people should not be empowered to go scot-free. Moreover, if you SUPPORT these 'efforts' on behalf of this individual and his cohorts, then by extrapolation you are informing and actually educating others in the ways of doing the same thing in opposition. At which point, it becomes a simple matter of power corrupting power! Even rank and file citizens will question why anybody should not be able to 'stall out' courts leading to going scot-free, and why not threaten others (and their families) with ruin . . .or worse from 'goons.'?
I don't mind being forward in telling you this Nowhere Man - you are on the wrong side of this argument. Where is the wisdom in being so?
It is said there is a wisdom in speaking on a subject and leaving the opinions out of it..
I've been speaking from a legal aspect and leaving my own opinions out... My opinions mean nothing... but my opinion valuable to me and me alone, for everyone else they are for whatever they are worth... Some of my opinions I have been paid very well for, others wouldn't cover the space between the screen and my eyes....
Your opinion is I am on the wrong side of this argument, I see no argument, so that opinion has no relevance to me... I have no dog in the hunt for President Trumps scalp on a lance..... It doesn't matter to me if they ever do get it or not... Here in your opinion I'm offering expertise and education in the manner of personages to effectuate a defense of themselves by "Stalling out Courts"...
Doesn't matter how much I know or how much I understand, the knowledge of what is happening is in no way a treatise on how too....
Showing why on an internet forum one side or the other is being effective or ineffective is not dispositive of the issue in any way.. It is Illustrative of the issue... it shows what is actually happening and does not indicate support one way or the other, it is simply a reportive action that does not reach the merits of the claim either way.... Even though you may feel otherwise...
Your not being forward in the aspersion you are presenting, you are stating an opinion which is your full right to do so... I have no problem with that...
You also say "guilty people should not be empowered to go scot-free"... No they shouldn't absolutely agree... So I ask, respectfully, where is the proof of guilt? If the prosecutor has none after 7 years of digging thrashing and legal wrangling in the subjects actual life with the full force of law and hundreds of investigators all with the full force of law behind them, where did you get yours?....
YES WHERE? did you get your proof of guilt? or, I'll make it even easier what evidence do you have that establishes that a crime was even committed?
You say I'm on the wrong side of this, when I've not taken a side, by extrapolation your claiming to be on the right side of it yet have no proof of the correctness of your position...
I think that before we can question the wisdom of a position, the position has to have some validity doesn't it? you have no proof of the validity of your position, so there is no wisdom to be considered... I have no position on the guilt or innocence of the party in question so I have no wisdom to offer either...
All I'm doing is reporting on the facts of the situation based upon what has been published... Nothing more nothing less... Some people will find value in that, others will become consternated by it depending on the opinions they personally hold to...
You sir, are entitled to your opinions, I have no problem with that... you are entitled to express them as well, again, I have no problem with that...
But expressing them as you are here, your offering for me to express mine, and the wisdom will be shown by not offering anything more than I've already done. A concise reading of the facts at hand taken from absolutely undisputable sources as to their validity from which I offer experienced, educated analysis, not espousing the validity of one side over the other...
That's all I've got for this, well anyway it's all I'm going to give to the subject, others opinions notwithstanding... heck they entitled to them, the wisdom is I don't have to agree...
thank you for the respectful question, I hope I answered it in the same respectful manner you asked...
Is the case concluded yet? Do you so doubt the capabilities of DAs and courts that you should confront me (on a forum no doubt) to ask for court evidence? This site is opinion-discussion. Surely, a knowledgeable person such as you know this! Moreover, do not think to strive with me over merits (you don't have anymore than I) that remain secret. However, we can read, we can determine, we have shared experiences, and we can discern when a faithless character is afoot!
Let me speak bluntly here. You are not some dispassionate critical thinking pronouncer bothering to interact. There is a pretense of apathy, while you confidently craft a 'statement' for why Donald should prevail:
A dispassionate onlooker would not make such an assertion. You've spent time or interest in watching what others say on the matter to achieve this 'end.'
Donald Trump should face up to court proceedings as a civilian (remember as sitting president he 'hid in the skirts of the law' and would not face investigators without 'handicapping'). It is the honorable thing to do. And, clearly passion is plain to see when you and other Trump affiliates opine that others should be called on the record for the claims against them—imagined or real.
And 'sir,' you do remember honor?
Rudy Giuliani and other Trump campaign officials oversaw the fake pro-Trump elector scheme
All scoundrels should be compelled to face their formal 'accusers' in a court of law. All of these state and federal 'pathways' and investigations stymied and/or politically sabotaged and ended is rank corruption on a scale we thought was behind a sophisticated, 'model' America: The 'apple' of the world's eye.
But here we are suffering from wormy holes repeated filling us up until we fall from a righteous height into a dark hole.
Here is the clincher: Our nation has watched Trump's seedy underbelly turned up in our faces, minds, and hearts so long now that it seems rather mundane he ought to prevail in delays and in court!
If I knew you were going to take this approach with what I wrote, the offer of respect, I wouldn't have bothered... My mistake to think that was something that would be returned...
I won't make that mistake ever again...
We are done..
Well, if you can't cope, I guess we are done, Nowhere Man. Mistakes aside, I am here for the duration. As to respect, let's be honorable men to the topic. Since you are being passionate admit so. I surely am passionate about Donald Trump's tactics, antics, and off-putting personality. It bleeds into everything he says or does in the public sphere. So don't lecture me about how immune to Donald Trump you are or hope to be. Donald Trump makes everything personal, because he means to succeed at any cost and of course, in that process many, many, people will be stampeded, steam-rolled, and crushed underfoot!
What is the significance of that?
I don't mind being forward in telling you this Nowhere Man - you are on the wrong side of this argument. Where is the wisdom in being so?
People can do what they want, but my preference is to "Not feed the trolls".
They use sleazy, manipulative tactics-- you can't win an argument with them.
(And if you argue with tem, it only makes their sleazy comment more persistent).
The only way to appraoch them, IMO, is to ignore them
(And post the facts-- but not as a reply to them. Rather just as a new statement).
Are Indians "Non-White?"
It was my mistake for which I corrected the article. I referred to Rakesh Raman as Ukrainian initially. Transyferous Rex set me straight about it! I updated my portion of article text today.
None really. Just a small FYI to CB, who, as I thought might, looked into it.
Thanks for posting the more objective viewpoint of a NON-American, not bound by party loyalties. I proffer my opinion as well, as a NON-American, not bound to or catering to petty party loyalties. He couldn't have gotten away with it without the assistance of the majority of Republican lawmakers, as only a few of them have proven to be honest and actually have principles other than doing whatever they can to maintain personal power.
What a game it is - I just read that Eric Trump pleaded the 5th Amendment 500 times. Welcome to America.
America, a nation that has the CHUTZPAH to criticize how OTHER governments run their nations.
The article is two years old Buzz...
Since he talked about it being in the third year of Trump's reign, it was obviously a dated article, but my comment was based on the fact that sometimes the opinion of someone more independent can be more reliable. As for my comment about Eric Trump - is that a vintage situation as well?
It's current as far as the date/time... The issue isn't with the when, it's the who and where it was reported...
It was reported by the New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) (wapo)
In her filing she says they are within their rights to plead the fifth and doing so is no indication of guilt in any way...
The who is her "Office" has reported the 500 times figure, probably cause they were asked 500 questions over 5.5 hours...
You and I both know if your going to invoke the 5th, you have to invoke it on ALL questions, you can't pick and choose which questions you will and will not answer... so what's happening here is before the court she grants them and acknowledges their rights and clearly states it's not an admission of guilt in anyway, but her office accuses them for it as a sign of guilt in the public media ......
Kinda a two faced double standard there....
So although yes it is current, it also proves nothing, but makes good news fodder for those who do not have a clue on what is actually going on...
Essentially she has a lot of questions based upon Michael Cohens coerced testimony that she needs Trump and company to testify to so it can be validated as real, (and used against them)
WHAT!!!! She needs the accused to validate what she claims the evidence is so she can convict him with it?
THAT'S what she wants? that's not much of a case.... not with over 900K documents the trump organization had to turn over... a lot of speculation that they have to get corroboration for...
I can see why it's considered a witch hunt....
And I can see that although some may be convicted of certain crimes, it's possible for others to get away wtih them, especially if one is smart and rich. Who is it that said "The law is an ass"? Did they mean it was stubborn, or stupid? I think it may have meant that it simply won't move any faster. Actually, I doubt that I will live to see Trump actually serving even one day in jail.
A proverb meaning....
An application of the law that is contrary to common sense. (ass used in the proverb refers to an english ass ie. donkey)
'the law is an ass' is from a play first published by the English dramatist George Chapman in 1654 - Revenge for Honour:
It is easy to find reference works and websites that attribute the phrase to Charles Dickens, who put it into print in Oliver Twist, 1838.
When Mr. Bumble, the unhappy spouse of a domineering wife, is told in court that "...the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction", replies:
It can be any of the three, and they all apply to the extant case... This is NY, not the feds they have been going after him since just before his election to the presidency, which means they have been trying to charge him with anything for seven years and will almost a million internal Trump documents STILL haven't directly connected him to anything with any shred of actual proof... And they have been using every bully legal tactic they can come up with...
Nothing.... The criminal case is on life support and the civil case is a sham to get evidence they can use in the criminal case... They didn't even put this level of scrutiny on mob bosses for murder..... And they still are trying to get him to incriminate himself... all he has to do is keep his mouth shut....
I don't think they have a snowballs chance in anyone lifetime to see him convicted...
It is disgusting that our legal system is less than 'nimble' at stopping systematic ab-use of its processes. Especially when some so-called, "big-wig" is involved. I get it: Wealthy people are able to be served by the best legal minds, those lawyers that construct new 'visions' and attitudes in law from musty old laws (books) and modern court character 'traits and personalities. But still, truth ought to be basic and the bottom-line: decency and fairness. No one man or group of personalities should be able to best the truth and/or catch it laying down on the job repeatedly. Donald J. Trump is a delusional soul, and our courts aid him in his menagerie.
One of America's worst problems, even worse than the good of the community being secondary to personal rights and freedoms, is that politics trumps good governance.
Agreed. While I can understand likes and dislikes as measures for freedom and liberty—politics—is a continuum of good and bad outcomes. Truth is efficiency itself! Politics can be Godzilla setting matters right, or Rodan with beating wings of wind!
That is one of Trump's favourite terms.
What does it mean? (According to this a$$hole's definition):
Anything investigation Trump doesn't like he calls a "Witch-hunt"!
(Especially if he knows he's guilty).
You can't with with sleazy trolls!
The best thing is not to engage them in debate-- because that only makes their comments more persistent.
Over the years I've found the best tactic is to ignore them. (Occasionally I do slip up, but I try to remain alert).
(Then you can post the facts...but not as a reply to them!)
Notice the specter of the KKK in that Trump photo above? The white hood is almost like a halo...
DP, you gambled with that one. . . and won! Yes, I can see the effect. Why? Because I do detect that Donald Trump is a segregationist at heart. That is, he believes liberals have a place in America under conservatives. That, people of color have a place in our country under Caucasians. NOTE: I will point out a liberal figure in the photo: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a moral and model representative of great respect for inclusion and diversity.
Great observation-- until you pointed that out I had missed it!
Trump gets away for now (again). Trump is above the law. WHY?
IMO The "orders" he gives are non-specific, not actually telling someone to do something. Sort of like the quote, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" (attributed to Henry 2) that resulted in the death of Thomas of Canterberry.
That should be Thomas of Canterbury.
More indirect and oblique references. Smart to keep hands off the dastardly causes of his dealings, eh? I heard a recent (today) rumor that NY AG Leticia James has Trump's 'fingerprints' on one or several documents! Red-handed, perhaps?
Trump does give ORDERS and strong implications that carry force. Shouldn't our legal system have methods or questioning to associates of repeat 'offenders' and strongmen to get to the top-guy or gal? For example, follow the money; 'flip' subordinate "lieutenants" and the like until you bag an apex predator?
Trump has no moral conscience to which I can relate. The man is shameless (given the amount of shame that is heaped upon him). And apparently can sleep (well?) given many substantial/figurative bodies and ruined lives lying around his feet!
IMO The "orders" he gives are non-specific, not actually telling someone to do something.
That's true in most cases-- he's been very crafty.
(To cite but one example, he kept referring to COVID as "The China Virus" and "The Kung-Flu").
After that violent attacks on Chinese-Americans sky-rocketed.
But did Trump actually advocate that people violently attack Chinese-Americans?
Of course not!
So for the most part he's been very clever-- and very sneaky...
IMO The "orders" he gives are non-specific, not actually telling someone to do something.
That's true in most cases-- he's been very crafty.
Yes. Well...In most cases.
But there was this phone call where he wasn't aware he was being recorded (my guess he was "certain" it was a totally secure line):
'I only need 11,000 votes': Trump begs GA leaders to 'find' votes
.With two days until the U.S. Senate runoffs in Georgia, President Donald Trump took to Twitter again on Sunday morning to blast state officials and its elections. Trump said he spoke to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who has been a target of many critics, on Saturday and said "he has no clue."
11Alive News obtained a recording from a government source of the President pressuring Raffensperger to "recalculate" the Georgia vote count because "I just want to find 11,780 votes," Trump said. “There’s no way I lost Georgia,” Trump said on the phone recording. “There’s no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes.”
“Well, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is, the data you have is wrong,” Raffensperger responded.
In the one-hour phone call with election officials, Trump insisted he won the state and threatened legal consequences against Raffensperger and his staff
Here's the video:
I only need 11,000 votes': Trump begs GA leaders to 'find' votes
A news report this very Thursday points out that Trump reached out to Georgia's Secretary of State Raffensperger many times on the topic of vote counting. So there is that too and what it implies. One can be forgiven for going the distance mentally to question why Trump can't be charged with "Intent" when he has not let it go, but instead has moved on getting Raffensperger duties and responsibilities limited, possibly 'primaried' (ruin career), and Georgia legislature rules changed to benefit himself!
Trump gets away for now (again). Trump is above the law. WHY?
Because there is a large group of very stupid and very gullible voters who absolutely worship and adore him!
(There's no cure for "Stuck on Stupid"!)
Apparently, stupid and gullible people have power and influence sufficient to their causes, nevertheless!
As soon as he is reinstated as president by the My Pillow guy everything will be alright. /s
He'll be reinstated in 2024 because Marjorie Taylor Green is going to use Jewish space lasers to burn up any ballots cast against him.
Never underestimate the power of a Jewish Space Laser!
If they're ISRAELI Jewish space lasers, they are definitely going to back Trump.
You comment inspired me-- I just seeded a satirical video:
If Commercials Were Real Life - My Pillow
good on you CB. Good article !
Thank you, SP. You caused me to realize some 'tightening' of the article would be an improvement. Done and done! Shout out to Transyferous Rex for an important nationality insight too!
Honestly, I was beside myself with watching the unrelenting coverage of the Trump "presidency" in-absentia when this man should be shut down immediately. Even though he lacks the grace to quiet himself, where are the educated sophisticates to do so? We were 'told' this blathering idiot of a former president would vanish into obscurity, at least for the duration. He has not. He continues to be an affront to the mind and an insult to our senses.
Worse, Donald Trump has imitators who are luxuriating in his legal 'bath salts,' and turning away subpoenas on whims. I ask: Where is the 'regulation' in any of this?
Why should we have standards of law and decency for 'the little people,' when wealthy and privileged persons can run roughshod over law and decency as a man or woman standing before a scrumptious buffet?
One more thing: Trump supporters 'hanger ons' and the worse-proper insurrectionists, are languishing in the criminal justice system, because Donald Trump chose to hold a rally on January 6, 2020 which placed his followers contextually and pretext-ually at his doorstep as guest of the president. Trump's assemblage spoke passionately to these people and so they acted. Where is the justice that Donald Trump, president at the time of speaking, informed leader, gets off taking no responsibility for the bad actors who trashed the seat of the peoples' power in governance? They trashed—out 'house.' And, through what set of arranged mirrors does Donald Trump not suffer consequences for it?
If enough evidence is gathered, he will be charged and tried in a court of law.
He has every right to a fair trial, the presumption of innocence, and due process
No one is saying that he doesn't have that right!
Then again, Nixon was pardoned in full sight of what he did, and what we all knew to be true,
mostly for tradition's sake.
Trump was a mega breaker of tradition for reasons unknown.
He should have his day and hope for his pardon so that we can all move on.
Butt I doubt it.
Interesting question as to why.
I don't knw the answer. But I suspect it may have to do with his huge ego?
Also, he has a long (and corrupt) career in NY Real Estate. And gof away with breaking the law on numerous occasions..
So perhaps he was so used to getting away with that that he became over-confident (?)
There was something that Oath keeper Stewart Rhodes said recently that is descriptive here:
Interesting bravado. What does that say about participants uncouth enough to cross the lines? Will they stay cool after hearing about this: Setup to take a calculated fall?
Donald J. Trump needs to come in, sat down, and make a proper case, let his followers judge if they have acted as willing fall guys and gals in a 'calculation.'
There is one other right Trump has that he dawdles and fidgets around: 'Defendants' have a right to a speedy trial. Trump values delay, delay, delay.
However, it is clear, that you want liberals to 'turn to' and face every investigation no matter how trivial. Why the double-standard, Greg?
Trump has every right to right to dawdle and fidget and delay, especially since this sham "investigation" is just a another political stunt by the leftist loons. You've already judged him guilty of certain acts, based on your feelings rather than on solid evidence or the facts. It sounds like you're not interested in justice, but only on punishment for perceived sins
Friend Greg, don't jump to conclusions. (Trump is not worth all that.) As the saying goes, "Where there is smoke, there is fire." Donald Trump brings 'ignition' to his own butt by being disagreeable at so many turns and not accepting "no" as an appropriate answer. Rules apply to everyone. Now then, what is shocking to me and many of us is how Donald has crafted a 'world' of his own where he is a 'god' deciding what is good, wholesome, and proper for his followers. Because that world, wrong as it "be," is overlaying and affecting the material world where non-Trump followers live, move, and have our being too. We have a right to assert ourselves accordingly.
As I told the other commenter, you too, don't have any more evidence than me. We're all commenting on the news of the day with the benefit of published documents and opinion writers or a lack thereof. What that means is my opinion of Donald can change for the better should he step forward and deal with all these court cases so far he chooses to long-term dodge. His word ain't worth a damn. (Trump has not turned over a single tax return and got viciously angry when any were 'accosted' and published. That signifies a loser attitude.)
I have not come by my ideas and opinion of Donald Trump lightly.
Donald J. Trump has the time now to go repair these legal breaches in his life. What does he do instead? 1. He, a SHAMELESS former president, promulgates farther dividing the GOP or "pimping" the same into prostituting themselves for his profit. 2. This CONSCIENCELESS man wants to split the country in two if it gets him on top as some kind of titled-ruler with dictatorial powers. 3. This HEARTLESS man has 'markers' on innocent people heads ("Hang Mike Pence!") and will not forgive or forget as he keeps chalking up "warrants" on the heads of new innocents.
Now, you want to charge me while letting him get off SCOT-FREE? I think not!
Donald J. Trump is attempting to dawdle away time and space for his so-called, "calvary" to arrive and yank him to safety (leaving everybody else right where they stand: Every man or woman for himself or herself!)
Tell me how you really feel. That sentence is 'dripping' with anxiety and anger. Our justice system has a provision (most people want it too) for a "speedy trial." Why does'nt Donald Trump come stand out in the court-light and let it beam down on him and his associates?
Come clean and clear up all the confusion?
Why don't you want to see disinfecting light pouring all around Trump and whether he is left standing whole or partial afterwards?
Certainly, you want "the opposers" to stand in court-light -if only so you can mock them for being there.