History is repeating itself. Money of Corporations and Billionaires instead of the Kings and Queens Rule
Category: History & Sociology
Via: retired-military-ex-republican • 11 years ago • 0 commentsThe United States of America Bill of Rights article 1 thru 10 of the US Constitution are being ignored even Article #2 is or is being Morphed or miss construed as an aid to taking over the country instead of protecting it.
Fighting against Corporatism and Fascism or what ever you want to call the blatant Bribery and buying of politiciansby Corporations and out of country money funding of U.S.A. elections is terrorism and out and out actionslike preHitler's Take over of Germany, and (pre United States) Europe all rolled upinto one catastrophic mess. Politicianran asa Presidential candidate his son owning the company that builds the electronic voting machines. Not enough ballots or enough working Voting machines in Florida sounds like the oldcriminal power base in Florida the Mafia or KKKwho were often the same peoplein action.
The Supreme Court stopped the recount of ballots in Florida in the George W Bush/Gore Presidential election. Sounds like a third world country election system. How can we the people get involved to turn this around?
If we cannot turn off the robbing of Congressmen's votes, the outright bribery buying of Congressional votes must stop. No way to trace election Funding from individuals, foreign countries or Corporations. Corporations are now considered a person having one mind one thought.
The United States is made up of people are we now considered a person? Maybe that is the wrong mind set. A.Maybe the Government is People my friend. If as it now stands, B.according to the Supreme Court Corporations are People my friend. c. The next illogical step is Corporations have equal power to the Government.
The Legal ??? Private Prisonsare co located with some of the Countries Corporate Giants like one example is Boeing. This gives Companies access to pennies on the dollar laborand isdirectly under miningthe American worker.States are involved in Contracts directly with Private Prisons.
Congress writes theContracts Funds the contracts signs the contracts Buys the Airplanes, Drones, Missiles, Bombs, Bullets and approves and funds wars.All without Presidential approval. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.Congress cannot declare war without the Presidents signature to my knowledge.
How do you fix this atrocity or Jumble of atrocities. Not voting and getting involved in politics is not the answer. Seek the facts not the nonsense of talking heads.
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