The Most Pro-Trump Racial Demographic in 2024 Was . . . American Indians

Raise your hand if you expected the racial demographic that would be most supportive of Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election to be . . . American Indians. (That’s the terminology in the exit poll , don’t blame me if you prefer “Native American.”)
According to the Edison Research exit poll, 65 percent of American Indians voted for Trump, while 57 percent of whites voted for Trump.
Granted, American Indians make up just 1 percent of the respondents in the exit poll, and it’s possible that the small sample size is throwing the percentages off a bit, but the exit poll results come from “interviews of 22,914 randomly selected voters as they exited voting places across the country on Nov. 5; as well as from early in-person voting locations and through live telephone, text-to-web or by email.” So while it’s possible Trump’s support in this demographic was lower than two-thirds . . . it wouldn’t be that much lower.
Why did American Indians break so heavily in favor of Trump? Democrats may begin a lot of events and statements with “ land acknowledgements ,” but they’re not so supportive of letting America Indians do what they want on their own land. The Biden administration repeatedly put up regulatory roadblocks to American Indian tribes that rely on fossil-fuel production for revenues. Tribes facing some of the worst poverty in the country — lacking indoor plumbing and electricity — are residing on land with fortunes worth of oil and natural gas, coal reserves, uranium , as well as solar and wind. Not only is the Biden administration blocking development of fossil fuels on Indian land, it’s ironically trying to ram through wind and solar projects over some objections from the American Indian community.
At the tail end of the Obama administration, the Bureau of Indian Affairs informed the Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, in southwestern Washington State, that federal law prohibits the building of a distillery on tribal grounds. Congress and President Trump legalized distilleries on reservations back in 2019 .
It appears an increasing number of American Indians thought sovereignty meant, you know, sovereignty , and thus they could make their own decisions about what they wanted to do on their own land. When the Biden administration proved an intransigent obstacle to tribal ambitions, American Indians started looking around for better options. As giant signs say at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian, “ great nations keep their word .”
It’s worth noting that in the key state of North Carolina, Trump pledged to award full federal recognition to the Lumbee Tribe in that state . On Election Day, that community came out for Trump :
As polls closed Tuesday night, tribal members in Robeson County had spoken: Trump, a Republican, won 63.3 percent of the vote in the county, where the Lumbee tribe has its headquarters, according to unofficial results from the state Board of Elections.

Native American Landslide for Trump!
Perhaps they decided that since Americans had fucked them over for centuries it was time for some payback by voting for the biggest disaster and least qualified candidate in American history. Well played.
Can't wait for the segment of posters here who claim only the ignorant and uneducated would vote for trump.
When you treat minority groups like props and your policies crush those voters, eventually they stop voting for you.
A vast majority of the progressive left turns out be racist hypocrites, and they're too stupid to realize what they are doing.
A vast majority of reactionaries engage in psychological projection. Comment 3 is an example.
Coming from the party that thinks minorities can't compete with whites, that comment is hysterical.
That is truly an ignorant comment.
Coming from a member of the party who thinks minorities can't compete with whites i will take that as a compliment.
That is another truly ignorant comment.
Based on what?
Coming from somebody who is a minority, I'll take that as well.
The ‘’land’’ as you refer to it is federally mandated reservations of which the land is controlled by the Federal government and under that provision we do not in essence own the land it is held in ‘’trust’’ for us by the Federal Government. The BIA is the first layer of the government and they in turn answer to the Interior Department. The term ‘’sovereign’’ is used quite often but in truth and according to US law it/we are described as dependent nations which gives a completely different meaning to ‘sovereign’’. The last time the US government did anything with our land was to implement the ‘’Tribal Termination Act’’ in 1953 which illegally allowed them to confiscate 2.9 million acres of prime land and terminate well over 100 tribes, some of which have been fighting to gain their recognization back for well over 50 years and no tribe regained their lost land back.
I am very familiar with the sovereignty issue and have been involved in court cases over it.
As for the 65% that voted for Trump this estimate was done on exit polling, I’ll wait for more in depth analysis to be done before agreeing with that number although I am sure more Indians Voted for Trump this time than last time if your trying for what reason to compare Trump and Biden and sovereignty you should actually go back in history and call out each and every administration that has supported the status quo.
The 2019 repeal of the 1834 distillery law was a bi partisan endeavor. If you think or agree with the article/author that it has been the Biden administration that has thrown up road blocks you have missed a huge part of the history of the US and Indians. Both sides over the centuries have do so, and in one instance during Trumps first administration he did something that’s had never been done before to the detriment of Indians and in particular one tribe.
BTW, Robeson country NC population is evenly divided between Indians, whites and blacks. In fact one very famous incident took place there with Indians and the KKK.
As I have stated recently and in the past the administration that gives complete sovereignty to native lands with have a strong constituency for decades.
It should be noted that there are tribes that drill for oil on their land and those that don’t, many do not want the drilling done on their land. There are also tribes that have wind and solar power on their land one of the largest is the Southern Paiute tribe of Nevada.
If you care to speak in depth on any of these subject there are a few of us on NT that have extended experience and bona fides in the field and are actually Indians, American Indian, Native American or Indigenous, your choice that would be more than willing to engage you and or the author on this.
The Lumbees were one of those tribes - and Congress has barred their Federal Recognition since simply because they don't meet/haven't met the requirements of being a Federally Recognized Tribe. However, they are a NC recognized Tribe.
Trump can say that he will "sign" the legislation that would authorize the Lumbee to be fully Federally Recognized. The Lumbee have been a Federally Recognized Tribe since 1956 but they did not qualify for the benefits that other Federally Recognized Tribes receive.
It is up to the BIA to complete the recognition process - all Trump can do is sign it IF all is accurate and supported by Congress - a small thing many people seem to forget.
Although Biden may have appointed Haaland as Interior Secretary, it must have been a desperate move on his part to finally apologize on behalf of the American government for the Residential Schools just before the election, something Prime Minister Steven Harper did on behalf of the Canadian government SIXTEEN YEARS AGO.
There are a number of tribes that deserve Federal recognition and have waited decades for it and they still waiting. The Duwamish in the Seattle area have a history that predates the Lumbee by thousands of years and the city of Seattle is named after Chief Seattle of the Duwamish.
The Chinook who illegally had their recognition taken away isn’t in the 1950s with the Tribal termination act are more than deserving to have their rightful recognition returned to them. There have been two members of the Chinook tribes that have and are serving as US ambassadors for the US, one giving his life in uphold his duty.
There are presently 574 Federally Recognized Tribes/Nations/Chapters in the U.S. Unfortunately, there are also OVER 500 Tribes/Nations/Chapters who are or have applied for Fed recognition. Obviously the backlog is ridiculous and the damn rules/regulations are CONSTANTLY being "updated/changed/modified" by Congress which further prevents and adds to the issues.
Yes, Chris was one hell of a man.
This is the second time I've had to change this member's article from a blog to a seed. Blogs are for original content. Future articles posted improperly as original content will be deleted.
I suppose there is one factor wherein Native Americans can consider themselves absolutely safe from Trump's threats - they can't be deported (although I wouldn't put it past Trump's SCotUS if they were to try to find something in The Constitution to enable it.)