Hillary Clinton gets brutally mocked for reading printouts of her own emails at art exhibit

Many on social media had some fun at the expense of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after pictures emerged from her visit to an art exhibit in Venice, Italy, inspired by her tenure in office.
The exhibit at the Despar Teatro Italia, titled “HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton Emails," displays a replica of the Oval Office's Resolute Desk and over 60,000 pages of Clinton's emails.
According to Kenneth Goldsmith, the artist behind the exhibit, Clinton "spent an hour" reading her own emails and shared pictures of her visit.
Clinton reportedly told local media that the exhibit "is further proof that nothing wrong or controversial can be found on these emails."
The failed 2016 presidential candidate was widely mocked on Twitter.
"Hillary should fire all of her advisors and anyone else who said this was a good idea," syndicated columnist Jonah Goldberg reacted.
Some particularly had fun with the photo she took behind the Resolute Desk and compared it to cartoons and films.
Others, however, also invoked the "30,000" emails that Clinton had erased amid her email controversy.
Trump Derangement Syndrome posts will be removed. Trump is not the subject.
Poor Hillary, forever a victim. I'm sure she took great pride pretending while she sat behind the fake resolute desk but we all know Monica spent more time behind the real one.
She starting to look like the old bag lady. Hillary, give it a rest, you got away with so much shit in your life, time to pack it in.
More photoshopping...
Here's a pic of her in the same dress in July:
Doesn't look much like your article photo does it KDM ?
Bahahahaha yeah I superimposed a whole dress over Hillarious Hillary's fat ass.
What's Hillaryious is Pat finds my seed photo offensive and it's not photoshopped, I'm LMAO over here.
I'm sure some would believe that....or fantasize anyway.
Side views are always more appealing.
But she does look better than the Chairman Mao outfits.
Is that supposed to be a good picture of her? Where was that, outside the senior center?
You know trump is older than Hillary, right vic?
And you know that people age differently, right frosty?
He's a tireless human dynamo, who thrives on adversity & fast food!
Your'e repeating yourself.
Here is the opposite of Trump:
Take your TDS to another seed plz.
Yup JR you can go and look at the display and there is nothing there. The classified Emails have been removed.
Exactly Art just like her book that was fiction.
I find it Hllaryious that the she lives in a fantasy land [Deleted]
She tweeted the photo of her looking at the emails herself.
Hardly sounds like she is embarrassed about it.
What is exactly the point of this seed anyway?
That's because she is that clueless JR. "is further proof that nothing wrong or controversial can be found on these emails."
She lives in a fantasy land, years of her sycophants lapping at her feet she actually believes the bullshit she spews to them.
Hillary Clinton hasnt been a major news story for almost three years.
The right obsesses about her to avoid the reality about their president*.
I didn't write the articles JR, I seeded it.
Yet, for every seed about Clinton here you are.
Yup her and her three chins...
Trump certainly seems to think so.
How else would you get accurate information?
By not watching Anderson "Fake News" Cooper JR.
Sure you keep everyone honest.
Aw, poor Hillary, I feel her pain.
Don't have to mock her just have to post what she does.
Except for the ones you deleted
This doesnt seem like much of a story. She played along with an art exhibit and showed good humor.
Some members here will do anything to avoid facing the reality about Trump. Including post seeds about Michelle Obama's "bulge" and H.C. sitting on the toilet. You know, high brow stuff.
How about a dog with two assholes JR? Now that's a story.
removed for context
Only "Criminals" would be dumb enough to Re-enact their own "Scene", hoping for a different outcome !
This is right up there with Simpson's "If I did it."
Beavis and Butthead !
I make memes and funny photos occasionally
but I dont do it about people who havent been in the news for three years.
A quick google news search shows in the last forty eight hours Hillary has been in the news in The Washington Post, The New York Post, The Hill, People, W Magazine, The Washington Examiner, Town Hall, Media Matters, Huffpo, AlterNet and The Washington Times.
Why does she want attention paid to her for stuff like this? You'd think she would want to move on to something else.
To spend a hour sitting behind the desk reading her E-mails. I'm sure some of them for the 1st time.
She just doesn't have a clue and refuses to be held accountable for her own actions. She got away with too much for too long.
And what's Hillaryious is her camp contacted the artist and said she wanted to come see it. Just more of Hillaryious Hillary living in a bizarro world where she thinks that she actually won the election like her clueless base.