Just a few old photos - redone
Photography & Art
7 years ago
Just a few old photos - redone
A change of pace - Rest your eyes from text for a minute. There were a few rather mundane photos that I have edited and framed.
1. Original photo
2. Edited and framed
3. Original photo
4. Edited and framed
5. Original photo
6. Edited and framed
jrDiscussion - desc
When I get bored I fool around with my photos.
I like the last one.
I like all of them, especially the old fire hydrant.
The first and third photos were edited to emulate creative modern art, whereas the middle one was edited just to improve it as a regular photo.
Oldies are goodies, Buzz, and, in the age of digital, some of the best works emerges from "fooling around!"
Fooling around used to get one into a lot of trouble. Oh wait, photos...Ok, got it now.
Interesting photos Buzz.
LOL. And I used to fool around a lot, and in fact DID get into a lot of trouble because of it.
The last one reminds me of a tile mosaic, be a good way to make a pattern for one.
You want a tile mosaic? How about this - first the original photo, then two mosaic edits.