Trump promised judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade

(Graphic: H. Elizabeth, Pinterest)
During his initial round of questioning, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), the Judiciary Committee chair, gave Gorsuch ample room to discuss judicial independence. Grassley and Gorsuch touched on “existing Supreme Court precedent,” as well as whether Gorsuch had to make any “promises or commitments” before his nomination. (Gorsuch said he was not asked for any such promises.)
A key reason for this: President Trump, who nominated Gorsuch to the court, had vowed during the campaign to nominate a judge who would help overturn Roe v. Wade , the landmark 1973 abortion-rights decision. During the final presidential debate, Trump was asked if he wanted to see the Supreme Court overturn that decision.
“Well, if we put another two or perhaps three justices on, that’s really what’s going to be — that will happen,” Trump said during that October debate . “And that’ll happen automatically, in my opinion, because I am putting pro-life justices on the court. I will say this: It will go back to the states, and the states will then make a determination.”
“Well, if we put another two or perhaps three justices on, that’s really what’s going to be — that will happen,” Trump said during that October debate . “And that’ll happen automatically, in my opinion, because I am putting pro-life justices on the court.
Probably should have elected Hillary and a democratic senate if that bothers you.
the reality is there is one person on the bench who has voted to overturn roe. While the ongoing hysteria over roe proves what a terrible unsurpation of legislative power it was, the reality is that flipping the Kennedy seat is very unlikely to lead roe being overturned.
But abortion may turn out to be more restricted, especially the period in the pregnancy when it can be performed. If abortion is indicated, it should be done as early in the pregnancy as possible.
Roe will certainly be overturned eventually. If the next right-winger to be appointed doesn't swing the decision, then it will be the one after that.
Ending abortion in America - which is in fact just a stalking horse for "putting women back in their proper subordinate position" - is a keystone conservative goal. America is now a permanently conservative one-party sham democracy, so it will happen.
Then we'll see a return to the days of back alley abortions and women dying or being maimed as a result. I guess that's what conservatives really want.
Of course. Terrify women into submission.
What's really scary, and sad, is there are those who have no problem or issue with that.
It is their objective.
They aren't just "OK" with terrifying women into submission... they are actively pursuing that goal.
Indeed. Quite terrible.
Overturning Roe will NOT end abortion in America. It will merely end 'safe and legal' abortion in America. What I find ironic is that they don't follow the 'logic' of their position to it's ultimate conclusion. If the state can force you to stay pregnant, the state can force you to abort.
Won't even do that. It might, however, make you go to a different State to get one.
Which the poor and young can do without any difficulties.
We are already there now. 27 states have over 90% of there counties with no providers.
For those with a limited understanding of the law, it might seem so.
All of these male politicians who oppose abortion would not hesitate to avail of one if their mistresses came up pregnant.
We do know there is one "Porn Star" that is NOW the spooge face of the Democrat Party".
The only hope so far is Collins of Maine and I believe Murkowski have said that they do not want a judge that would over turn it.
I am pinning hope on two women in the party to vet who trump appoints.
How desperately sad is that?
Considering the fact that most of the world's problems can be directly traced to a unsustainable 7.6 billion (and rising) global population, one would think the smart money would go towards mandatory sex ed. and all forms of birth control.
off topic: What happened to CH4P,( a.k.a. Heartland America) I just noticed he is absent from the boards.
He's around, just saw one of his typical seeds
I think Trump will go down in history as the most hated president for trying to KEEP his campaign promises! It seems the liberals are jealous they could never do the same with any of their candidates. LMAO!
And Bill Clinton promised to use abortion as a litmus test for a nominee back when he was a candidate. I really fail to see the surprise that Trump promised pro life judges.
"I will appoint judges to the Supreme Court who believe in the constitutional right to privacy, including the right to choose", Clinton said in an interview on April 5, 1992.
Interestingly from the same article:
"It was very inappropriate for Bill Clinton to indicate on the record during the campaign that he would impose a litmus test on the abortion issue, because that will polarize opinion in the Senate," said Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
That was 26 years ago. Got anything more up to date ?
Still valid.
Right wing conservatism needs to spread its wings in the furtherance of freedoms.
It is time to prosecute and incarcerate any women who dares to tell any man to, "Take his seed and shove it."
Uh, there is a shade of sarcasm in this. But 'Candidate Trump' did say their should be 'some form of punishment,' for the woman having a pregnancy termination. When pressed however, 'Candidate Trump' would not specify what that punishment would be.