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Via:  1stwarrior  •  10 years ago  •  10 comments




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Sand Creek Massacre

Painting of the attack on Sand Creek, by Robert Lindneaux, 1936.


The Sand Creek Massacre, occurring on November 29, 1864, was one of the most infamous incidents of the  Indian Wars . Initially reported in the press as a victory against a bravely fought defense by the  Cheyenne , later eyewitness testimony conflicted with these reports, resulting in a military and two Congressional investigations into the events.


Starting in the 1850’s, the gold and silver rush in the <style="margin-top: 0;="" margin-bottom:="" 0"=""> Rocky Mountains  brought thousands of white settlers into the mountains and the surrounding foothills. Dislocating and angering the Cheyenne  and  Arapaho  who lived on the land, the Pike's Peak Gold Rush in 1858 brought the tension to a boiling point.

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The  Indians  soon began to attack wagon trains, mining camps and stagecoach lines, a practice that increased during the  Civil War , when the number of soldiers in the area was greatly decreased. Soon, this led to what became known as the Colorado War of 1863-1865.


Colonel John Chivington As the violence between the  Native Americans  and the miners continued to increase, territorial governor John Evans sent a Voluntary Militia commander by the name of  Colonel John Chivington  to quiet the  Indians . Though once a member of the clergy, Chivington's  compassion did not extend to the  Indians  and his desires to extinguish them all was well known.


In the spring of 1864, while the  Civil War  raged in the east,  Chivington  launched a campaign of violence against the  Cheyenne  and their allies, his troops attacking any and all  Indians  and razing their villages. The  Cheyenne , joined by neighboring  Arapaho Sioux Comanche , and  Kiowa  in both  Colorado  and  Kansas , went on the defensive warpath.


Soon, Evans and  Chivington  reinforced their militia, raising the Third Colorado Cavalry of short-term volunteers who referred to themselves as the "Hundred Dazers." After a summer of scattered small raids and clashes, the  Cheyenne  and  Arapaho  were ready for peace, and as a result, the  Indian  representatives met with Evans and  Chivington  at Camp Weld outside of  Denver  on September 28, 1864. Though no treaties were signed, the  Indians  believed that by reporting and camping near army posts, they would be declaring peace and accepting sanctuary. 


However on the day of the "peace talks” Chivington received a telegram from General Samuel Curtis (his superior officer) informing him that "I want no peace till the  Indians  suffer more...No peace must be made without my directions."

Unaware of Curtis's telegram,  Black Kettle  and some 550  Cheyenne  and  Arapaho , having made their peace, traveled south to set up camp on Sand Creek under the promised protection of  Fort Lyon . Those who remained opposed to the agreement headed North to join the  Sioux .

Knowing that the  Indians  had surrendered,  Chivington  led his 700 troops, many of them drinking heavily, to Sand Creek and positioned them, along with their four howitzers, around the  Indian village. The ever trusting  Black Kettle  raised both an American and a white flag of peace over his tepee.




Sand Creek Massacr However,  Chivington  ignored the symbol of peace and surrender, raising his arm for attack. An easy victory at hand, cannons and rifles began to pound upon the camp as the  Indians  scattered in panic. The frenzied soldiers began to charge, hunting down men, women, and children, shooting them unmercifully. A few warriors managed to fight back allowing some members of the camp to escape across the stream.


One man, Silas Soule, a  Massachusetts  abolitionist, refused to follow  Colonel Chivington's  orders. He did not allow his cavalry company to fire into the crowd.


The troops kept up their indiscriminate assault for most of the day, during which numerous atrocities were committed. One lieutenant was said to have killed and scalped three women and five children who had surrendered and were screaming for mercy. Finally breaking off their attack they returned to the camp killing all the wounded they could find before mutilating and scalping the dead, including pregnant women, children and babies. They then plundered the teepees and divided up the  Indians ' horse herd before leaving.


When the attack was over, as many as 150  Indians  lay dead, most of which were old men, women and children. In the meantime, the cavalry lost only 9 or ten men, with about three dozen wounded.  Black Kettle  and his wife followed the others up the stream bed, his wife being shot several times, but somehow managed to survive.


Chief Black Kettle The survivors, over half of whom were wounded, sought refuge in the camp of the  Cheyenne   Dog Warriors  (who had remained opposed to the peace treaty) at Smokey Hill River. Many of the  Indians  joined the Dog Soldiers, deciding there could be no successful negotiations with the white men and were waging war against them. Indeed, the Sand Creek Massacre is cited as a critical cause of the  Little Big Horn  battle, as many  Cheyenne  warriors simply devoted their lives to war against the US.


The Colorado volunteers returned to  Denver , exhibiting their scalps, to receive a hero's welcome. Initially the battle was reported in the press as a victory against a bravely-fought defense by the  Cheyenne . Within weeks, however, eyewitnesses came forward offering conflicting testimony, leading to a military investigation and two Congressional investigations into the events. Silas Soule was eager to testify against  Chivington . However, after he testified, Soule was murdered by Charles W. Squires, a murder believed to have been ordered by  Chivington .


As the details came out, the US public was shocked by the brutality of the massacre. The congressional investigation subsequently determined the crime to be a "sedulously and carefully planed massacre." When asked at the military inquiry why children had been killed, one of the soldiers quoted  Chivington  as saying, "nits make lice." Though  Chivington  was denounced in the investigation and forced to resign, neither he nor anyone else was ever brought to justice for the massacre.


While the  Sand Creek Massacre  outraged easterners, it seemed to please many people in  Colorado  Territory.  Chivington  later appeared on a  Denver  stage where he regaled delighted audiences with his war stories and displayed 100  Indian  scalps, including the pubic hairs of women.


As word of the massacre spread among the  Indians  of the southern and northern plains, their resolve to resist white encroachment stiffened. An avenging wildfire swept the land and peace returned only after a quarter of a century.


Through the years, the area of the Sand Creek Massacre has continued to be visited and commemorated. An aging  John Chivington  returned to the area in 1887, and in 1908 Veterans of the  Colorado  Regiments planned a reunion at the site. In August of 1950 the Colorado Historical Society assisted local residents and the Eads and Lamar Chambers of Commerce in placing a marker atop the bluff at the Dawson South Bend.  Sand Creek  descendants remain active in tribal communities in  Montana Oklahoma , and Wyoming  – and Council Representatives continue to work alongside the National Park Service.  However throughout, it has remained a controversial incident. And specifically in Colorado, it has traditionally been held as a founding victory for Colorado.


The Sand Creek Massacre was made a National Historic site on August, 2, 2005, almost a decade after Congress mandated the action in 1998. It has been delayed and troubled over the years due to controversy and disagreement, but was finally pulled together for a true remembrance of that horrible event in American History. In November of 2014, the Smithsonian Magazine pre-released an article for it's December addition entitled " The Horrific Sand Creek Massacre Will Be Forgotten No More " stating "The opening of a national historic site in Colorado helps restore to public memory one of the worst atrocities ever perpetrated on Native Americans".  The article lays out not only the disputes over what occurred, but also the disagreements throughout the years over how, and even where, the Sand Creek Massacre should be remembered.  You can read it  here .


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   screminmimi    10 years ago

I can't find the other article with all the comments... what gives?

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  screminmimi   10 years ago

It was taken down, since one person only wanted to talk about AIM, which was not part of the article at all, Mimi.

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man    10 years ago
Freshman Silent
link   screminmimi  replied to  Nowhere Man   10 years ago

It's about time someone put up a monument to those lost.

I don't understand why it wasn't done a long time ago...

Probably because those lost were Indians and the site was for so long largely regarded as a tribute to the brave men of the US Calvary who fought off those wicked, savage old men, women and children. The article states there were reunions held there and the sorry piece of shit who massacred them showed up for them.

Greasy Grass (Little Big Horn) was sacred to the white people for a century or more after that battle and George Armstrong Custer was elevated almost to the realm of a holy icon. In my childhood and teen years there were numerous films and TV movies showing him as such and the Indians as evil hell-spawn who tricked the Seventh Calvary to their deaths.

Truth is hard to come by when you are not the victor writing the history books.

Professor Participates
link   seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  screminmimi   10 years ago

21 medals of honor issue for killing women, children and old folks - nahhhh - doesn't sit well.

Freshman Silent
link   screminmimi  replied to  1stwarrior   10 years ago

21 medals of honor issue for killing women, children and old folks - nahhhh - doesn't sit well

Is that where we started the idea of giving everyone a trophy for doing nothing worthy of note?

Professor Participates
link   seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  screminmimi   10 years ago

Hasn't quit, has it?laughing dude laughing dude laughing dude

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  screminmimi   10 years ago

Sorry Mimi, it has been quite a while since mainstream historians and books have described Custer as a victim or hero. Yeah, the Errol Flynn movie that came out in 1940, I believe, cast Custer in a favorable light, but since then the favorable tributes to Custer have gotten fewer and farther between. 

Freshman Silent
link   screminmimi    10 years ago

Oh. Thank you for the information, Kavika.

I didn't know, as I had to leave the house for a few minutes. I came back and read the comments posted in my absence and there were some I wanted to reply to... as you can guess, lol.

The response I made to his initial comment had nothing at all to do with AIM and I felt was valid; in fact when I read your comment to him, it was almost identical to mine.

Anyway, thanks for responding.

Professor Participates
link   seeder  1stwarrior    10 years ago

Please - let's discuss Sand Creek.


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