
10 Incredible Real-Life Mad Scientists


Category:  History & Sociology

Via:  hal-a-lujah  •  12 years ago  •  2 comments

10 Incredible Real-Life Mad Scientists

5250_discussions.jpg 6. Sergei Brukhonenko (1890-1960)

Soviet scientist Sergei Brukhonenko has been credited with helping bring about important advances in Russian open-heart surgery, but his grisly experiments on animals were far more disturbing. Not one to wait, Brukhonenko wasnt content with slicing up animals after theyd died. More specifically, not only did he not like to wait, but he also didnt like the animals to die even after theyd been decapitated. In the late 1930s, Brukhonenko and his team undertook a series of experiments as part of which they removed a canines head and kept it alive away from its body by hooking it up to air- and blood-supply apparatus. Nor was this the only monstrosity Brukhonenko created: another hound had all the blood drawn from its body only to later be brought back to life by this Soviet Frankenstein. Brukhonenkos gruesome work was captured on camera in the 1940 film Experiments in the Revival of Organisms .

See complete countdown here


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Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Hal A. Lujah    12 years ago


5. Paracelsus (1493-1541)

Paracelsus was a learned man of the Renaissance who earned a doctorate in medicine from the University of Ferrara in the early 16th century. He is now seen as the father of modern toxicology but was also a practicing physician, botanist and occultist the latter of which may have contributed to one of his exceptionally weird personal experiments. Paracelsus was convinced that he could create a living homunculus a tiny man by keeping semen in a warm place and feeding it on human blood. He even left instructions for any others who might wish to try it, and fervently believed that this method was the genesis of wood nymphs and giants. Science may have been a lot less advanced hundreds of years ago, but this was still a bizarre hypothesis that looks even odder to us today.

Science has come a long way, hmmm?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    12 years ago

It seems that most of those freaky guys were involved in biology related subjects like genetics , medicineor brain experiments . Heady stuff ... I'm not surprised that many of them "overreached " a bit .

As to Tesla , he didn't really get freaky until old age settled in . One is expected to go a little nuts when that stage is reached . Anyone who lives long enough discovers that contemporary culture isn't as "cultured" as the masses believe . There are many famous cooky old men ... Howard Hughes for example .


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