
The Worst Administration in History: The War For The Soul of Our Country


Category:  News & Politics

By:  docphil  •  7 years ago  •  39 comments

The Worst Administration in History: The War For The Soul of Our Country

It’s time that the gloves come off. Those of us on the left have allowed the alt-right and special interest groups such as neo-nazis, ardent racists, single issue voters {e.g. the NRA, the anti-abortion organizations, the anti-public education groups, anti-environmentalists, etc.}. Regulations that were put in place to effectuate a greater positive effect on the population on the whole have been gutted to benefit only those who are in a position to profit from the gutting of that regulation.
We have always looked at the individual excesses of the Trump regime and have activated debate on singular issues. While this is appropriate, the cumulative effect of these individual arguments are somewhat watered down. It is time to look at the gestalt of the Trump administration, and present the argument that the argument of incompetence, unlawfulness, or anti-Americanism must be viewed as a whole to fully understand the ramifications of this administration.
CHAOS: While the term chaos is a general term that means little in law, it does give the reader a sense of the level of competence in the White House. In this case, chaos means that many {or most} White House staff, at all levels, are unsure what the day’s activities are going to be. There appears to be multiple interpretations of an issue. Presidential surrogates go out with one or more interpretations of the issue, share those interpretations on talk shows or with the news, and then within a few hours have the President himself fully reinterpret the issue in another venue. It would seem that the president is always right. If this is so, his surrogates or spokespersons are viewed as incompetent, if this is not so, the president is certainly incompetent. Now we have books, memos, and opinion pieces which fully substantiate the chaos theory of the office of the president.
PRESIDENTIAL UNTRUTHS: Prevarication is, unfortunately, an essential evil within the political process. Generally, those lies have national interest and safety implications. We can all live with them. We generally find that presidents prevaricate approximately 250 to 400 times a year. That number of untruths becomes an average of 1000 to 1600 times in a four year term or 2000 to 3200 times in an eight year term. There are many of us, on both the conservative and liberal side who think that this is too many times to have the American people to be lied to. In the case of President Trump, the office of the Presidency has been occupied for approximately 580 days out of a first term of 1460 days or 39.7% of his first term. That would mean that the public might reasonably expect a range of something in the range of 95 to 159 of Presidential lies. Even given the benefit of the doubt to the president, perhaps a range of 120 to 200 lies could be expected. The realization is that there have been over 5210 documented prevarications that have been shared with the American people. This is almost 9 lies a day. The line between truth and fiction has been irrevocably blurred. We have already seen more lies than the average president commits in 8 years when the president hits the upper limit of prevarication. Presidents are elected {hired} to tell his board {the people} the truth. In this area he is failing miserably.
IMMIGRATION AND CHILD SEPARATION: The president may have had a reasonable argument when he came out against illegal immigration to America {Many of us on the left, disagreed, but understood this as a policy issue}. Americans basically saw the “wall” as a fictional construct that was possibly necessary in certain locations, but an absurdity in others. What this President didn’t rely upon was {1} getting a push back from citizenry for threatening to shut down the government unless money for building the wall was included, {2} the abhorrence of the citizens of America when individuals who were seeking legitimate asylum were returned to their native country without due process, {3} the total revolt of the American people when the issue of separation of children from their parents came to light, with this administration defying federal law. The immigration issue has turned from a net positive for this administration to a net negative.
THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION: This is the most intriguing issue that faces the President at this time. There should probably be a special place in prevarication heaven for the number of lies that this administration has told concerning this investigation. Just a few facts {not fake news}, Robert Mueller, and Ron Rosenstein are both republicans, thus negating the claim that this is a democrat led coup attempt. These are all Trump appointments who are following through with their stated mission.....Have the elections of 2016 been compromised by a foreign entity and if so, how did that happen? The Trump administration has done all they could do obstruct this investigation as the evidence gets closer and closer to him. At this point, the President appears to be willing to do whatever he can to eliminate the special counsel and fire both Mueller and Rosenstein could be in the cards. With the numbers of indictments, guilty pleas, and trials, the American people are recognizing that this is a something burger, and it must be allowed to finish it’s work
FOREIGN POLICY: On the simplest level, over 70% of the nation believes that the nation is on the wrong path in regard to foreign policy. He is eroding the relationships that we have with our traditional allies and building alliances and friendships with our traditional enemies. He is beginning to erode the economy due a poorly established and not well thought out tariff policy.
Five areas.....building the worst administration in history. I can go on for page after page, but the reader will get bored. Here are just some more bullets that divide this nation.
PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS: redistribution of monies intended for public education
HEALTH-CARE: Repeal and replace with nothing
This is clearly the worst administration in the history of the United States. Not only has the President acted in ways that are clearly un-American, but there is increasing evidence that the Chief Executive has been demonstrating a set of maladaptive behaviors that psychiatrists and psychologists are increasingly ignoring the “Goldwater Rule” and identifying this man as a malignant narcissist. This is dangerous to all of us and, to be honest, the entitre world. We cannot stand quietly and allow the bullying to continue so that our conservative bretheren get their SCOTUS that will set us back 75 years. It is time for the middle and the left to stand up and shout. We have to keep shouting until even those who are deaf and blind, hear and see the obscenity that is the Trump Administration.


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Silent
1  author  DocPhil    7 years ago

I am not even talking about Justice Kavanaugh whose answers during the judiciary committee meetings have demonstrated an amazing amount of deception through obfuscation and deception. He has been unable to explain his previous lies with any degree of competence and is showing himself to be nothing more than a toady to maintaining this seriously flawed and possibly criminal president in office.

Professor Principal
2  JohnRussell    7 years ago

Good article. 

Trump's failings are mainly in two areas ( I don't think a case can be made for removing him "forcefully" from the office based on policy differences) , his abysmal "character" and his criminal or otherwise egregiously unethical behavior in the overall umbrella of "Russia" related activities pertaining to the election campaign and after. 

Plainly, Trump is the most unethical president we have ever seen. I am not as familiar with the pre-1900 presidents as I am with the rest, but I am fairly sure Trump is more corrupt than any of them also. One interesting piece of evidence in this direction is the allegation in the Woodward book that suggests he lied to his own attorneys in a "practice" session for a possible interview with Mueller.  There is also the famous instance where , in a legal deposition, Trump was forced to admit that he had regularly lied about his business activities and other matters. I think the lawyer for the person Trump was suing, the writer Tim O'Brien, caught Trump in 30 lies that were exposed in that deposition. 

I am fairly confident that Mueller is going to recommend impeachment for Trump, based on obstruction of justice, at the least. Many people also believe there was collusion in plain sight. The Russians offered dirt on Hillary and that dirt appeared at very favorable times for trump. For example, when the Access Hollywood tape appeared and implicated trump as a sexist pig if not a predator, within hours of that tape coming out Wikileaks released stolen email from Clinton associate John Podesta. The timing of that is very suspicious. 

But let's face it, there is an avalanche of information that incriminates Trump as unfit for office. It would take the rest of the month to go through it all. 

Freshman Silent
5  freepress    7 years ago

If you look at Trump's rambling incoherent speeches, just like the one he did yesterday, slurring and unable to pronounce the word "anonymous", any fool can see the man is not well, he is unfit for office.

If someone did that at a family gathering everyone would gather round and ask if the man was having a stroke. Yet not one of his brainwashed followers at that rally expressed one ounce of concern.

Trump could have collapsed from a stroke and his followers would believe he is Jesus able to rise from the dead.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.3  It Is ME  replied to  freepress @5    7 years ago
any fool can see the man is not well

Wow !

Subliminal messaging got to ya didn't it.

Professor Quiet
5.4  Ozzwald  replied to  freepress @5    7 years ago

Trump could have collapsed from a stroke and his followers would believe he is Jesus able to rise from the dead.

Seriously?  If Trump ever did suffer a massive stroke, I doubt anyone would notice the difference.  Covefefe anyone???

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6  It Is ME    7 years ago

"The Worst Administration in History"

Well Gosh....how the fuck are we doing so well with this so-called "Worst Administration" EVER, yet we weren't doing so well under the supposed "Best Administration" EVER ?

I'm Flummoxed now !

Professor Principal
6.1  JohnRussell  replied to  It Is ME @6    7 years ago

Your comments are sort of like cones. Did you know that? 

Professor Principal
7  JohnRussell    7 years ago

Normal American citizen reacts to President Trump statement at Trump rally Wednesday night


Professor Quiet
7.1  Ozzwald  replied to  JohnRussell @7    7 years ago
Normal American citizen reacts to President Trump statement at Trump rally Wednesday night

Which is exactly why he was escorted out just a few minutes later.

Professor Quiet
8  Jack_TX    7 years ago
It is time to look at the gestalt of the Trump administration, and present the argument that the argument of incompetence, unlawfulness, or anti-Americanism must be viewed as a whole to fully understand the ramifications of this administration. 

So, in other words, you hate Donald Trump and you're trying to justify your emotions.

Professor Principal
8.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Jack_TX @8    7 years ago

I don't hate Donald trump, although I don't think it would be difficult to justify. 

It is constantly amusing in a perverse sense to watch right wingers try to justify the trump presidency. It can't be done, but they are committed to it. 

Professor Quiet
8.1.1  Jack_TX  replied to  JohnRussell @8.1    7 years ago
I don't hate Donald trump, 

There is a sizable body of evidence to the contrary.

Sophomore Silent
8.2  author  DocPhil  replied to  Jack_TX @8    7 years ago

Actually, I consider myself a patriot, who wants to see our great nation remain great. There has never been a perfect presidency, nor has there ever been a president with whom I have fully agreed with. What I have never seen is a president whose criminality, seriously aberrant behavior, and extreme prevarication, paired with his vindictiveness toward anyone who opposes him has his hand on the nuclear button. It is truly frightening.

Professor Quiet
8.2.1  Jack_TX  replied to  DocPhil @8.2    7 years ago
Actually, I consider myself a patriot, who wants to see our great nation remain great.

I'm sure you do.  I do believe you have yourself tied up into an emotional knot, borrowing worry over things that don't matter.

It is truly frightening.


How is your life different because of anything he's done? 


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