
What Can Democrats Run On In 2018 and 2020? Here Are Just A Few Of The Issues and Policies


Category:  News & Politics

By:  docphil  •  7 years ago  •  38 comments

What Can Democrats Run On In 2018 and 2020? Here Are Just A Few Of The Issues and Policies

Throughout the years, I have been writing blogs and discussion pages on all topics political. Most readers know me as a liberal Democrat who will take strong views on many topics. Probably, the comment that I get most frequently is what will Democrats run on as policy positions in 2018 and 2020. That question is, of course, loaded. Policy is complex and party policy statements are generally carefully crafted to include as many people as possible. 

Since my only input to policy this year will be through my committee participation, I can only talk about what I would like to see the Democratic policy positions include. I will mention twelve areas. They are not a comprehensive list, but offer a start into what I think should be policy positions. They will not be listed in any order of importance, nor will they be expounded upon in depth. They represent my thinking, and hopefully, the thinking of an increasing number of Americans.

  1. TAXATION: Raise the corporate income tax back to 28% {still a significant decrease}, reinstate the inheritance tax to it's previous level, and make the individual tax cuts permanent. 
  2. GUN CONTROL:  Strengthen the background check procedures to include private gun sales and mandatory reporting by identified agencies to the coordinating agency. Ban new sales of AR15 and related type guns and ammunition. Restrict the number of guns that can be purchased over a month's period of time. Raise the age for any gun purchase to 21.
  3. WOMEN'S RIGHTS: The Democratic party must fully embrace the "me too" movement and not accept any donations from individuals who have been credibly accused of molestation or abuse of women or children. The Democratic party must, while recognizing an individual woman's right to be pro-life, support the overall concept of a woman's right to choose. In matters of women's health, equal pay for women, discrimination against women, etc., the Democratic party must, as policy, stand as a champion of women's, and by extension, human rights.
  4. WORKER RIGHTS: The Democratic party must support higher wages for all workers. Anyone who is working full time should be able to meet their basic needs without government subsidy. In order to do that, the wage to work gap must be closed. The Democrats should, at the very least, advocate for a minimum wage indexed to the cost of living for a family of four. The government should work with business to incentivize higher wages and better benefits for their workers.
  5. IMMIGRATION:  We are a nation of immigrants. Almost all of us come with an immigrant background. I would strongly recommend that the Democratic party reaffirm our commitment to immigration and respect for our immigrant communities. We must fully embrace DACA and forcefully condemn any denial of potential immigration based on religion, race, or ethnic background.
  6. RELIGION: The Democratic party should be a strong supporter of the separation of church and state. It should, however, be a strong supporter of all American's to freely worship as they please or to deny religion as they please. The Democratic party must, as policy, recognize the USA as a secular nation, which welcomes and embraces all religionists from all over the world.
  7. FOREIGN AFFAIRS:  Re-establish our alliances throughout the world. Recognize the role of the United States as the leading democracy in the world. Do not allow the chief executive to unilaterally choose not to impose sanctions on a nation after a congressional vote. Prioritize the filling of foreign service positions.
  8. EMERGENCY RESPONSE: In light of the pitiful response of FEMA in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, the resources available to FEMA for response must be increased. Emergency response money should be automatically allocated.
  9. HEALTH CARE:  The Democratic party must, as a matter of policy, work to fully restore and improve the ACA. The national view on this policy has continued to improve. The Democratic party should place great advertising emphasis on this issue.
  10. LGBT-Q RIGHTS:  The war on the LGBT-Q community must stop. The Democratic party must fully embrace equal rights for all Americans and must be vocal in their support of the LGBT-Q community.
  11. VOTER RIGHTS:  While the Republican party has been seeking to limit the number of voters by purging voter rolls and challenging student and other registrations, the Democratic party must embrace universal voting rights for every eligible voter. As policy, the Democratic party should be attempting to register every citizen eligible to vote, and ensure that person's ballot.
  12. EDUCATION:  The Democratic party should reinforce their commitment to public education. The position of the Democratic party is that public schools should be fully funded. The party should forcefully come out against voucher schemes that place public money in private schools. In addition, the Democratic party should be supporting vocational education, free community/two year colleges, and ways of lowering four year college costs.

Alright, there's a lot here. I'm sure that many of you will have great disagreements with my positions and some of you will like what I am saying. Either way, for those of you who want to see some of the things that the Democratic party could run on this year and in the next presidential election, here they are. Have at it!


jrDiscussion - desc
Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
2  Dean Moriarty    7 years ago

I suspect they will run on the same platform as the last fifty years. Theft and redistribution is the backbone of the party. Promising free crap to the lazy in return for their votes is what works best for them. 

Sophomore Silent
2.1  author  DocPhil  replied to  Dean Moriarty @2    7 years ago

and just what is your policy program for America?

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
2.1.1  Dean Moriarty  replied to  DocPhil @2.1    7 years ago

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  DocPhil @2.1    7 years ago

They represent my thinking, and hopefully, the thinking of an increasing number of Americans.

If that's the case, you need to rethink things. Not one of those items on that left wing list is a winner for the Democrats. The American citizens have had it the hard and extreme left and have voted them out in record numbers. All the Democrats have been doing for the past year has been trying to get rid of Trump instead of coming up with some programs that would benefit all Americans, instead of just some select groups

Professor Expert
2.1.3  Krishna  replied to  Greg Jones @2.1.2    7 years ago
Not one of those items on that left wing list is a winner for the Democrats.

And yet, despite what you claim, in the last Presidential Election the Democratic candidate got over 3 million more votes than the Republican candidate.

But their candidate lost because of the distribution in the Electoral College-- and of course therefore Trump won the office.

(Going by those facts alone, it would seem if the Democrats didn't change any of their policies in the next election-- all they would have to do is put more focus on winning the Electoral College states needed for victory).

Professor Expert
2.1.4  Krishna  replied to  Greg Jones @2.1.2    7 years ago
If that's the case, you need to rethink things. Not one of those items on that left wing list is a winner for the Democrats

We've been discussing issues and policies.

But there was something different that hurt the Democratic Party in the last presidential election-- their choice of candidate.  Sad

Professor Quiet
2.2  bbl-1  replied to  Dean Moriarty @2    7 years ago

How dare you speak of the conservatives in that manner.  Shame on you.

Professor Participates
4  Snuffy    7 years ago

That is for the most part a good start of a list.  Some I agree with and some I do not. I expect this seed will see a lot of activity (both good and bad).  I expect some pushback but at least I was able to get in early and try to make an honest conversation out of this.

1)  I agree with this one.  I would like to see more research done on the inheritance tax, mostly around farms and small businesses.  I don't know what the cut off is for tax free,  like the first 10 million tax free.  I dislike the idea of children having to sell a family business because of taxes.
2) I say strengthen the background check by insuring federal and state agencies submit all data on a timely basis. The check is only as good as the data in the system. I don't know how a federal government can force the check on private sales without a change to the constitution,  think that would end up in federal court. And I do not like the idea of banning a class of weapons. That doesn't change the problem, only moves the goalposts. Not sure about raising the age limits but then I don't quite agree with having to be 21 to buy alcohol or tobacco either. If you're an adult at 18 then you should be treated like an adult.
3) Agree 100%.
4) Unsure here. I do think more should be done to incentivize higher wages and better benefits but I don't know how to do this. Sure am glad there are people who are smarter than me.
5) While I'm not a fan of DACA, the reality is they are here now, working now and have little of any knowledge of their "home" country. And I disagree with the "wall",  I think that's just a huge waste of money. But can someone explain why restricting chain migration and the lottery program are such a bad thing? I think chain migration could be restricted to just immediate family.
6) Yes. While we are at it could we force the Religious Right to go off and form their own party? I believe in religion and believe it has done a lot of good but like anything else too much is also a bad thing.
7) Won't step on the toes of the current administration regardless of who they are. The president needs to be able to manage foreign affairs and political parties should not take any part in that in my opinion.
8) I can agree to this all the way. FEMA needs to be better funded and more independent. But also needs to have cleaner rules on when it can engage in a disaster then the current process of it must wait until invited in. Too often politics plays too large a part and as a result the public suffer.
9) This one is going generate a lot of discussion (and trolling).  I don't know a good way to handle this as it's a very expensive piece.
10) Agree 100%. Who am I, or you, or anybody else to tell someone who or how they must love. IMO, provided all parties (yes, I don't limit love/marriage to just two people) are over the age of consent,  are not committing to avoid other legal issues and are not mentally limited they should be able to form any sort of loving relationship that works for them. And that needs to include all legal coverage including medical and inheritance.
11) I do think that voting needs to be better managed. I know people who have moved to other states and after years their parents are still getting the mail-in ballots for them. Local election boards need to be better managed and I personally don't see the problem with requiring photo ID to vote. I think most people, if they know well in advance they need it, can get a photo ID for this purpose. I don't agree with the fight against this.
12) This in my mind is the most important plank of any political party. Without quality education your general population will fall behind the rest of the world and there would be no hope of regaining leadership in the world. Additionally all political idealism must be kept out of education.

Masters Quiet
6  PJ    7 years ago

NATIONAL SECURITY would be my top suggestion.  Especially after today's hearings.  

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
6.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  PJ @6    7 years ago
NATIONAL SECURITY would be my top suggestion.

so the dems will agree with trump and suddenly want to fund our military?

agreeing with trump here and there might pull a few of the 7million obama turned trump supporters back to the fold but I am not sure anyone will buy it/


Masters Quiet
6.1.1  PJ  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @6.1    7 years ago

I'm not sure what to make of your comment.  I'm not going to engage in pointless comparisons.  

I made a suggestion based on the testimony given yesterday.  You can make your own suggestions if you disagree with mine.

Freshman Silent
7  freepress    7 years ago

I agree that Democrats must stand up for the people and I truly believe that since Hillary got the higher popular vote that the majority now understand what is at stake.

If you vote for a Democrat regardless if they are a moderate ora progressive, you will absolutely, definitely, get more than voting for any other party or Republican.

Get it together, present positive positions the majority of people want and stand for positions that benefit the most people and there is no question we will see a blue wave. 

Republicans have given us nothing, they are totally trying to turn back the clock to a time most of these old men remember, back in the 1950's. The world has moved on, Americans have moved on.

Progress is good and there is no reason that we should not demand more progress. Why are we seeing every law that benefited thousands of Americans rolled back so the "old geezers" can relive their past glory days? Removing environmental protections on our parks and on chemicals that harm children. Unbelievable.


The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
8  The Magic 8 Ball    7 years ago

What Can Democrats Run On In 2018 and 2020

I like it.   same ol crap, different day...

higher taxes, gun bans and bring back obamacare?  not a chance... LOL too funny

all I can say about that platform is... do ya promise  :?)

Sophomore Silent
8.1  author  DocPhil  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @8    7 years ago

only if you guys promise to run on a platform of tax cuts for the rich, AR15s in every school, no health care for anyone earning less than 500k, selling out to Russians helping you win elections, more indictments in 14 months than the last four administrations had in 28 years...... I can't wait for the democrats to run against that stellar record.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
8.1.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  DocPhil @8.1    7 years ago

well doc, here is the thing...

the dems are not taking back the house or senate in 2018 and trump will be reelected in 2020

you should remember that for the past 7 or 8 yrs  everything I said would happen? did.

meanwhile, everything you said would happen? did not.

I like my odds :)

Professor Quiet
9  bbl-1    7 years ago

Dems must end permitting the GOP to engineer the conversation.

Example:  A pro choice candidate must simply state that they are pro choice.  If the anti-choice candidate persists, demand they explain how the government enforcement would work.  In doing so 'the abortion debate' will be squarely placed upon the anti-choice candidate to defend.

This same tactic can be used on a myriad of topics.

Junior Silent
9.1  livefreeordie  replied to  bbl-1 @9    7 years ago

As a pro life minister I stopped seeking to stop abortions through laws many years ago.  Just as murder laws don’t prevent murders, neither will abortion laws stop the murder of innnocent unborn children.

abortions will end when mothers love all their children more than their lifestyle choices.

but we can continue to educate Americans that anyone seeking office as a pro abortion candidate is someone who opposes the American right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

furthermore, people like myself will continue to educate voters that Democrats and Establishment Republicans seek to further enslave ALL Americans to the state

Professor Quiet
9.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  livefreeordie @9.1    7 years ago

Bless you.  But not everyone needs, can afford or provide for a child.

Enslave all Americans to the state?  Really?  Citizens United and tax cuts to billionaires.  The world is far larger than you imagine.

And abortions will end when people no longer endure unwanted pregnancies.

And this too.  Many families simply are not interested in having a child that will never be a 'child in the traditional sense.'

And always the 'murder thing.'  Well, consider that when the profits of the weapon makers increase.  Cheapest of shots.

Sophomore Silent
9.1.2  author  DocPhil  replied to  livefreeordie @9.1    7 years ago

I would be much more sympathetic to the position you state if that position didn't end the moment the child exits the womb. Do you support child care at the state's expense so that the  mother (often single) can work? Do you support subsidizing the pay of that mother so she can provide a decent standard of living?  Do you support adoptions by same sex couples or inter-racial couples to lower the back-up of unadoptable children? Is it ok for aJewish couple or a Muslim couple to adopt a child who was born  Christian? All important questions that really test a pro life stance. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
9.1.3  Vic Eldred  replied to  DocPhil @9.1.2    7 years ago

And now a question for you. You presented a dozen policy issues democrats can run on. Well, dems have run on those issues in the past and whenever the election is only about policy, they lose. Democrats have resorted to "identity politics" and as is being done in CA and Chicago, replacing voters with an immigrant group.

My question to you is do you really expect democrats to win on those issues in the heartland, without the block vote?

Sophomore Silent
9.1.4  author  DocPhil  replied to  Vic Eldred @9.1.3    7 years ago

Absolutely...... the key is in the candidate.....whenever the democrats have a candidate who successfully transmits the message to the electorate, they win.....when they run candidates like Hillary Clinton who express the message, but do not relate at all to the electorate, they lose. It isn't the policy that is wrong...... it is the wrong candidate.........this time, the republicans are saddled with Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell.....they are the face of the wrong candidate....... Decent, well versed democrats should be able to wipe the floor with these Neanderthals.  The other key to the next election will be how many women will be sharing the democratic message.......that will get white women listening to what the democrats have to offer, and will change outcomes. We're already seeing that in every special election, whether to fill a statewide or national office.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
9.1.5  Vic Eldred  replied to  DocPhil @9.1.4    7 years ago

I actually think the Republicans you've listed are a tough hand to beat. Do you know why? The people (deplorables & clingers) know how the left feels about them. That was the big mistake. You alienated the majority!
As for white women, you can forget about them. They gave Obama a chance and he ruled from the hard left. Women can think for themselves, they don't vote in a block.

It will be a long, long time before dems win the White House.

Professor Quiet
9.1.6  bbl-1  replied to  Vic Eldred @9.1.3    7 years ago

You're right.  No block vote no victory.  The fetus worshippers care ends with the first breath of life.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
10  Buzz of the Orient    7 years ago

Make sure that the voters are made fully aware of the background of the DNC's second-in-command. His views are probably what the Democrats want for America.

Sophomore Silent
11  luther28    7 years ago

Sadly the DEMs as have the GOP sold their souls to their corporate masters and the special interests long ago. The notion that either party has the best interests of the common folk at heart is almost laughable.

Bread and circuses control the mob and that is what they give us, has not changed in two thousand years and until such time as voters smarten up it will not. Time to begin looking at the long game and abandon the short term gratification.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
11.1  Dean Moriarty  replied to  luther28 @11    7 years ago

They just gave me a huge tax cut. It is rare for government to give take less from the people. It was far more than bread crumbs and I could not be happier about it. So while all the Dems want is to take from me not at all representing me the Republicans did indeed represent me. 

Sophomore Silent
11.1.1  luther28  replied to  Dean Moriarty @11.1    7 years ago

Well Dean, don't be too quick spending those crumbs. When they decide to begin paying down that twenty trillion dollar debt, they'll be taking back the whole loaf from you. Sorry.


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