
Clinton Superdelagate Paid Election Clerk who Purged Voters in Sanders Home County $6.6.Million for rat infested house!


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  sean-treacy  •  8 years ago  •  25 comments

Clinton Superdelagate Paid Election Clerk who Purged Voters in Sanders Home County $6.6.Million for rat infested house!

New York politics is known far and wide for having reached banana republic levels of corruption. Politics in New York does not exist without corruption. That’s why it really comes as no surprise that the recent Democratic Primary in New York was little more than a clusterfuck of fraud and voter suppression that felt no need to even construct a facade of legitimacy around itself. The machine politicians of that hole of corruption in the northeastern United States have been rigging things for so long that they only hide the really, really shady stuff. And even then their natures likely betray them in not being entirely too careful, as they feel entitled to their power, even if that power is gained by undermining the will of the people.


The New York City Board of Elections  has suspended Diane Haslett-Rudiano  over controversies stemming from Democrats being purged from voter rolls in Brooklyn. Strangely enough, two years ago Rudiano had a run-down, rat-infested Brownstone in Brooklyn she wasn’t even trying to sell, which she had previously listed for 1.6 million. In 2014 the house was mysteriously  purchased for the inflated amount of 6.6 million  by the daughter of Hillary Clinton supporter, superdelegate, and Westchester, New York’s Representative to the U.S. House, Nita Lowey.

I am sure the two are not linked at all, since political bribery does not exist among the wholesome Democratic Party. That’s ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’ stuff.

rudiano.jpg?resize=600%2C398http://i2.wp.com/www.wallstreetshill.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/rudiano.jpg?w=600 600w" alt="Diane Haslett-Rudiano" width="552" height="366">

Diane Haslett-Rudiano


Wile Haslett-Rudiano is the top official at the Brooklyn office of the  NYC BoE , she is not the one in charge of the Democratic Party voter rolls. Mysteriously, Betty Ann Canizio, the Democrat who was actually in charge of the purged rolls has thus far escaped any repercussions or scrutiny for the fiasco.

Incidentally and not too uninterestingly, here Canizio is quoted in a n article from 2013 defending the use of electronic voting machines. Hmmmm…

““We’ve had the electronic scanners for several elections now. I have 92 election districts in my district and we’ve never had any problems. ”

Yeah, we’ll take your word for it.

Here’s Betty’s Twitter account . Perhaps she will be happy to clarify any concerns the voting public has about the recent vote in Brooklyn. Ask her about her associate Ms. Rudiano and the Brownstone sale. Ask her if she knows about the link to highly connected Clinton supporters. Ask her about her own ties to Brooklyn Democratic Chairman Frank Seddio, also a giant Clinton supporter.

Ask her anything you want. Let’s just make sure these people know they’re being watched.



jrDiscussion - desc
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   seeder  Sean Treacy    8 years ago

Since crazy ass conspiracy stories from trash sites pass for news on Newstalkers, here's "proof" that HRC bought the NYC election. 

It has more facts than your typical addictinginfo story, so it's actually a step up. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   seeder  Sean Treacy    8 years ago

Even in the Upper West Side, 6.6 million is a lot of money for what neighbors  affectionately dubbed  the “rat house.” But the buyer, Dana Lowey Luttway, has earned a reputation for flipping properties, and a recent Google Earth image shows renovations are underway.

Dana Lowey Luttway is also the daughter of U.S. Rep. Nita Lowey (D, N.Y.), a Clinton superdelegate. The connection has sparked intense interest online, as many believe New York’s voter purge tilted the race in Clinton’s favor....

The most important part of any good conspiracy theory is asking cui bono? 

The answer= Hillary Clinton. It certainly makes more sense than believing the Republicans give a shit about elections, particularly democratic primary elections,  in New York, a state they have no chance of carrying and never bother trying to win.





A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    8 years ago

One possible flaw in this story …

Republican Clerk Diane Haslett-Rudiano is living proof that voter fraud exists, but not in the way her party is selling it. They would have you believe that dead people are voting by the thousands; that entire congressional districts are won by people who moved away decades ago. You’ll hear stories of illegals storming the southern border at great peril to their own lives…so they can vote in American elections. Those stories would be all false. We know why Republicans want to keep people from voting. If enough people voted, things would change.

Haslett-Rudiano was handed something we don’t hear about often enough in these kinds of matters: She was suspended without pay pending an investigation. The translation to that is that it doesn’t look good that whatever this woman was involved in cost thousands of New Yorkers their right to vote.  According to Telesur TV  :


There are at least two versions of this story … 

I'm not taking a side, just hoping to find out which version (if either), is accurate. Here is another account.

Haslett-Rudiano  is also the Republican Commissioner  for the Board of Elections’ Overseas and Military Voter Services.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Why would a Republican purge records of any Democratic voters in a Democratic primary? Especially ones that would make it easier for Hillary to win when they want to face Sanders in November? Don't make much sense. Unless she's just trying to cut down on the Democratic votes for the fall election and is getting an early start?

This is confusing, so I'm going to wait to see how it plays out. The story so far doesn't make any sense on it's face.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    8 years ago

Why would a Republican purge records of any Democratic voters in a Democratic primar? Especially ones that would make it easier for Hillary to win when they want to face Sanders in November? Don't make much sense.

To make it appear that a DEMOCRAT was doing it! 

As a set up to defame Clinton and/or Clinton supporters!

The woman has been involved in at least one other election-related legal action.

I don't know the answer, Randy … I'm speculating, but I don't know if we have the facts.

Skeptic/cynic that I am, I tend to do my own searching when I see a tory like this. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

That's quite an impressive history of voter manipulation and outright fraud. It's a wonder she's not in prison...yet. Or at the very least still, until this case, had anything to do with the Board of Elections any longer.

Still, she is innocent until proven guilty and I'm hoping this gets wrapped up well before the fall elections.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    8 years ago

More …

She's a REPUBLICAN … not a Democrat, so not likely a Clinton supporter. 

55th Assembly District  – Ocean Hill, Brownsville


Republican State Committee Members:  Jonathan Anderson & Diane Haslett Rudiano

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
link   Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    8 years ago

Background on the sale of the structure and property .  No impropriety whatsoever. 


Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    8 years ago

Ok. I've been talking to 15 toddlers allday and wasn't as confused as I was by this story.  May be time for a blankie and a nap!


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