10 Weird Foods You Should Actually Try
While in Western nations ox penis is dried and sold as dog treats, in the Far East it is a common snack and noted to tastequite inexplicablyas seafood left a bit too long in the pan. Ox penis can be consumed raw, but it's generally cooked by steaming or deep-frying. So if you've got a taste for overcooked squid, then ox penis is definitely the dish for you!
Taking a look at this list, you'd probably never, ever want to eat any of these foods. However, if you read between the eyes lines, most of them are popular in their respective regions for pretty good reasons. To see how three fearless chefs use local specialties like these to create culturally-inspired dishes in the most remote and exotic locations in the world, tune into the premiere of NO KITCHEN REQUIRED , on Tuesday, April 3 at 10/9c only on BBC AMERICA .
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I've had durian . It's really not bad . As to balut : WTF does it mean that it's "half-fertilized" ? Is that even possible ??
I've seen Durian in the supermarket-- it doesn't really seem all that weird to me.