
Bernie Sanders supporter protesting right-wing rally with American flag beaten up by Antifa, video shows


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  96ws6  •  6 years ago  •  21 comments

Bernie Sanders supporter protesting right-wing rally with American flag beaten up by Antifa, video shows

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

A registered Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter protesting a right-wing rally in Oregon earlier this month says he was viciously beaten by militant members of his own movement because he possessed a "fascist symbol" -- an American flag.
Paul Welch told The Oregonian/Oregon Live he took the flag with him when he went to Portland Aug. 4 to oppose a right-wing rally being held at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park. Though the American flag is more commonly associated with the conservative movement, Welch, an Oregon man who voted for Sanders during the 2016 Democratic presidential primary, said he wanted to "take it back."

He said two people dressed in black and covering their faces approached him and demanded he give them the “fascist symbol” he was carrying. When he refused, the Antifa duo tried to rip the flag from his hands.
Another masked counter-protester then approached Welch and began striking him from behind with an unidentified weapon concealed in black

Welch, 38, was struck on the back of the head and collapsed to the ground.
“My bones turned to Jell-O and I just went down,” Welch recalled. “I remember thinking there was a very good chance that I could be beaten to death.”

Video of the incident, which has been viewed thousands of times, shows the person with the weapon walking away. But another counter-protester, holding a shield, moves in, stands above Welch and then jabs him with a makeshift weapon.
A group of volunteer street medics rushed to Welch's aid and took him to an urgent care clinic in the city. Doctors needed four staples to close a 3-inch gash on the back of Welch’s head and he spent at least two days recovering from a concussion.
Welch filed a police report and Sgt. Chris Burley, a Portland police spokesman, confirmed to The Oregonian/Oregon Live that authorities are investigating the incident.
Welch said he felt conflicted and disappointed because he had gone to the rally to show “a liberal, free Portland – or any major city, really – is much more American and much more numerous and strong than any of these interloping groups.”
“It strikes me as the worst sort of political theater,” Welch said of what happened to him. “It’s kind of like you’re playing into your opponent’s hand when you do that sort of thing. That’s not what I was there for.”
Effie Baum, a spokesperson with Popular Mobilization, a group that helped organize the counter-protest at City Hall, declined to comment.
At least three people were hospitalized after clashes between right-wing demonstrators and Antifa protesters. Anger after the fact was largely directed at Portland police, who used “less-lethal” riot-control weapons.

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jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Quiet
1  seeder  96WS6    6 years ago

Looks like ANTIFA considers anyone holding an American flag to be a "Nazi" .   What was that Bernie supporter thinking proudly waving that "sign of fascism"?/s

Junior Quiet
1.2  Spikegary  replied to  96WS6 @1    6 years ago

These people are out of control.  I really don't understand how the police can be stood done from protecting the citizenry.  Isn't that really the sole reason for their existance (and their budget)?  To serve and protect?  Seems they did neither.  Where are the ACLU and other Civil Rights Lawyers?  I guess you only get to have those rights if you sing along with their chosen ones......

Professor Quiet
1.3  Jack_TX  replied to  96WS6 @1    6 years ago
Looks like ANTIFA considers anyone holding an American flag to be a "Nazi" .

They apparently seek to be the new Brownshirts when/if their regime comes to power.

Junior Quiet
1.3.1  seeder  96WS6  replied to  Jack_TX @1.3    6 years ago

That's what it looks like.

Junior Participates
2  KDMichigan    6 years ago
American flag is more commonly associated with the conservative movement,

When the left considers the American flag as something they are opposed to that tells you all you want to know about the left.

It is a shame that numerous people who comment on here openly support these thugs daily while calling everyone else nazi's

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
2.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  KDMichigan @2    6 years ago
that tells you all you want to know about the left.

If antifa represents "the left" then the Nazi march represents "the right". As I've said too many times to count, I do not support antifa, I have never condoned their violence or vandalism when they resort to it. I believe they are far more likely anarchists and opportunists, not any sort of actual liberals, progressives or Democrats. I also vehemently reject their support and ask every one of them that has been violent or caused property damage to get out of any major political party, by their actions they prove they wish for anarchy, not peace. Now let's see some on the right vehemently reject the support they get from white supremacists, Nazi's and KKK members who number far larger than any "antifa" groups. 

Junior Participates
2.1.1  KDMichigan  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.1    6 years ago
right vehemently reject the support they get from white supremacists, Nazi's and KKK

I have never seen anyone support these groups.

members who number far larger than any "antifa" groups.

Yeah right. I think you are totally delusional there.

But hey seeing as the left calls everyone that disagrees with them a NAZI, that would make you right.

I don't think in any Alt-left/Alt-right rally the left far out numbers the latter.

I remember way back in the early 80's the KKK was holding a rally at our courthouse. I was young and was shocked that they would offer them a venue to preach there hate. Anyhow I drove by there and the rally consisted of three white guys and only one was in KKK robes standing there with signs looking like dumbasses.

Junior Quiet
2.1.2  seeder  96WS6  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.1    6 years ago

It's nice to see a few on the left are still rejecting violence, it is a shame you are in the minority.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
2.1.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  96WS6 @2.1.2    6 years ago
it is a shame you are in the minority.

I'm not in the minority, the vast majority reject such violence and vandalism. Of the 40,000 peaceful protesters that have shown up as counter-protests to the white supremacist marches, there were just 33 people arrested for vandalism or violence out of a few hundred masked antifa members. While all of us are against fascism, antifa is a tiny fraction of the supposed "left" and they do not represent the mainstream liberal/progressive movement in any way. And every time I've heard of any violence connected to them it has always been immediately condemned by the media both on the left and the right. The only ones proclaiming that it represents the left are those on the right trying to further divide our nation. They hate liberals so much they'll malign and vilify them whether the facts fit or not. Truth is not one of their strong suits as their liar in-Chief shows the world daily.

Professor Principal
2.1.5  JBB  replied to    6 years ago
let's see some on the right vehemently reject the support they get from white supremacists, Nazi's and KKK members

Asking the damn gop to renounce their Neo-Nazis KKK White Supremacist Q wing is hardly a generalization.

Professor Guide
2.1.6  Tacos!  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.1    6 years ago
I believe they are far more likely anarchists and opportunists, not any sort of actual liberals

I think that's true.

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
2.1.7  Colour Me Free  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.1    6 years ago
Now let's see some on the right vehemently reject the support they get from white supremacists, Nazi's and KKK members who number far larger than any "antifa" groups. 

I applaud your denouncing of the violence and possible anarchism that can go along with it .. some supremacists are counting on the opposition to become  violent (be provoked into violence.. however it happens) it helps them send their message of hate to the masses.. I am against violence and there is plenty of blame to go around on both sides - I do not see that there is a moral high ground to be had..

That being said what does "vehemently reject the support they get from …." actually mean (are you speaking of the President saying do not vote for me?) .. you denounce the violence and do not support Antifa .. but in some way conservatives are 'supported' by supremacists and they need to denounce that?  I vehemently denounce the violence and supremacists .. but how do I denounce the support of something that is not a part of my life?   I am thinking I am sincerely misunderstanding your comment... 

Antifa remains unorganized for a reason, and that is in part so no one knows their numbers … supremacy is rather easy to track .. roughly 5 to 8 thousand KKK members .. 10 to 20 thousand Aryan Nation members .. - most of which are in prison and members of a prison gang .. the largest neo Nazi group in the US has around 400 members in 32 states.  Supremacists organize and identify together, newsletters with a subscriber list kind of thing..

Freshman Silent
2.1.8  volfan  replied to  JBB @2.1.5    6 years ago
Asking the damn gop to renounce their Neo-Nazis KKK White Supremacist Q wing is hardly a generalization.

And there is another generalization...congrats!

Professor Guide
2.2  Tacos!  replied to  KDMichigan @2    6 years ago
When the left considers the American flag as something they are opposed to that tells you all you want to know about the left.

I think it's a symptom of the partisanship leading to tribalism that continues to tighten its grip on the country. The Left is so devoted to demonizing the Right that they can't be seen to agree with them on anything, including love of country. To be fair, the Right does this quite a bit, too. So, patriotism is characterized as a sign of a hateful mind.

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
2.2.1  Colour Me Free  replied to  Tacos! @2.2    6 years ago
So, patriotism is characterized as a sign of a hateful mind.

Patriot / Patriotism are words becoming over used .. individuals use them to mock others - especially when mocking those that support the current President ...

I do not think one should question the patriotism of another on an anonymous board no matter which side one belongs to..

Freshman Silent
3  Silent_Hysteria    6 years ago

Look at all the left wing protesters coming to his rescue though!

Junior Quiet
3.1  seeder  96WS6  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @3    6 years ago


Junior Quiet
4  Spikegary    6 years ago

This is far more entertaining to watch......

You can act like a badass or oyu can actually be a Badass.


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