
Do American Indians Wear Cowboy Hats and Turbans?


Category:  History & Sociology

Via:  kavika  •  11 years ago  •  55 comments

Do American Indians Wear Cowboy Hats and Turbans?

The short answer is, yes they do.

American Indians have worn Cowboy hats for decades. Indians are farmers, cattleman, and ranchers throughout the United States. Indians worked as ''cowboys'' in the old west for decades. So it shouldn't be a surprise that we do wear cowboy hats.

Now, we will add our own slant to the hat. Beaded headbands and feathers are the most used items that we will add. Others will use a leather headband.

There is a small industry that makes headbands for cowboy hats. The beaded variety can be quite costly, running to over $100 each. Depending on the type of beadwork and how intricate it is. Many will have designssymbolic to a tribe.

This is the famous Billy Jack Cowboy hat with beaded headband.


Various types of Cowboy Hats with headbands, feathers and other items.




Indians wearing Turbans? Tell me it isn't true. Yes, it's true.

The Cherokee and Seminole wear the traditional wrap Turban, seen below, and have for centuries. For special occasion they would add plumes to the Turban.



Many of the Northern Plains and Woodland Indians wear a different type Turban, called the ''Otter skin Turban''. As seen below.

Otter turban

Otter turban

So there you have it folks. We do wear Cowboy Hats and Turbans.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Don't touch my Cowboy Hat...Smile.gif

Freshman Silent
link   palma    11 years ago

Love the headbands, wish I knew how to make them

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    11 years ago

In Philadelphia, Cowboy hats are despised.


Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

4999_discussions.jpg The original cowboy hat was a bowler.

And absolutely correct: Don't even touch my cowboy hat or any of my other hats. Ever. For any reason. Don't pick it up and move it, don't admire it, don't steal it. It's mine. My hats have a note on a piece of paper in the headband: Like hell this is your hat (plus my name and phone number).

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

I don't think that would be a problem for you Palma. Seeing what you done in the past, brilliant by the way, you could probably pick this up in a heartbeat.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

Even a stitched one like your nativity would be very handsome.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

They are here as well Mac. I've never seen a beaded headband or feather on a Cowboy (Dallas) version.

Freshman Silent
link   palma    11 years ago

thank you, that was sweet of you. Have added this to my to-do list. The American Indian Initiative in Williamsburg is currently working on Pocahontas wedding dress with blackwork embroidery and it is awesome. Such a shame one has to be there for the stitching; if not I'd have volunteered

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Dennis Banks, wearing a Otter skin Turban.


Freshman Silent
link   palma    11 years ago

Thank you Grump.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Dennis Banks, founder of AIM, in a bowler.


Freshman Silent
link   palma    11 years ago


I think this year is the year he's going to have a motorcycle ride across the country to Washington for diabetes

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Yes, he is Palma.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

My grandson has a very nice and well made bowler (I can't recall the brand). He really likes that hat.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

I don't wear a bowler Grump, but I do have Cowboy hats and an Otter Skin Turban.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Dammit 2blue, I thought at least you would wear one of these.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

LOL, yup that one would be a bit over the top...Grin.gif

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    11 years ago

over the top

Pun intended? Grin.gif

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Hahahaha, yes it is. I was waiting for someone to pick up on it.

Hi kirsh, how are you my friend?

Larry Crehore
Freshman Silent
link   Larry Crehore    11 years ago

Yes we do wear cowboy hats and we make them look good!!!!

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Not only good Larry, but great!!!

Freshman Silent
link   palma    11 years ago

and humbleSmile.gif

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

and just damn cute as well.

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    11 years ago

Lots of interesting looking hats, Kav. I enjoyed your article.

Mostly B-ball caps around here, cowboy hats sometimes, and knit hats when it's really cold.

One Miscreant
Professor Silent
link   One Miscreant    11 years ago

That starcauses and involuntarymuttering of things like, "Cowboys Suck". Sorry folks, A Mac is right again.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Thanks Chloe,

We have a lot of Cowboy hats around here, baseball hats as well.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

''America's Team'' makes me sick. No one asked me what I thought about it..Smile.gif

Professor Silent
link   Al-316    11 years ago

Good article, Kavika.

You caught me off guard regarding the turban part of your question. I would have said "no".


Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

I think that most people would have said no niijii. Interesting though, that the Cherokee and Seminole and a few other tribes have been wearing them for hundreds of years.

So, since we were wearing them before the Europeans arrived, did people from the middle east bring them here. Or did we bring them to the ME?Smile.gif

Professor Silent
link   Al-316    11 years ago

5000_discussions.jpg?width=721 5001_discussions.jpg

Which of these two crafts would be more likely to make it across the Atlantic loaded with turbans and back?

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

LOL, the top one, canoe, of course...Smile.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

You do realize, of course, that cowboy hats cause brain damage...

3.gif Just kidding, of course.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

Cheat, like I do. I use needlepoint backing, and use that as the base for the beads... They turn out ok, but not beautiful like your stuff!!! Grin.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

I have quite a collection of antique hats. I don't wear them, but I treasure them. My little Grandma made some of them, when she was a millener. I have my Daddy's Stetson, from the 60s, and Grandpa's work cap, and Uncle Louie's WWI helmet. So, I agree. They're my hats. Don't steal it, wear it, pick it up, move it, etc. So, Grump, I agree.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Only when the bull steps on them Dowser.Smile.gif

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    11 years ago
Freshman Quiet
link   Wheel    11 years ago

Tom Laughlin, (Billy Jack) passed away a few weeks ago. He was married to the same woman for over 50 years! RIP Tom.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

1st, is that you? Smile.gif

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

True Wheel. He was a good man, and an advocate for American Indians.

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    11 years ago

Yup - in front of the Warrior's Statute in Ottawa in memory of the Desert Storm Canadian soldiers in '06.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

5003_discussions.jpg You have to wear the right jeans with your cowboy hat. Wranglers make your butt look good.

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    11 years ago

Levi 517's boot cut allow you to move faster and get the job done.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

I don't ever wear boots, I'm a moccasin type guy.Grin.gif

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    11 years ago

Nokona - feels and wears just like moccasins - LUV'M.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

I have one pair of boots. Lucchese seems to fit me the best. Usually, I am the original barefoot boy, but I am out and about in sandals. If I could find some good, comfortable moccasins, I'd wear 'em.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Check out Minnetonka Moccasins Grump. Every style and size. Deer, moose, elk skin, beaded, non-beaded.

I simply don't like the weight of boots, or the trouble putting them on and taking them off..

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

Excellent. I found a couple places here in town that sell them. I'll have to take a look. Thanks a bunch.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Your welcome Grump, I have half a dozen pair myself.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

Hey, 1st. I can't find Nokona mocs on the web.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Grump, it's spelled Nocona and they do have mocs. I prefer Minnetonka though.

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    11 years ago

(Sez to self - fix that dammnn spellchekor) - Minnetonka has some great stuff.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

We don't need no stinkin' spell checker.

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    11 years ago

It's true - they do have some great stuff - they make some fantastic little trucks and tractors and buses and cranes - and stuff, right?

Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Yes indeed they do...Pictured below is a Minnetonka moc, in Red of course.


Professor Principal
link   seeder  Kavika     11 years ago

Quite true Mike, the French started it.

The term ''redskin'' came from it. It was the bloody scalps of men, women and children that the government paid bounty on.

So when someone says the term is to honor us, they are simply making an excuse for their own stupidity.


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