Vote Every Damn Republican Out Of Office! Ship them, "postage due", to Russia!
Category: News & Politics
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it • 7 years ago • 25 comments
The content you are about to read is "Confidential"!
That is to say, keep it on the "down low", the "up highs", are, too, "high" to comprehend its full import. - Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo, "Doctored"!
If you don't think I am "doctored", look in my medicine cabinet. I take 17 kinds of medicines. If I ain't "Doctored", who the HELL is?
Not everyone who tells you something is telling the truth, even if they believe it is "the truth", it may not be. Take, for instance, Trump, he never tells the truth. Do you? And if so, why, when lying is so natural.- DJT
Do you know who this is? If you do, you have an I.Q. below 50. Congratulations, you qualified for a Red MAGA HAT, and a free dental visit.
Some folks, high on Medical Hate, accuse me of being impartial. I am not. I have all my parts. Can Donald say that?
I do not Hate the Evangelical installed POS in the WH, I just wish he would throw himself off Trump Towers without a parachute. Perhaps, holding Stormy Daniels' panties over his head. He would make a "big splash" on 5th Avenue!
I don't hate anyone, not even, Rush Limbaugh, the fat, quacking diseased mind of the Far Out Conservative Right. He needs medication, that's all. Not a platform to broadcast his HATE. People might think that he is for real and not just doing it for the money, Honey!
Is this content enough for you Badfish? I was going to add the content later, 'cause I was drunk when I posted it by mistake, and, ended up in a coma for seven months. I swear to the "blond-haired, blue-eyed, white Jesus that I am telling the "whole tooth, nothin' but, the tooth, so, help me, Stormy Daniels. (You know she is now God since she slept with "the Donald", don't you?
Well, write to me and tell me what you liked and didn't like. I enjoy reading your comments because I don't have much of a life, anywho!
Boo-Hoo, you'll!
Dropped my ballot off earlier in the week....Republicans across the board.
Just say NO to corrupt left wing progressive creeping socialism .
I early voted here in Florida a week ago. Lots of red ink on my ballot.
Did U change your clothes in the parking lot?
Color me so not surprised. Bahhhhhh bahhhhhhhhhhh.
There is no such thing. It is a MYTH perpetuated by the LUNKHEADS of FOX SCREW U NEWS!
Seems, the only ones having a bad time are the "Lefties". I'm doing much better now.
Someone should ask "Vote Democrat" Oprah Winfrey how much she gained from the Trump Tax cuts. I suppose she just want's to pay "EVERYONE" in the studio.... by herself ?
Exactly...after all, libs say that the tax cuts were only meant for the rich, and Oprah is well within the top 1 percent. She should be thanking Trump instead of campaigning with those that will vote against her interests.
Unlike, so many UBER RICH Corporate Hogs, Oprah doesn't need a TAX CUT!
So, you are saying that the Trump tax cuts are designed to be bribes, designed to keep wealthy people on the Republican side? That seems to be what you are implying.
Yes, as you may recall, at a REPUBLICAN donors meeting, elected officials were told, "If you don't pass the TAX CUT, there will be no donation for you"!
It was not a BLUE TSUNAMI, but definitely a BLUE WAVE.
Yeah baby...get that "free stuff".
You shouldn't make fun of soy farmers. They are doing the best they can with the loss of their largest customer, China.
Trump's STUPID policy created the MESS for FARMERS, then, he expects all Americans to pay for his idiotic. shoot from the lip debauchery.
The FREE STUFF went to the top 1%.
It was NOT "their money". It was their owed taxes. Waved by a CROOKED, PATHOLOGICAL LIAR and a Career Crook!